

Twitter account suspension

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Has anyone had their twitter account suspended?

On Sunday I replied to a tweet and suddenly saw a message asking for my phone number.

Searched online and saw a post on saying emailing support had their account unblocked in less than 24 hours.

So I emailed support. Today, five days after the suspension (and my emails to support), I received a message saying:

We have systems that find and remove automated spam Twitter accounts, and it looks like yours was flagged as spam by mistake. This can happen if an account exhibits automated behavior in violation of our rules.

Anyway, looks like the unblocking in less than 24 hours has now become 5 days.

See also

Making phone calls in VietnamInternet in VietnamPhone Use In VietnamTechie in Vietnam: Will My Smartphone Stay Smart?buying a used mobile

sanooku wrote:

Has anyone had their twitter account suspended?

On Sunday I replied to a tweet and suddenly saw a message asking for my phone number.

Searched online and saw a post on saying emailing support had their account unblocked in less than 24 hours.

So I emailed support. Today, five days after the suspension (and my emails to support), I received a message saying:

We have systems that find and remove automated spam Twitter accounts, and it looks like yours was flagged as spam by mistake. This can happen if an account exhibits automated behavior in violation of our rules.

Anyway, looks like the unblocking in less than 24 hours has now become 5 days.

It's certainly not helpful when various websites see I'm in Vietnam.

I'm starting to use a VPN more and more for all internet activity.


Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, YouTube, and other big tech companies are primarily owned by liberal extremists, and routinely censor, block, cancel accounts of those with conservative, Christian and pro-Western values. Ironically, they don't seem to use a fair measure when it comes to their own rules, they selectively enforce them or ban non-offending accounts, just because they don't like who they are or what they represent. I've seen news organizations, an orphanage, prominent outspoken commentators get shadowbanned or locked out of their accounts for simply exercising their free speech. Meanwhile, outspoken left wingers continue to use cuss words, racial epithets, violent language or slander and nobody touches their account. It's really an exercise in hypocrisy.

As a replacement, may I suggest Flote and Gab for Twitter. There are many smaller social networks that could substitute for Facebook, but Minds is very good and is pro-freedom and pro-liberty, and Steemit is another growing choice, as well as Diaspora. These new ones are typically encrypted as well. Some people use Voat instead of Reddit, but the problem with Voat is that they are overwhelmed by racists, and as Voat is operated by a former Reddit founder, I suspect it is more of the same of what you got on Reddit. There are some smaller Reddit clones that don't have strict censorship. As for YouTube, there aren't a lot of good substitutes that offer full hd video, but up and coming ones are bitchute, dtube, gab, brighteon and twitch.

I suggest deleting your big tech accounts before they censor you. These companies should be broken up and nationalized or shut down for their history of egregious censorship. Why support such a system when there are better, freer alternatives?


wildwildwest wrote:

Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, YouTube, and other big tech companies are primarily owned by liberal extremists, and routinely censor, block, cancel accounts of those with conservative, Christian and pro-Western values. Ironically, they don't seem to use a fair measure when it comes to their own rules, they selectively enforce them or ban non-offending accounts, just because they don't like who they are or what they represent. I've seen news organizations, an orphanage, prominent outspoken commentators get shadowbanned or locked out of their accounts for simply exercising their free speech. Meanwhile, outspoken left wingers continue to use cuss words, racial epithets, violent language or slander and nobody touches their account. It's really an exercise in hypocrisy.

As a replacement, may I suggest Flote and Gab for Twitter. There are many smaller social networks that could substitute for Facebook, but Minds is very good and is pro-freedom and pro-liberty, and Steemit is another growing choice, as well as Diaspora. These new ones are typically encrypted as well. Some people use Voat instead of Reddit, but the problem with Voat is that they are overwhelmed by racists, and as Voat is operated by a former Reddit founder, I suspect it is more of the same of what you got on Reddit. There are some smaller Reddit clones that don't have strict censorship. As for YouTube, there aren't a lot of good substitutes that offer full hd video, but up and coming ones are bitchute, dtube, gab, brighteon and twitch.

I suggest deleting your big tech accounts before they censor you. These companies should be broken up and nationalized or shut down for their history of egregious censorship. Why support such a system when there are better, freer alternatives?

I've never heard such b****.
Trump alone has been berating and insulting his opponents on Twitter for 3 years without being censored.

There seems to be more and more people with paranoia.


