Do interviews usually take place in a formal or casual setting in Sweden? Do you have any pointers for job interviews that take place over a lunch or dinner?
Interviews usually take place in a formal setting in a conference room or an equivalent place where often interviewers have their offices right next to, but most of the times the famous Swedish fika is served (self-service) right before the interview, that's a way to give you an expressen that they care for you and it also makes circumstances little bit casual.
Over lunch or dinner is for elites like people in showbiz, sports etc. but this never happen in government sector or serious companies which follow the guidelines carefully because it contradicts the public employment act.
From application all the way to the job interview, what is essential to make an candidate stand out?
Qualifications, experiences etc. Buttering up in any other ways doesn't work in Sweden rather it makes things inconvenient for them to handle you.
Culturally speaking, are there specific dos and donts? What is the general take on bringing a parent on the job interview or a gift to the interviewer?
If you are physically disabled you need your caregiver around you other than that you only make a dependent impression by bringing a parent (and to be honest this is so weird that I have never heard this anywhere in the world.)
No gifts. Borderline between bribes and gifts is chocolate/fruit and everything else other than that possibly could be count as bribes. There are so many allergies in Sweden so one should never give someone you don't know any eatable, that's already a poor a way to start with Swedes.    Â
Can you tell us a little about your experience? What worked and what did not work for you?
Be confident but not cocky. Interview start with first handshake tills you leave the place, every moment and manners during the time counts, they call it personal chemistry. Sweden is a gender equivalent country but still ladies first. Never interrupt when they take pause while talking. Be short and sweet but extensive at the same time. Smile slightly while you are talking but also give a serious impression. Be you and not a wannabe Swede because diversity is a key word in every sector but the same time you have to show them that you can easily fit in and be a team player. Avoid strong smelling perfume/aftershave etc. due to allergies. Â
How important is it to have a solid professional network prior to a job interview?
Not that important. It depends on the career field but verified employer's certificates from all the employers are good to have.