

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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Alascana wrote:
robal wrote:

What I fear really is the return of hyperinflation in Brazil - "tabelamento de preços" and a
new currency of 1:1 to the dollar as a result of that.

Ya Think and Timeframe...need my Ducks in a Row...

And try to think that the dollar is still a global reserve currency. We are printing more money where our
indebtedness could go 120% of GDP. There will come a time where the value of the dollar go down to a point where people lose their trust of the US as a stable economy and will shy away from treasury investments. Then countries like China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba and Iran will drop the dollar as their currency for commercial deals and the dollar loses its status as the global reserve currency. It´s now better than ever to diversify and invest in Brazil like real estate etc that now the dollar is at its highest. I can see a significant loss of investment´s value in the US in the coming years...



Gran Patrón Burdeos finished in vintage Bordeaux wine barrels. They started competing with 1530.
Only thing I can find here is silver which is fine. Need some topo chico and have "ranch water"
The Codigo only lasted me a month. With custom duties it gets pricy. Can come back via Lima (back in the pre-virus days) and no issues. Waiting for the curtain to rise.......


Thanks Doc...I got it..Looking at Property now..


robal wrote:
Alascana wrote:
robal wrote:

What I fear really is the return of hyperinflation in Brazil - "tabelamento de preços" and a
new currency of 1:1 to the dollar as a result of that.

Ya Think and Timeframe...need my Ducks in a Row...

And try to think that the dollar is still a global reserve currency. We are printing more money where our
indebtedness could go 120% of GDP. There will come a time where the value of the dollar go down to a point where people lose their trust of the US as a stable economy and will shy away from treasury investments. Then countries like China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba and Iran will drop the dollar as their currency for commercial deals and the dollar loses its status as the global reserve currency. It´s now better than ever to diversify and invest in Brazil like real estate etc that now the dollar is at its highest. I can see a significant loss of investment´s value in the US in the coming years...


my man, ive been preaching this for years, whats currently going on has been since 2008 since the last crisis and them not trying to correct it :( covid just expedited the process


The "Powers" that be "Exploited ", my 2 cents for Free...lol....and W8 on it...12 Years...lol...

So Brasil gets Alimony...lmbo. .....

I think I will Barbeque the File and slow cook it for 3 hours,maybe that will tenderizing the shoe leather...

Low and Slow just like the Real....

Juazerio reports 36 decreased  as of yesterday to #20....


robal wrote:

What I fear really is the return of hyperinflation in Brazil - "tabelamento de preços" and a
new currency of 1:1 to the dollar as a result of that.

You and me both.  As I posted elsewhere, I've recently heard business people here talking about "correção monetária" as if it were a good and normal thing.  It's not:  it just puts everybody on a hamster wheel, and getting off is tough!  One problem is that nobody in Brazil under 30 -- about 62% of the population -- remembers hyperinflation, or how hard the struggle was to get it under control.

To end on a happier note, here's the late, much-lamented Beth Carvalho, singing a famous samba about hyperinflation, and proving that Brazilians can make art out of anything:


robal wrote:

What I fear really is the return of hyperinflation in Brazil - "tabelamento de preços" and a
new currency of 1:1 to the dollar as a result of that.

News 1 Can Use,talvez....

Addendum. ..
CNBC: Brazil's much-needed economic reforms are being blown off course by the coronavirus.


News one can use...talvez......another Wow moment in Beautiful, Bountiful Brasil....


COVID-19 update:

As of Sunday, a total of 16,118 deaths - an increase of 22.57% in 3 days. Confirmed cases to 241,080 - an increase of 27.57% also in 3 days.


robal wrote:

COVID-19 update:

As of Sunday, a total of 16,118 deaths - an increase of 22.57% in 3 days. Confirmed cases to 241,080 - an increase of 27.57% also in 3 days.

Oh, and no Minister of Health.  😱
If it would do any good, it would be time to panic.  But it won't so we carry on, and try to stay safe.