And Faux News is any better? It’s funny how you bash tech companies but here you are on the internet spreading conspiracies and lies using the very same platform that you supposedly despised. Sad!


You seemed to be ideologically consistent until you said this:

wildwildwest wrote:

These companies should be broken up and nationalized or shut down for their history of egregious censorship.

As a presumed member of the right, or at least a stated opponent of the left, how could you support nationalization of what are private businesses?


Never had a twitter account and never will while it is being run by a bunch of leftist communists who do not permit freedom of expression as wildwest mentioned in his post.  I am sure if I had a tweeter account it would be deleted within 24 hours because of my point of view on many subject matters, despite the fact it would be based on facts and truth.  The main concern is what political platform it supports and if it does not fit the Democrat Party platform, cancellation is coming.  For those of you not living here in the USA, you might not understand the cancel culture and it is getting really bad because this is an election year. 

Yes, there are those who will disagree and make accusations without any facts or evidence.  So I recommend you do some research as it is well documented that members of certain social media accounts are deleted for political speech from a right perspective while others with similar speech from the left perspective are not deleted.

FYI - I do not identify with either party because both are corrupt.  I spent many years and DC and the know the game, power, money and control, period.  If I had to choose, it would be libertarian.


vndreamer wrote:

Never had a twitter account and never will while it is being run by a bunch of leftist communists who do not permit freedom of expression as wildwest mentioned in his post.  I am sure if I had a tweeter account it would be deleted within 24 hours because of my point of view on many subject matters, despite the fact it would be based on facts and truth.  The main concern is what political platform it supports and if it does not fit the Democrat Party platform, cancellation is coming.  For those of you not living here in the USA, you might not understand the cancel culture and it is getting really bad because this is an election year. 

Yes, there are those who will disagree and make accusations without any facts or evidence.  So I recommend you do some research as it is well documented that members of certain social media accounts are deleted for political speech from a right perspective while others with similar speech from the left perspective are not deleted.

FYI - I do not identify with either party because both are corrupt.  I spent many years and DC and the know the game, power, money and control, period.  If I had to choose, it would be libertarian.

Sorry, that's just more far-right nonsense.  It's well-documented that far right web sites make this accusation, but that's as far as it goes -- no proof of it that would pass muster.


Paulmsn, you proved my point.  No facts, just your opinion.


No, you invalidated your own point when you yourself provided no facts, just ridiculous nonsense.  I particularly love the "communists" claim -- apparently you've just arrived from the 1950s.


And ladies and gentlemen, for Sunday Night Fight we have the Progressives maverick, quid, and msn in the left corner challenging the Conservative team of wildwest and dreamer on the right.

Each side has been training from their own ideological sources, and they have come out swinging.
Alas, dialog is impossible in a battle of religions.
It is "my truth" vs "your truth", with no winner possible. 

I want my money back.


gobot wrote:

And ladies and gentlemen, for Sunday Night Fight we have the Progressives maverick, quid, and msn in the left corner challenging the Conservative team of wildwest and dreamer on the right.

Each side has been training from their own ideological sources, and they have come out swinging.
Alas, dialog is impossible in a battle of religions.
It is "my truth" vs "your truth", with no winner possible. 

I want my money back.

You know the fight is fixed when it's declared to be "well documented"... 😉


gobot wrote:

And ladies and gentlemen, for Sunday Night Fight we have the Progressives maverick, quid, and msn in the left corner challenging the Conservative team of wildwest and dreamer on the right.

Each side has been training from their own ideological sources, and they have come out swinging.
Alas, dialog is impossible in a battle of religions.
It is "my truth" vs "your truth", with no winner possible. 

I want my money back.

Please don't include with either party, I am not one or the other.  I comment based on facts, not politics, like others.  I specifically recommended people do some research on the subject matter and the facts are out there.  However, as you stated, some people are political koolaid drinkers and will believe what they want to believe without doing the homework.  What is more sad, even if you put the facts in front of them, they avoid the facts and attack the messenger. 

I can provide links to verify facts, but I don't want to make this a political discussion because there would be no end to it.  To each their own and I still stand by my comments because if lazy people actually did some research, they would find the truth, but most people hate the truth because it does not fit with their biased viewpoints.  Have a nice day mates.  :)


vndreamer wrote:

Please don't include with either party, I am not one or the other.  I comment based on facts, not politics, like others.  I specifically recommended people do some research on the subject matter and the facts are out there.  However, as you stated, some people are political koolaid drinkers and will believe what they want to believe without doing the homework.  What is more sad, even if you put the facts in front of them, they avoid the facts and attack the messenger. 

