

Expired residence permit

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Sorry if this question has been already asked. But I couldn't find a similar scenario to mine.

So, I moved to the Netherlands last August under an "orientation year visa", and I got lucky and found a job within two months and now I'm under a highly-skilled migrant residence permit. However, this permit ends when my current employment contract ends which is the 30th of November.

I'm still not sure whether my employer will extend my contract or not (because of COVID things are not clear). So my question is if my employer didn't extend my contract and my permit ends, does the government give me a period in which I can look for a new sponsor? I heard of something called "search period" but not sure if this applies in my case or not

See also

Visas for the NetherlandsStudent or partner visa?Question about working with partner visaPartner VisaOrientation year visa

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

The IND website has a section devoted to the question you are asking; this will take you straight there.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team


Thank you very much! The link does indeed answer my question.

However, just to be clear, I'm not breaking any law if I stayed here with an expired residence permit right? The only disadvantage is if submitted the extension after the expiration date then I'll have a "residence gap"


Hi again.

That's not my understanding of the regulations; if you read the link I gave you, with regard to the requirements whether your permit will be extended, it states that your circumstances must have remained the same, one of the specific reasons quoted where that will not be the case is "You have a residence permit for work in paid employment, however, you no longer have any work.", which sounds pretty much like your circumstances as you've described them.

However, all that said, the Netherlands is normally keen to promote HSM to work and stay in the Netherlands, so my advice is to speak to the IND and explain your situation and ask them in view of the extraordinary COVID pandemic, what dispensation are they prepared to give you to find further work and stay in the Netherlands.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team


Thanks again for your help.

I'll make sure to contact the IND once I'm certain that my contract is not going to be extended.


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