As Robal has pointed out before, this is the perfect time for those of us lucky enough to have steady incomes and reduced expenses to share with those on the edge of desperation.  Mine goes to a rehabilitation clinic for disabled children and adolescents in Sergipe, where they perform miracles every day.   There are people doing heroic things near you:  please find them and help them as you're able.


Thinking of the same. Going to have tutor and atty. here in Foz advise me of those needing such. Just me, I do not want to pay a sponsored  agency and only "X" goes to charity and rest to their salary's.


Well the "Program" has begun as of 9pm the 19th May, Juazerio goes on "Curfew" for 15 days...lol.. from 9pm to 5am....

I am not a conspiracy person...lmbo.....yet it will only stop the Nightly Parties and the sidewalk gatherings.....and maybe the loud music that one can hear 6 doors down...kkk...

I am of the belief "Massive" Spraying the "Chemical" SWAG....

I am of sound mind and I want to know how does everyone being off the "Streets" from 9am to 5pm "Stops" the spread of this thingy????

Nothing is Open anyway.....????.....What about the "Homeless"....

I saw a report of a Gym opening in New Jersey following CDC Guidelines, the Police showed up 2 each and the crowd was deep...the cop stated " The Crowd was was wearing mask, practicing "Social Distancing " And he wished everyone a nice day and asked if they knew they were in "Violation of a Executive Order" and walked away.....Smart Cop to many to arrest...lol.....

The jails are overcrowded now and if they arrest more people they are not "Practicing Social Distancing "......
That's my 2 cents for "Free"....

Brasil waited to long to "Shutdown in Unison"   

Brace yourself and shop ,shop,shop....Be Safe Amigos and Remember "Hygeine".....


Well Grizz think of it as hibernation time in winter.
Be safe

Ron Pinto

Saw in the news yesterday:
"American lab finds vaccine tests to be positive.  All 45 human subjects that received the vaccine developed antibodies similar to those who had survived the virus, eventually killing the virus.  The next step is to apply it to 600 individuals and later on 10,000.  If the results are effective then we should have a vaccine by year`s end."
A bit of hopeful news for a change.


Sorry, Griz, but based on my neighborhood, shutting down the street doesn't stop the loud music.  They just hoist the speakers up onto the windowsills and let 'er rip.
Doesn't improve the selection, either.  :huh:


Ab3,thanks for the warning...lol..liked your tune ..kkk...


To Old for Experiments, going out without a diaper, just need a Cuban, Whiskey,Leather Hat and call it "All Good".. To Olde to Vaccinate.let the Youth take that Stuff . Disclaimer: I think the :Military Service:, was enough...at 64 I could care less of a Vaccine..may end up like " Joe "...lol...


Ron Pinto wrote:

Saw in the news yesterday:
"American lab finds vaccine tests to be positive.  All 45 human subjects that received the vaccine developed antibodies similar to those who had survived the virus, eventually killing the virus.  The next step is to apply it to 600 individuals and later on 10,000.  If the results are effective then we should have a vaccine by year`s end."
A bit of hopeful news for a change.

Yeah I saw the news with Moderna´s mRNA-1273 vaccine. It´s a messenger RNA component that stimulates immune response...



abthree wrote:

Sorry, Griz, but based on my neighborhood, shutting down the street doesn't stop the loud music.  They just hoist the speakers up onto the windowsills and let 'er rip.
Doesn't improve the selection, either.  :huh:

I have a neighbor like that that plays loud music at 3am on weekends. On weekdays, noisy construction work from the same guy... I´ve gotten used to it but not with other neighbors. Complaints to the police every now and then by them...


Mamma mia, went the eye doctor for new lenses, Too many people!!!
Some just stopped in front, no masks, chatting next very close...cars everywhere.
This rodeo is just started..........
Brazil is now # 3 in the world with active cases and the people are thinking all clear!
Just read PY will not open until mid July. All medical facilities swamped and still people on the bridge. People are going to gather in CdE and protest..... Like that will work.!


Last night,  for some reason,  our guy was particularly loud - cabin fever, maybe.  He's a half a block away, we're on the seventeenth floor, and it was bothering us - I felt bad for the people at street level!

