

How much to Live in Fortaleza?

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I`d love to know how much it costs per month in Reais or US $ to live in a safe area in or near Fortaleza.

How much is rent and groceries per month? for one person.

Is Fortaleza`s cost of living any different from other cities in the Northeast?


See also

Living in Fortaleza: the expat guideI looking at Fortaleza to live are there expat groupRenting a Airbnb in Fortaleza what is the tax ?I am moving to Fortaleza in June 2024Considering retiring to Brazil
Joao Pessoa

I have added some costs to this thread and i think they will be about the same in Fortaleza I hope it helps: /forum/viewtopic.php?id=5177


What is your expected type of lifestyle and accomodations?  How long will you be there and how many people/children?


OldDogGyn wrote:

R$2,000 to 3,000 minimum for civilized lifestyle.  Comfortable middle-class lifestyle probably R6,000. (car, health insurance, eating out, some travel around the country)

Go over to .    The forum has people who live in Fortaleza..might get better info there.

Forget getting a job...pay is terrible in all of Brazil.

Also you can't do much here unless you speak Portuguese unless it is teaching English, which only allows you to survive at the backpacker level.

And, of course, the visa. 

If you bring your own money, then you have no problem.  Life the good life on the beach.


this guy doenst have a clue what is talking about...you can live decently in fortaleza with arround 1200 reais a month.

95% of the brasilians live with less then 1000 reais a month.


OldDogGyn wrote:

R$2,000 to 3,000 minimum for civilized lifestyle.  Comfortable middle-class lifestyle probably R6,000. (car, health insurance, eating out, some travel around the country)

Go over to .    The forum has people who live in Fortaleza..might get better info there.

Forget getting a job...pay is terrible in all of Brazil.

Also you can't do much here unless you speak Portuguese unless it is teaching English, which only allows you to survive at the backpacker level.

And, of course, the visa. 

If you bring your own money, then you have no problem.  Life the good life on the beach.


I would agree with his reply actually speaking generically as an expat...but living more basically... then $1200-1500/month.


All this info is very subjective.
If you live as many Brazilians do, then you can obviously live on much less!  For instance in the working class areas far away from the beach and on the outskirts of the city, the cost of housing is much less, but then you will have more trouble finding accommodation of the kind North Americans, for example, are used to.  It can be done but more difficult.
There are other considerations besides cost...safety for example.  Many areas that are much less expensive than, say, Meireles, are not nearly as safe, particularly for Gringos.
So, for those area far from the beach, the R$1,500 is probably closer to reality...but near the beach in Gringo areas, where there is better security and accommodations and surroundings that are more in keeping with what Gringos are used to, it would be more in the range of R$3-4,000 at least.
I've been living in Meireles since 2004 and that's what I have experienced and observed.


I have traveled to several places in Brazil since 2002.I have a client that is  thinking about renting then buying a beach house near Fortaleza.Could a person live in or near Fortaleza for $1600.00 US Dollars a month? If so.Would it be a nice life style?  obrigado


Hi there!
Well currently the exchange is basically 2-1 so for R$3,200 a month, I think you could do OK here.
Believe me, everyone wants a beach house before they get here, but security is a problem and most decide that it's just not worth it.  Besides gas costs a lot here.
They don't exactly have suburbs here like the US or Canada.
Andy Neill
Fortaleza, Brazil


Hi there!
Here is a pretty accurate view of the costs in Fortaleza...Most are fairly close.
Andy Neill
Fortaleza, Brazil


Thanks Andy. The problem for me is I was raised mostly in Texas.I have traveled to many places in the world.A few things I have to have is a house at least three beds rooms and 2 bath.My house I have now is brand new 2 story 3 bed 2 1/2 bath,big garage,water sprinkler system  and large fenced yard.In a very nice and safe area of South Austin ,Texas. I have three big dogs .So, A large fenced in yard is important.I really would like a swimming pool. I may have to look at other area.My ex room mate is from Joan Pessoa and showed me real nice and good priced safe area beach houses.The only real bad thing is very small area and not as many or pretty woman, lol  I also found a real nice place two hours from Rio on the beach and cheap beach houses.It is a long way from the city life. I am not someone that can live in an apartment. I have a friend that might get an apartment in Fortaleza and let me use it. I could then live in a beach house and visit Fortaleza when I wanted. I saw house like 30 to 40 mins from Fortaleza that seemed nice and safe.So, are you saying all these area aren't safe? so, are there any houses in Fortaleza that are what I want.how much to rent them? how much to buy them? or do I have to have an apartment to live in a nice area of Fortaleza?  You live there .I have just visited. I really like Fortaleza but the more I look. the better Columbia and Equador are looking.   lol


