

COVID-19 and expatriation in Colombia

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While I was writing my last post, I see you have already been flooding the zone with additional posts, none of which contains evidence that (supposedly) most hospitalized patients in South America had been vaccinated.

You're off topic.



Right now Colombia is doing a lot better than the U.S., so many have had it plus vaccines are arriving so I think in Colombia there is a kind of herd immunity.  I would be dubious about a Pfizer shot in Colombia unless I was 100 percent sure that the vaccine has been maintained at the cold temperatures required.  That could have been the problem with Agrosur's friend.

nico peligro

In reality, if you believe the statistics (which is another "if"), it looks like most South American countries have achieved "Natural Herd Immunity", after suffering the highest infection rates per capita  in the world

nico peligro

With all due respect-What a bunch of garbage AgroSur America

I hear the same drivel from uneducated domesticas...

You think people are stuid enough on this site o believe this crap? I dont believe your storys-not a tiny bit..sorry...

10 to 20 million will due in Colmbia from the vaccine..yeah..OK

Always a high percentage of nut bars in any Expat community..


nico peligro wrote:

What a bunch of garbage, AgroSur America.

I hear the same drivel from uneducated domésticas...

You think people are stupid enough on this site to believe this crap? I don't believe your storiess-not a tiny bit..sorry...

10 to 20 million will die in Colombia from the vaccine....(?)

Always a high percentage of nut bars in any Expat community.

Thank you for restoring some sanity to this thread.

The unsupported Agro implication that millions in Colombia will die from vaccine (or be incapacitated) was a stain on this forum.

The declining number of covid cases in Colombia is a credit to the country.


Nico's comments were spell-checked in the citation in this post.




This is a thread about Covid in Colombia.  False claims about the vaccinated in other countries or in general .. and undocumented theories attempting to challenge settled science are not pertinent to this thread.  Find another site for anti-vaccination rants.

Blaspheming moderators has no place here.

For a serious health topic such as this, facts should be documented by established agencies and respected news sources, not obscure conspiracy theorists.

Off-topic posting will be scrutinized and the Home Office will have final say after review.

½ûÂþÌìÌà Experts Team


Hello everyone,

Please note that some posts were removed from this thread.


½ûÂþÌìÌà team

nico peligro

Well I believ in free speach, as long as it isnt hate speach, but when somebody writes lunatic  garbage they deserve to be called out, because despite what I said, there might be somebody visiting the site who actually are dumb enough or uneducated to actually  believe this type of tripe..LOL


Hola / Where you boy


One third of Colombia's population has been fully vaccinated.

34.75 percent of Colombia's population is fully vaccinated against covid, according to Johns Hopkins U.

In all, 17.5 million people in Colombia have been fully vaccinated .. and just over 42 million shots have been administered.

The count of covid cases since last year in Colombia is approaching five million, at just over 4,969,000.

Source... Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center's Vaccine Tracker,
                  as of October 9, 2021


@CCC and once again I repeat that the number of cases is irrelevant. Talk to me about the number of hospitalizations. Its been proven and even admitted by the WHO that pcr tests render up to 90% false positives. Which is why so many countries, (including Colombia) have dropped it as a pre requisite for entering.


i agree / i am vacuma / i think this is a joke / the numbers are fabricated and misinformation


Five million covid cases in Colombia! -- and Prospector repeatedly says that's irrelevant.

Oh yeah?  Well that's just like your opinion man.


prospector911 wrote:

Its been proven and even admitted by the WHO that pcr tests render up to 90% false positives. Which is why so many countries, (including Colombia) have dropped it as a pre requisite for entering.

The canard that the World Health Organization supposedly 'admitted' that PCR tests produce high numbers of false-positive results is a false anti-science claim that was amplified by right-wing websites and then disproven months ago.

Covid vaccines have been extremely successful.  That is why some countries now allow incoming passengers to show proof of vaccination instead of requiring a PCR-test.



This is a thread specifically about covid in Colombia, obviously an important public-health matter for the country.