Ron Pinto

Yeah I saw the news with Moderna´s mRNA-1273 vaccine. It´s a messenger RNA component that stimulates immune response...


You mean it isn`t real?

Ron Pinto

Why do we have this wave of women trying to connect here?
It seems fairly obvious why at least based on their appearance.
Of course, I am assuming you guys also have been requested.


Ron Pinto wrote:

Why do we have this wave of women trying to connect here?
It seems fairly obvious why at least based on their appearance.
Of course, I am assuming you guys also have been requested.

Not seeing them, Ron.  What's your  secret?   :cool:


Ron Pinto wrote:

Yeah I saw the news with Moderna´s mRNA-1273 vaccine. It´s a messenger RNA component that stimulates immune response...


You mean it isn`t real?

It´s real. But vaccine could be available only by early 2021.


Ron Pinto wrote:

Why do we have this wave of women trying to connect here?
It seems fairly obvious why at least based on their appearance.
Of course, I am assuming you guys also have been requested.

Many times...


"Mamma mia, went the eye doctor for new lenses, Too many people!!!
Some just stopped in front, no masks, chatting next very close...cars everywhere.
This rodeo is just started..........
Brazil is now # 3 in the world with active cases and the people are thinking all clear!"

I went to pay my bills real quick and people chatting with their masks down very close in front of me. My isolation seems to be futile now.


Since Brazil qualified for the international bronze medal for cases Trump said he is considering banning travel from Brazil to the USA.


mugtech wrote:

Since Brazil qualified for the international bronze medal for cases Trump said he is considering banning travel from Brazil to the USA.

He said that 2 weeks ago. He should have done that already!


robal wrote:
mugtech wrote:

Since Brazil qualified for the international bronze medal for cases Trump said he is considering banning travel from Brazil to the USA.

He said that 2 weeks ago. He should have done that already!

He repeats himself often.


All Quiet on the N.E. ,not even a dog or cat on the streets, no music, I got Cerveja and grub...I do have a violator the "Cat" is on the streets, he won't have a problem , no Animal Control Police....the Women are just Gaming hoping for a bite, Expat weeds them out..
I am Surprised anyone can hear in this country, I feel you Ab3 , and most stereos sound like $#@t...

The "Rude North Americano"  takes care of the social distancing, I speak Americano and that gives me a wide berth,I was standing in line with my lady.👄 at the bill office and this jerk asks me something he works there sitting on his large body about my mask, I had no intentions of entering , my lady was entering so he starts with his authority and I shoot back in Americano he shut up quick....and yes I take my mask and beaver everywhere with me...lol..

I am still trying to figure out the "Curfew"  I suspect the city is spraying at nightt......I guess for "Mosquitos".....

Being in a Country caught up in "Customs and Traditions " I have the Party Neighbor, I wonder how his kids sleep at night , I have become accustomed to the loud music and the sing along...lol...Sleep just fine.

I am not about a Vaccine, I am about a " Healthy Immune System" I need 60 proof, the best I can do is Bombay Sapphire. ....it cleans the pipes......wish I could find "Bookers".


mugtech wrote:
robal wrote:
mugtech wrote:

Since Brazil qualified for the international bronze medal for cases Trump said he is considering banning travel from Brazil to the USA.

He said that 2 weeks ago. He should have done that already!

He repeats himself often.

He does. His mind is so full there´s no more room to maneuver. I hope he doesn´t come into dementia like Uncle Joe...


robal wrote:
mugtech wrote:
robal wrote:

He said that 2 weeks ago. He should have done that already!

He repeats himself often.

He does. His mind is so full there´s no more room to maneuver. I hope he doesn´t come into dementia like Uncle Joe...

There All Demented .....as my mom would say there all suffering from a "Lack of Common Sense"

Shopped today.....and the guy at the door asked about my mask , after I got the gel, I whipped it out and told him I needed to gel after touching his nasty shopping cart before touching my mask and I told him in Americano, he shut tfu. .....lol.....


