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Hey guys, I just want to shun all your worries and have trust  in the process. Yes, part of the process and I think the entirety of it is “waiting and being patient.” But, hey I think my story will shed light and hope to people who are applying for Residence Permit Visa this year (2019) ❤️

I decided to undergo in this process because I am currently dating (now a fiancé) to a Swede. We are both 23, quite very young but we made it and so can you!

We have visited each other 5 times in a span of 2 years. Most of our stays are quite lengthy and we’ve traveled to a lot of places. You may wonder why I’m mentioning this but my point is, try saving all photos, hotel bookings and all possible legit documents you can have for this permit. And, as much as you can try to visit each other more than one or 2 times. 

Here’s the time lapse of our RP process.

3rd of March- we applied online through Migrationsverket website

2nd week of April - we received an email to provide additional documents

1st week of May- we received an email to book an interview in BKK

(June to August I traveled to Sweden so we booked an interview in September)

9th of September - did my interview

13th of September - received an email to send additional info

16th of September - received an email that a decision has been made

17th of September (morning) -sent a message to the embassy of Bangkok about the decision

17th of September (noon)- received an email that our Permit is approved and we need to wait for a month to get it in BKK (huraaay!)

If I did not go to Sweden around June, the entire process would have taken 5 months only. So have faith!

So long as both you and your partner have these, everything will be sureball:

1. Credible relationship which can be shown through: (pictures, visitations, airplane tickets, bookings, etc)

2. Apartment in Sweden and good income (for your Swede partner)

3. Complete documents

4. Patience

If you really want to know what documents we compiled, here are some:

Note: Do take note that I am a single Filipina, it may vary if you’re from another country and your marital status. Always check Migrationsverket because it is much better, this is just our experience of the process and the documents we were asked.

During application:

1. CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage/ online application)- Since I am single
2. Scanned passport (front page and used pages w/ stamps if there are)
3. Online Payment (around 6 to 8k)

Note: I forgot the documents for the Swede partner to submit during the online application but it's somehow equivalent to what I've passed

Days after the submission of the application:

For your Swede partner let them prepare these because the Migration Authority want these for additional documents after you send in your application.
(Note: I think it is case to case basis but it is good to be prepared. Also, some letters are accented and my computer doesn't support is but just tell them these they probably know it :D)

1. Personbrevis
2. Folkbokforing
3. Hyresavi
4. Kopebevis
5. Lonespec
6. Resekostnader
7. Oversikt lan

During the Interview:

MUST DO: Try to know the following
1. Birthdays and ages of you and your partner's mother, father and siblings
2. Also, in addition to #1, know where they live in Sweden and their jobs.
3. Memorize all the dates of your trips and places where you went
4. They'll ask you about the questions you've already answered on the application so might as well read it.
5. Obviously, know your partners name :D birthday, address and work.

After the Interview:

Also, try preparing a softcopy of the documents below because they might send an email to you to send these additional info days after your interview. You can also bring a hardcopy of all these during the interview in BKK so that they may not ask you for additional info days after the interview:

1. PDF of your pictures
2. PDF of your passport (front and used pages)
3. PDF of all your hotel bookings
4. PDF of your chat logs and call logs
5. PDF of all your airline tickets.

That’s it! Voila!

❤️ If you have any questions please don’t be scared to drop me a message on my instagram: ***. I am also Bisaya so okay ra gyud magbinisaya, tinabangay lang ta ❤️❤️❤️

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See also

The Working Holiday Visa for SwedenPermanent residency and citizenship in SwedenGeneral visa requirements for SwedenResidence Permit Update (after interview)Can I apply for a sambo residence permit while in Sweden?

Excellent, very well written, your post will probably going to be very helpful for many other members. Very welldone!
And please allow me to clarify little bit further more about following in English.

1. Personbrevis
2. Folkbokforing
3. Hyresavi
4. Kopebevis
5. Lonespec
6. Resekostnader
7. Oversikt lan

1.Personbevis means population registration certificate and there are several types of them for different purposes.

2.Folkbokföring is one of them.

3.Hyresavi means simply rent aka tenancy note.

4.Köpebevis means bill of sale of a property which be needed to apply for the title-deed. This will be needed only if Swedish partner owns his/her accommodation otherwise "hyreskontrakt" is the one which means tenancy agreement.

5.Lönespecifikation means payslip

6.Resekostnader means travelling expenses

7. I'm not sure what exactly this meant to be if it is "Översiktplan" that means sketch plan.


Hi good evening, i am cyrene from Philippines me and my French boyfriend is also both 23 years old, he visited me already here in Philippines we spend time together for 23days, that was july 2019, and he is planning to come back here in Philippines in this coming december we are planning to get married in France instead here in Philippines do you think its a good idea to get married in france than here in Philippines, i will be applying for fiancée visa after his 2nd visit here in Philippines so maybe by nextyear we can apply my visa and i can come with him fly back to his country, can i asked any advised what is the best way we can do about this situation just to be together ? Thank you.


Thank you. You have such a wonderful act of kindness. I'd love to see more of your post here.
Thank you again.


Dear Cyren,
Here are the factors to consider:

23 days visit to Philippines-
You need to check all legal papers. check  how fast in the Phippines compare to France.

Wedding in the Philippines-
If you get mnarried in the Philippines, then make sure he will bring a "certificate of capacity to marry" from France with notary stamp from France. If all paper requirements after the wedding will be done then it's good because then you can enter France not fiancee visa but a wife petition status.

Wedding in France-
Make sure that you have certificate to prove that you have no records ( CENOMAR).
Sometimes it take a long process and cost wise is expensive in France. Once all papers from the tax office are registered in France then your name is registered as wife under his personal edintity no. Then your husband will apply for you to live in France. This is easy but depending of how the status of your husband in France. Check informations in the embassy all details you will find in the websites.

These are other aspects that you need to think before you marry him why? becasue it will affect the approval of his petition. Immigration is so strick now
Financial status, court status,  residemcial status, collector emforcement status- these are the things that you can't find in the websites but immigration will check all of those aspects before they will approve the petition of the husband and the application of the wife. Sometimes applicanst are luckily enough to get an approval easily despite of whatever status.

Finacee Visa-
To apply under this kind of visa is quite tricky embassy required many papers  or proff that your relatioship is real and not fake. While if you are married already from the Philippines it much easier. but before you marry your BF make sure you know all those status I mentioned above, because in the philippines there is no divorce. Your married status will remain in the NSO and it cost long time and money to clear it if ever things went wrong.

I am a Filipina- doing all sorts of consultancy and support all filipina in any legal matters before and afater they  enter schengzen states. I been living here for 23 years and I am happy and proud that I supported and adviced for the welfare of my kababayan in Scandinvia and all other parts in Europe.

Please always double check regulations and comply it properly, check with lawyers and any legal services to confirm any information.

God bless to your plan and please always ask wisdom before you take any actions:)

Best regards,


Dear all,
Just to add informations above discussions and sharing
Immigration has all access to:
Tax Office
Court records
Collector emforcement Office
Government Social Office

All of the above offices will be checked before the Immigration officer will approve the application.
I knew these because I am working in legal offices with lawyers and I stand as representative of the applicants for thier application ( Fullmakt) SPA- Special Power of Attorney.

By the way I am also from Bisaya region in the Philippines:)

Good luck to all!

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