

Amazing Coffee - delivery in Da Nang /// VN style + 100% Arabica

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Great coffee.  Buy multiple bags and you can negotiate the price down to 150K per 450g bag.  Direct from farm to Da Nang.  Super high quality at better price /kg then any supermarket coffee.  You can find it in any Moonmilk store, other stores, Roots organic cafe, other places.   https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipOD8iqL26GQj8JjgXteSkgnni5GhJqGcPf_MixE

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too expensive. Ridiculous! Can buy super quality at half price or even lower from local farmers. Honey coffee 80 K for 500gr at the local cafe.


@Sobie really? Organic, pesticide free, safe and with the paperwork to prove it?  I would like to research and try that.  Can you post the info here?  "Local" farmers? I am in Danang - closest coffee area is 6 hour ride from here up NW of Hue near Laos border.  Or, down in the highlands towards and past Buon Ma Thuot / Dak Lak etc - maybe 5 hours ride.  I have been down there.  Gorgeous ride but I digress.  Again, main issue is quality.  Do you know what they do with crap garbage coffee beans here to make them smell / taste good for coffee shops and tourist sale?  Unacceptable, unsafe.  Chemical baths of the raw beans, additive & scent spraying after roasting, etc - none of it healthy.  If you love coffee, you know this.  And price, well, that is like "how long is a rope"?.  Answer: how much rope do you want?  You get what you bought.  Did you do the math?  This coffee is 150K VND for 450g = 330K per Kg.  Compare to what I bought in BigC or Vin >> Trung Nguyen is 400K for 500g = 800K VND/kg.  That is the #1 seller and its pure crap.  Mr Viet is pretty good and 439K VND for a kilo.  And Hello5 at Vincom is 180K VND for 250g = 720k VND/kg.  None of these is organic, or great coffee & all are more expensive.  So that is why I shared the info.  I stick with my point - best coffee and low price.


Living in Pleiku and there are a lot of small farmers not using pesticides. My neighbour has a little farm ( between Pleiku and Dak Lak) not using pesticides and has also beehives located at farms not using pesticides. He brings me always coffee and honey ( for free) and an uncle of my wife has a big plantation, a part is pesticide-free ( near his house). Get always a bag  ( 5kg) of green beans. Give it to my neighbour and he'll roast it for me. Also developed with him a coffee alcohol, all the ingredients are from Pleiku ( homemade rice wine + coffee beans + sugar (sugarcane) ) and after 60 days it's ready to drink ( little cognac glass with an ice cube, you can also add condensed milk ). Now checking to add more flavour like chocolate from Dak Lak or/and cinnamon.


Sobie wrote:

Also developed with him a coffee alcohol, all the ingredients are from Pleiku ( homemade rice wine + coffee beans + sugar (sugarcane) ) and after 60 days it's ready to drink ( little cognac glass with an ice cube, you can also add condensed milk ). Now checking to add more flavour like chocolate from Dak Lak or/and cinnamon.

I can imagine the taste!  Would love to try that one day.

Pleiku was the town where my short teaching career began.  It was 49 years ago but I still remember everything about it.   :heart:  Recently a dozen of my old students from Pleiku found me via social media.  They're all in their early 60s now.  Knowing that really made me feel old.


OMG that sounds amazing.  I would like to get my hands on that honey, free or not ;)   Ya, I think that is the difference.  You are in the middle of it and can buy from farm, roast, etc and have the contacts.  People here and def in Ha Noi (I lived there quite a while) are at the mercy of the big brands, and retailers, with no access like you have.  Very fortunate situation for you - healthy, local, direct food.  I have looked far and wide since I drink coffee every day - the numbers above are real up here.  Now - if you can solve the Breakfast Oats problem we would be set.  Outrageous prices, low quality - also a product I want every day.


Sobie -- You have two paying customers already here.  Sterilise some bottles and find a shipper tout de suite, we're waiting!   :top:

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