

Character waiver/visa guidance for partner

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This is my first time posting here but really needed some guidance.
Me and my partner have been together for 3+ years in a de facto relationship (not legally married). Im a resident but my partner was on work visa. He had a drink drive conviction is 2017 with no imprisionment and tiny fine and so his work visa application in 2018 was declined cuz he couldnt obtain the character waiver. We then applied for partnership work visa and provided more evidence including doctors letter that he doesnt drink anymore with his liver scans, proof of community services, fines he paid, letters from employer, colleagues etc confirming he doesnt drink. We also provided our relationship evidences (photos, tenancy agreement, chats, financial dependency etc) we couldnt provide too mch of public photos cuz we are introverts in nature and joined each others company mostly. Cutting short, this application was declined too and he went back to india (way before he could receive deportation letter, basically he left straight awY). Now my question is how can i call him back? How can we obtain the character waiver? Please help Thanks in advance

See also

Work visas in New ZealandThe Working Holiday Visa in New Zealandfresh Graduate travel from Bahrain to NZWork Visa - Talent Accredited EmployerNew zealand - Skilled Migrant EOI

Visa confirmation and grant is not in anyone's hands other than the immigration NZ. With more than sufficient evidence that you had provided to INZ, the visa should have been granted, however, its the consent of INZ again to approve (Or not). I would suggest that your best bet would be to contact INZ via hiring an immigration lawyer who surely would be able to assist you in obtaining his visa. By the way, out of the context, why would he not apply for an independent visa. If he's a skilled person, he may apply a skilled work visa which may be available on different categories.


He did but then due to the conviction they didnt give him the character waiver. Otherwise all his employment documents were exceptional.


Crazibee wrote:

He did but then due to the conviction they didnt give him the character waiver. Otherwise all his employment documents were exceptional.

So technically, you have very fewer options left to opt for.  Register an appeal to the ministry of immigration and/or consult a lawyer. Since you're from Pakistan and he's from India, that may create another hurdle as well.

Best'o 'luck!


Ya man, on one hand they say theyre not racist on other hand they question our relation based on our nationality. Its crazy! Idk what to do! I guess i’ll go to all different lawyers to see what are the possible options. Fingers crossed

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