I can provide links to verify facts, but I don't want to make this a political discussion because there would be no end to it.  To each their own and I still stand by my comments because if lazy people actually did some research, they would find the truth, but most people hate the truth because it does not fit with their biased viewpoints.  Have a nice day mates.  :)

This is pretty serious word salad. 

"I understand a fury in your words / But not the words."— Othello

"[Life] is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."- Macbeth


THIGV wrote:
vndreamer wrote:

Please don't include with either party, I am not one or the other.  I comment based on facts, not politics, like others.  I specifically recommended people do some research on the subject matter and the facts are out there.  However, as you stated, some people are political koolaid drinkers and will believe what they want to believe without doing the homework.  What is more sad, even if you put the facts in front of them, they avoid the facts and attack the messenger. 

I can provide links to verify facts, but I don't want to make this a political discussion because there would be no end to it.  To each their own and I still stand by my comments because if lazy people actually did some research, they would find the truth, but most people hate the truth because it does not fit with their biased viewpoints.  Have a nice day mates.  :)

This is pretty serious word salad. 

"I understand a fury in your words / But not the words."— Othello

"[Life] is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."- Macbeth

Sorry if i disappoint you, but no fury at all, it is what I call, "common sense".  I spent many years inside the beltway, been in peoples homes you see on TV and in the press, backyard picnics, dinners etc.  I have no interest in the political theater because in my opinion, there is no winner in reality, it is all a matter of perspective.  I find the back and forth tit for tat to be immature and a waste of time and passed that bridge years ago. 

I only commented because there is some truth to the cancel culture, but those that support it will adamantly attack and vilify any person who says otherwise (e.g., look no further than this topic).  Thus, that is why I recommended people do their own research and maybe they might have a different perspective, but it does not mean they have to change their opinion.  It is pretty easy, one can start by doing a search "twitter cancel culture". 

I make my peace, have a nice day mates and if you want to continue the political theater, have at it, but I am having none of it.  :)


vndreamer wrote:

I make my peace, have a nice day mates and if you want to continue the political theater, have at it, but I am having none of it.  :)

Is that a promise?   :cool:


vndreamer wrote:

Never had a twitter account and never will while it is being run by a bunch of leftist communists who do not permit freedom of expression as wildwest mentioned in his post.  I am sure if I had a tweeter account it would be deleted within 24 hours because of my point of view on many subject matters, despite the fact it would be based on facts and truth.  The main concern is what political platform it supports and if it does not fit the Democrat Party platform, cancellation is coming.  For those of you not living here in the USA, you might not understand the cancel culture and it is getting really bad because this is an election year. 

Yes, there are those who will disagree and make accusations without any facts or evidence.  So I recommend you do some research as it is well documented that members of certain social media accounts are deleted for political speech from a right perspective while others with similar speech from the left perspective are not deleted.

FYI - I do not identify with either party because both are corrupt.  I spent many years and DC and the know the game, power, money and control, period.  If I had to choose, it would be libertarian.

I inform myself about world events in various media in western countries which critically question world events.
Do you really think that critical media outside of the US would really not be reporting on it if Twitter censorship and manipulation were as widespread as you describe it?

I rather think that many Americans (perhaps 51%) with their exaggerated patriotism are blind to those who are differently informed or have a different opinion than themselves.

Just one example:
Huawei is fought by America on the pretext that China is spying on the West through Huawai.
For the Americans Huawei is therefore an enemy who wants to harm America.
There is not a single indication or proof that Huawai does what they are accused of.

In media outside of America this is seen as politically motivated (just to take out an competitor) and it is written about Cisco who have been building backdoors into their software and hardware for decades.
There are many proven cases.
The last known back door was closed by Cisco in spring 2019.

I rather believe the media outside the US than the *** of another US conspiracy theorist here in the forum.

Moderated by Bhavna 5 years ago
Reason : Please expose your arguments respectfully. Thank you
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Hello everyone,

Please note that i had to put aside some posts. Let us not argue on the forum. I would like to point out that debating on a topic is of course allowed, however, while doing so, do not indulge in any kind of personal attack.

Thank you in advance,

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