

Any other expats, people living un Yiwu

Jing hao

I Stay near to Yiwu , Travel Yiwu alot for Work And on Weekends for Some Fun


[Moderated: pls post in the Housing in China section]


I am looking at relocating to Yiwu but I am afraid that it will be just as boring as my current location in china.  Is there bowling, skating, etc. to do there. I'm still investigating hope someone can enlighten me.


Not sure whereabouts in Shangdong province you are, but having visited Yiwu often, and it is certainly pretty boring.  Yiwu has one purpose only, business and making as much money as quickly as possible, at the expense of any quality of life.


Hello im mauritian and live in yiwu for one year now need any help???


Yiwu is mainly for business but has quite a good expat community have two good pubs gymnasium etc and life is quite cheap


I like that place, it have many goods and I have my shop so it's better to live there. But I not live in YIwu, it's a pity. I help my clients buy most goods from there.  Small goodies heaven! :D


Hi there, I just moved to Yiwu, I don't even know if this post is still alive. I m looking to make new friends here. Moved here couple of months ago and have a Buisness here. **

Moderated by kenjee 9 years ago
Reason : For own security, Please do not share phone number on the forum.

tamagotchi_chick wrote:

Hello, I am new to Yiwu .... originally from Indonesia. Any events or gathering for expat community here in Yiwu in coming weeks ? I would like to join. And if there is none, it will be great if we throw an event for ourselves ... just to get to know more people to enhance social life in yiwu.

Hello tamagotchi san.. Im Indonesia too :) Do you work at Yiwu China?


Looking for Indian people in Yiwu


Hi All,

Me and my wife are planning to come to Yiwu (because of work) soon and currently she is in pregnant so she will probably will have birth over there,

Just want to know if any of you made this process and how was it (if you could share expanse it will be appropriate also)



Any one ?


Hey..My name is Daniel and i just relocated to shaoxing city in china 35mins drive to Yiwu.I'm bored out of my mind...am looking for friends to chat and hangout...text me :++++ am on wechat and whasup

Moderated by Maximilien 9 years ago
Reason : avoid posting your personal details + use the private message pls

Hi everyone, This is Hailay.I am in yiwu. I here to study Chinese language. I want to create friendship relationships with any one and want to create friendship members with any citizens.can you join to our group?


Anyone just moving to Yiwu??? Need advice!



Dose anyone interesting to arrange a meet together ? i am chinese, if i can offer any assistance, it would be my pleasure.

Thank you


Hello, anyone still around Yiwu?