The ½ûÂþÌìÌà Home Office will be monitoring closely any attempts to flame the thread with combative and/or off-topic remarks, especially those directed at individual posters or our team of moderators.

½ûÂþÌìÌà Experts Team


Hi everyone,

hope you are doing well. Just to let you know, I've removed a couple of posts, and deleted the account of someone who are insulting the team (we're here to help, any insult leads to a ban or an account deletion)

All the best,


nico peligro

What he is saying is partly true.

Except the part about false positives being 90% which is once again  total unmitigaed  BS pulled out of...well, you know where..

Testing rate is really low in Colombia compared to developed countries. The actual "Infection Rate" is many times the "Case Rate".

Most people in estratos 1 to 3, which make up majority of the population, dont get tested and dont go to the hospital even if they are  really sick, being that the EPS system is crappy, SISBEN is worse, and people have a general fear of hospitals (who can blame them, even in a developed country?).

Plus tests are not as freely available as in developed countries, even if they cost half as much. They are only "free" if a doctor orders it.

A more valid  indication of actual INFECTION RATE , not the case rate,is to take the death rate and multiply by 200, given that the theoretical infection fatality rate (IFR) in developing countries is around 0.5% ,in deceloping countries with young popullations. based on medical studies from recognized medical agencies (CDC, LANCET, John Hopkins, do a google search).

This means, with a death rate of 2500 per million, you would get an infection rate of around 500,000 per million.

In other words, 50% of Colombians population could have been infected by COVID, in some manner or other.

Which would explain why apparently Colombia, Brazil, Argentina have APEARED to  reached herd immunity, despite only 30% of the popuation being vaccinated.

nico peligro


There have been several studies by LANCET, New England Medical Journal, John Hopkins, Israel Medical association confirming the Efficacy of Pfizer, the favored mRNA vaccine drops to less than 50% after 6 months.

This is almost certainly true for a lot of other m RNA  vaccines.

Unfortunately, people will be stuck with getting boosters every 6 months, if they want to travel and have basic freedoms, until people say "enough is enough" and decide that it should be up to them , based on personal risk analysis,  and not nanny state governments to decide whether they need to continue taking vaccine boosters.

I have been vaccinated twice with Pfizer. I am sitting on the fence about getting a booster. If I do, it will probably be when I pass through Houston on my way to Canada in February, fully 8 months after my last vaccine.

Another issue with this vaccination frenzy, people with money in developed countries are getting 3rd boosers (eventually 4th), 5th) and giving the vaccine to children (who are basically immune).

This effectively robs the supply from developing countries , many of which have not reached herd immunity (like in South America APPARENTLY), who are in MUCH greater need of the vaccine.

The WHO has specifically warned about this.

nico peligro

Personally, I dont believe in banning posts and accounts because people supposedly post "misinformation". That is a matter of personal opinion. Who are people to judge what is "misinformation"?

I am a strong believer in freedom of speach.

We are all suposedly adults,Anything posted we disagree with should be countered with science, and logical evidence- not banning people and deleting comments.

Insulting mods and hate speach are a differnt issue


Julien wrote:

I've removed a couple of posts, and deleted the account of someone who are insulting the team (we're here to help, any insult leads to a ban or an account deletion)

That weekend poster was clearly banned for extreme insults against the moderator team.  The issue was decided at the highest level of our site.

It was the correct move. :top:

Nobody at the Home Office said or implied that the ban was for 'misinformation'.

½ûÂþÌìÌà Experts Team

nico peligro

Thats good to know CCC


It is up the individual to do their own research and come to their own conclusions and opinions. We don’t need others guiding us down a path of information based on someone’s else’s opinion. People need to be free to make their own choices and decisions based on their own information and experiences. All the censorship always comes from the left.


Casilatino wrote:

All the censorship always comes from the left.

Oh yeah?  That's just like your opinion, man.



Not always, but it certainly does now. I can remember when it wasnt this way.

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