Alascana wrote:

All Quiet on the N.E. ,not even a dog or cat on the streets, no music, I got Cerveja and grub...I do have a violator the "Cat" is on the streets, he won't have a problem , no Animal Control Police....the Women are just Gaming hoping for a bite, Expat weeds them out..
I am Surprised anyone can hear in this country, I feel you Ab3 , and most stereos sound like $#@t...

The "Rude North Americano"  takes care of the social distancing, I speak Americano and that gives me a wide berth,I was standing in line with my lady.👄 at the bill office and this jerk asks me something he works there sitting on his large body about my mask, I had no intentions of entering , my lady was entering so he starts with his authority and I shoot back in Americano he shut up quick....and yes I take my mask and beaver everywhere with me...lol..

I am still trying to figure out the "Curfew"  I suspect the city is spraying at nightt......I guess for "Mosquitos".....

Being in a Country caught up in "Customs and Traditions " I have the Party Neighbor, I wonder how his kids sleep at night , I have become accustomed to the loud music and the sing along...lol...Sleep just fine.

I am not about a Vaccine, I am about a " Healthy Immune System" I need 60 proof, the best I can do is Bombay Sapphire. ....it cleans the pipes......wish I could find "Bookers".

I´m so accustomed with everything in Brazil that I´m immune to almost anything. Loud music? I don´t hear them anymore... Barking dogs? Now music to my ears... That´s real immunity. I´m now grabbing real quick a Heineken as I hear strange sounds from my newly-wed neighbor!



Alascana wrote:
robal wrote:
mugtech wrote:

He repeats himself often.

He does. His mind is so full there´s no more room to maneuver. I hope he doesn´t come into dementia like Uncle Joe...

There All Demented .....as my mom would say there all suffering from a "Lack of Common Sense"

Shopped today.....and the guy at the door asked about my mask , after I got the gel, I whipped it out and told him I needed to gel after touching his nasty shopping cart before touching my mask and I told him in Americano, he shut tfu. .....lol.....

While entering the market with a cart, I get some alcohol gel at the entrance with my dishwashing gloved hands and apply it around the pushing/handle bar of the cart while also sterilizing my gloves.
It´s now also required to have masks on while in public in RS.


I´m so accustomed with everything in Brazil that I´m immune to almost anything. Loud music? I don´t hear them anymore... Barking dogs? Now music to my ears... That´s real immunity. I´m now grabbing real quick a Heineken as I hear strange sounds from my newly-wed neighbor!

There maybe a baby you can deliver soon...lol....

Today's find was a "Mini Prime Rib" with " Marbeling" I got 2 at 40r a kilo.....now to see what they cook like......I am through with "Contra File"........or "Con File".....

Ron Pinto

"Not seeing them, Ron.  What's your secret?

Well Abthree, it must be my gullible looking face.   
Who knows?  They may even think that I look rich.
I refuse all the requests that look like scammers, so...


Ron Pinto wrote:

"Not seeing them, Ron.  What's your secret?

Well Abthree, it must be my gullible looking face.   
Who knows?  They may even think that I look rich.
I refuse all the requests that look like scammers, so...

Most of them are. There were a few that looked genuine but I wasn´t convinced...


Ron Pinto wrote:

"Not seeing them, Ron.  What's your secret?

Well Abthree, it must be my gullible looking face.   
Who knows?  They may even think that I look rich.
I refuse all the requests that look like scammers, so...

AND distinguished!


Alascana wrote:

I´m so accustomed with everything in Brazil that I´m immune to almost anything. Loud music? I don´t hear them anymore... Barking dogs? Now music to my ears... That´s real immunity. I´m now grabbing real quick a Heineken as I hear strange sounds from my newly-wed neighbor!

There maybe a baby you can deliver soon...lol....

Today's find was a "Mini Prime Rib" with " Marbeling" I got 2 at 40r a kilo.....now to see what they cook like......I am through with "Contra File"........or "Con File".....

Yum! Gotta check the whole chicken in brine. I already prepared the sauce for basting.

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