Thanks Andy. The problem for me is I was raised mostly in Texas.I have traveled to many places in the world.A few things I have to have is a house at least three beds rooms and 2 bath.My house I have now is brand new 2 story 3 bed 2 1/2 bath,big garage,water sprinkler system  and large fenced yard.In a very nice and safe area of South Austin ,Texas. I have three big dogs .So, A large fenced in yard is important.I really would like a swimming pool. I may have to look at other area.My ex room mate is from Joan Pessoa and showed me real nice and good priced safe area beach houses.The only real bad thing is very small area and not as many or pretty woman, lol  I also found a real nice place two hours from Rio on the beach and cheap beach houses.It is a long way from the city life. I am not someone that can live in an apartment. I have a friend that might get an apartment in Fortaleza and let me use it. I could then live in a beach house and visit Fortaleza when I wanted. I saw house like 30 to 40 mins from Fortaleza that seemed nice and safe.So, are you saying all these area aren't safe? so, are there any houses in Fortaleza that are what I want.how much to rent them? how much to buy them? or do I have to have an apartment to live in a nice area of Fortaleza?  You live there .I have just visited. I really like Fortaleza but the more I look. the better Columbia and Ecuador are looking.    I am looking at many places.I like Brazil the most.The warm people  and beautiful women in Brazil .I might have to bring a nice Brazilian woman to another country. lol


Andy . I already have used this site to compare my city Austin Texas and Fortaleza. This site doesn't tell what a 3 bed room beach house near Fortaleza costs or one in Fortaleza or a 3 bed room high rise apartment in Beirmar. or what they would rent for. I have looked on the internet but the problem is the internet gives the Gringo prices.  I have been setting up trips for family and friends and clients to Rio and Floripa since 2005 but Rio is way too expensive to visit or live now,Floripa is the same way.This is why I have looked at other places in Brazil like Natal,Fortaleza etc...


Hi there!
Many people try coming from a First World country like the US or Canada and want the same thing they have there.
But this is not those countries and you have to keep that in mind.
I had to give up certain things when I moved to Fortaleza but what I got in return made up for that.
For example, when I came here in 2004, I owned a beautiful black @000 Chevy Camaro SS...with everything.
First of all bringing in a vehicle is practically impossible for ordinary people.
Secondly, you can't drive a vehicle like that on the streets here.
Well, you can but I don't think you will get the same experience you would on the freeways in the US.
Anyway, what I'm saying is that this is not the US and you just have to accept that not everything is going to be the way it is there.
If you think you can get that in Columbia, maybe you should look there.
I know JP and it's very nice but it's not Fortaleza.
I had the same wish when I came here.  I wanted a beach house.  My lawyer said...no you don't!
And he was right.  Security for beach houses is very hard to do.
It's hard in other cities as well, but you can find gated communities where you can buy and get the things you want.
It can be pretty pricey but it can be done if the money is right.
Two clients of mine just this year bought a fixer-upper in a beach community near Fortaleza and have spent thousands renovating...and that includes a pool, so it can be done, even though the lot is smaller than you would need for the dogs.
I think they paid R$150,000 for the house and probably another R$75,000 fixing it up...maybe more.
I can introduce you to agents here who can show you around so if you want to look at properties, then Fortaleza Adventure can help.
I just want to give you the advice I would give any of my clients and that is not to expect a First World country in Brazil.
I am available for clients anytime you are ready to visit and I can find you a place to stay depending on your requirements and price range.
High Season is June, July and August.  It's also Christmas, January and February until the end of Carnaval.
Best time to visit is Sept-Nov.  It's low season and the weather is the best with no rain, guaranteed.
Ask any questions you wish or we can talk on Skype.


Thanks for your quick response. You are right. You give up things to get things.  A friend of mine bought a place in Natal and lives in both Texas and Natal. I am not sure if I can afford that. I think I just need to keep visiting Fortaleza and other places until I figure out where I want to buy ! In the past I set up trips for clients to Rio and made good money at it. The problem is now Riois way too expensive and World Cup , Olympics and new growing middle class in Brazil have driven everything up. I have tried to get them to check out Natal and Fortaleza but their are no direct flight from Houston or any ware in USA. They don't want to spend the whole day at airports! Most don't speak Portuguese and have had problems switch flights in São Paulo. I hoping the closer World Cup gets the more direct flights but time will tell. I have many people want to visit World Cup but don't want to pay what is being asked. Some places I rented in Rio are now faking a $1000.00 a day or more with a min stay if 30 days. It's crazy. Most the places I rented in past in Fortaleza aren't available anymore it during World Cup. Or they were trying to charge me Gringo prices. I have a few friends that may want to still visit Fortaleza.  I was there for New Year's Eve 2011 and got a good price on a penthouse for 10 nights.  I will get with you on using your help. I have tried to use a few people in Fortaleza and Natal but their prices were way too high. This us why I didn't go in 2012 and went to Columbia and Costa rica . As for me living in Or near Fortaleza. I will just have to check out things with you in my next trip. If I just visit a few times a year then am Apartment is fine.  If I come to live there. I will have to have a house because if my dogs. They are my children and need a nice yard. I need to spend more time in Fortaleza. See what I like and don't.  Just like I have done in Mexico, Costa Rica,  Beliza, Peru , jamica etc   My Skype is Rick coley  thanks for your help. Sorry fir the long emails.  Quick question. Are there any houses in a safe nice area for rent it sale at this time ? Or is their just apartments ? Thanks


My Skype name is Rick.Coley


Hi there!
It is getting very busy here as football gets closer.  We have the qualifying matches this summer and the first game is coming next weekend featuring Brazil-Mexico.  It's sold out.
People here have also increased their rental prices to the sky and i don't think they will get them...but there are certainly not enough hotel spaces or rental apartments either.
I imagine people with condos in Beach Park will be doing good business renting for World Cup.
After all, the circus is only here for around ten days, then moves on.
So you would be watching a lot of it on a big screen TV at a beach bar.


Cool.I will keep you informed on our places for Fortaleza in 2013 OR 2014. We try to do 10 days Rio then 10 days Fortaleza.This way the flight layover isn't bad but now with cost of things in Rio.We might skip it and stay for 30 days in Fortaleza.I have been burnt out on Rio but my friends,family and clients always want to go there first.The next time in Fortaleza.I want to go to farther beaches,sand duns,Jeri etc... Depending on the price.I also want to look at properties. Thanks soooooooo much for all your words of wisdom.I will try to help you with some clients too.obrigado


Hi there!
I understand.  I would heartily suggest the second course of action because ten days is really not enough time.


Yea, we will be trying to get off a month from our day jobs to stay in Fortaleza. Talk to you later.


Hi there!
OK...I'll will be here to help when the time comes.
Boa Sorte!@


Fortaleza is a very good place to live.
More developed than João Pessoa or Natal and less caothic than Rio.
But find a big house with swimming pool at Gringo area is not easy...


Hi there!
So many people try and move to Brazil and figure they can live exactly the way they lived in the US, it's incredible.
They just don't believe that ALL countries are not doing things the way the US does because they have been led to believe that it is the BEST way.
Here, finding a big gated house, near the beach, with a big lawn and pool, and for a "reasonable" price, is just not, well, reasonable!
I agree that Fortaleza and JP are not the same and if you like smaller communities, then JP might just be good for you.
Some complain of no nightlife, but I have been told by Americans who live there that it can be found if you know where to look.
It's a little like a small country town.
Fortaleza, on the other hand, is big city life!
But it's NOT the US, and never will be.
If anything, it's much more based on the European model.


Hi there!
One of the things that has not been mentioned here is weather!
The weather in Rio is not good.  For one thing, they get far more rain than here in the Northeast.  And it gets cold for a part of the year.
Here, every day is the same and the rainy season, such that it is, and it's not much, is mostly a few showers and that's it.
31C day time and 23C at night!
3000 hours of sun a year...300 days!
And the beaches!!! And the women! ( a rather sujective opinion!)


When in Rome, do as the Romans do !


It appears Fortaleza is not the place .If you are American and looking for a safe fenced in beach front house with swimming pool.It is good if you are looking for an apartment and from Europe. lol  I let several of my clients know about beach front property in Ecuador.Where I know two guys that bought properties between $55,000 and $76,000.Right abouve the beach. It's not Brazil but for the price.You can fly  Brazilian women in. :) Northeast Brazil seems nice but if you are American that likes a house and nice yard.You may want to check out other places. Many South American and Central American countries have different things to offer.


But there are big house here, but not downtown...maybe 20 Km far in the next cities, where there's no a good frame like schools or hospitals.


All my clients and myself are single American males over 35 years old .Most are from Southern to Southwestern part of America.A few are ok with apartments.The majority are like me.They want a beach house near or above the beach with a view and short walk to beach . I love Brazil but I have to retire where I can live at least as good as I do in Texas or what's the point of moving.


Look for "Porto das Dunas" or "Cumbuco".
Amazing beaches !


I have seen places for sale in Cumbuco. It looks really nice.The next time I am in Fortaleza .I will check these places out.How far are they from Fortaleza? I can't remember. I am wanting to be between 15 to 30 mins away.


Cumbuco is 30/40 min from downtown.
It's almost a wild place, but there's life, because it's the World Capital of Kitesurf.

Porto das Dunas the same time.
There are a lot of big houses in front of the beach. Wonderful houses.
It's where there is the Beach Park, like Wet'nWild.


Many of my friends and family are worried about all the rioting.if the government doesn't t start helping the people. Things will get a lot worst  some fear that Brazil could go back to a leftist government. Like Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Cuba, etc....


Hi rc206,

Good to see that the North American media hasn't changed since I came down here over eleven years ago, they still love to sensationalize everything.

RIOTS is hardly the word one would use to describe the protests that are taking place all over the country. As in most cases anywhere there are always those criminal elements who use public protests as an opportunity to commit acts of vandalism and looting, which has been the case here. The overwhelming majority of the protesters are law abiding citizens and do not engage in any of these acts. Of course the Brazilian media has played on the actions of the few and made it appear that it has all been uncontrolled rioting. This is clearly not the case.

Also in most cases the police here in Brazil have completely over-reacted to the incidents of vandalism and looting using tear gas, rubber bullets, etc. Rather than do real police work and arrest and control the few violent criminals who have infiltrated the masses they just mindlessly follow the orders of their superiors (and the corrupt politicians against whom the protests are directed) to drop the hammer on everybody, peaceful or otherwise.

Speaking very frankly, these demonstrations are something that I never believed possible in all my years in this country because the Brazilian people, are culturally averse to complaining in an organized fashion. They tend to complain privately and for the most part the average Brazilian has been endoctrinated to have one attitude - "It's always been this way, It will always be this way, I'm just one small voice in the wilderness, It does no good to complain anyway, so I'll just keep my mouth shut, roll over and play dead." This is because ever since discovery and the imperial era those who have complained publicly about anything have suffered grave consequences, disappeared or died mysteriously.

If the current protest will eventually result in political change in this country, it will hardly happen in my lifetime. I'm hoping that it will however begin a process of change and that in my Brazilian child's lifetime it will eventually be a very different country where the people don't need to be afraid of their government, but rather the government needs to be afraid of their people (electorate).

As far as your fears, they're unfounded. Brazil is not going to be any different or any less safe (or more safe unfortunately) tomorrow than it is today.

http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/flag/t67118.gif  Cheers,  http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/flag/t67054.gif
  William James Woodward – Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team

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