Marriage and visa
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Hello, I have a question. I live in the UK, I just got married to my Brazilian boyfriend who lives in the UK too. Id like to go to Brazil on my own next month and my husband will join me later. Does anyone know long will it take me to get the spouse visa? Can I go to live in Brazil on my own? Will I be able to get a job legally?
You should first take your marriage certificate to the Brazilian Embassy in London, they will give you a paper saying that you can get a Brazilian Marriage Certificate when you arrive in Brasil. Once you do that you will have to ask for a Spouse Visa, your husband must be in Brasil because they are going to visit you to check that you are really married...
I´m brazilian and my wife is Spanish, we got here in January and she got her Id number a month ago, but the Id Card itself will take another 3 mnonths I guess...
Thank you so much for your reply, that is very helpful. How did your wife do until she got the ID number? Did she just stay in Brazil with a tourist visa? And because my husband is working in London, he wont be able to be in Brazil for the first month, do you think that will be a problem if they have to do some checks?
Once you go to the Policia Federal with your marriage certificate and all the rest of documents they will give you a paper saying you are "in process", this is enough to stay in Brazil legally. The police came to our house around 3 months after that to check the situation...
By the way, if you don´t have a visa issued from the Embassy saying you will be doing your permanent visa in Brazil, the Airline will force you to buy a round trip... just in case you were thinking about buying a one way ticket....
I'm an Australian/New Zealander (dual citizen) married to a Brazilian and we are currently going through this process at the moment. We were married in Thailand and it's as Mp_Garcia said, best to go to the Brazilian embassy in London first, but as we didn't get time to sort out our documents in Thailand, even though we were there 6 months, we came to Brazil together and I was on a 3 month visa which you can then go to the Brazilian federal police to get another 3 months extension. This has allowed the Federal police time to check all our documents and my background history. Currently we are just waiting for my ID card also.
Don't worry too much though as Brazil is a little more relaxed than either England or Australia's immigration and the process doesn't cost much at all. I do recommend coming with your husband though, everything will be alot easier filling out and filing all the forms with the Policia, not to mention the little visit they include in their checks on you!
You are right, I think the easiest way is to go to the embassy in the UK first and then to go to Brazil with my husband as I don't want any trouble. Thank you for your help.
Hi guys,
Newbie here and just wondering if I could ask a question? I got married to my Brazilian husband (I'm Irish) here in Ireland last year and we also had a church wedding in Brazil so we had to give the minister a copy of our Irish marriage cert (translated) in order for him to register our marriage there.
My question is, does anyone know if I have to go looking for a Spouse visa as well or whatever it's called?
I´m not sure if a church marriage is enough for the permanent visa, I guess you will need your translated marriage certificate in order to ask for the Brazilian VISA...
Thankyou mp_garcia. Apologies in advance for any dumb questions
No problem, I´ve done the process a year ago for my wife...
I also looking at getting married to a Brazilian. We will get married in the US and most the time live here. To get a residence visa how much time do you have to live in Brazil every year. Also could you give a list of Document you needed to get your resident visa. Thanks
I have no idea how long or what you need.  This is much easier for a Brazilian to get, to know where to get.  You can also check with the Brazilian consulate in Houston or LA.
When will you be in BH?
Please use to respond....I don't have much time to be sighing onto this blog !
Cheers, Douglas
Just about to start the visa process in Brazil. Myself and my wife (Brazilian) got married in January in Ireland and have everything sorted and ready (i think) to go to policia federal. My only question is about working. I have read it can take 2-6 months for the police to come and visit and finalize visa. Am I allowed to work while I wait or do I have to sit at home and wait for them to call? Any help much appreciated
Once you apply for your permanent visa you get a protocol and a printout called a SINCRE, with these two documents you go to the Regional offices of the Ministry of Labor and apply for a work permit (Carteira de Trabalho).
William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team
Thanks wj
With this can i work while i wait for the policia to come and visit or just after they are finished?
Yes Conor, you get the protocol and SINCRE when you apply for the Permanent Visa, then you take them to the Ministry of Labor (Superintendência Regional) and apply for your work permit. Depending on the location and their workload it can take up to 10 to get the Carteira de Trabalho, but you might get lucky. They made mine up while I waited, had it in less than one hour. You are legally permitted to work the minute you have the Carteira de Trabalho in your hot little hand, don't have to wait for the Policia Federal... the only thing is that you will probably have to go back and get the protocol extended (prorrogação) once or twice, since they NEVER have the visa and ID ready in the 180 days they put on the original document. So, each time you get it extended, you'll also have to go back to the Ministry of Labor and get your work permit re-validated too, they will only make it permanent once you've got the visa and permanent ID card, but that's no big deal. Good luck.
William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team
hi, i have a grilfreind in brazil, this year i decided to visit her place in cuiaba on tourist visa and to get married in brazil, so once i arrive brazil, any of you can explain how to get married and need of documents and how long i can stay legally, apart from tourist and extention of 3 months. thanks in advance
The link below will give you information on the documents necessary for foreigners getting married in Brazil. They should all be ready on arrival because the process can take up to three months depending on the location in Brazil. First you must go to the Cartório de Pessoas Naturais to register intent to marry, they will publish the marriage bans in the DOU and give you a date for the marriage. So you should come here with a clear visa which permits a 90 day stay, recommended that you have not visited Brazil within the last year in case you need to extend it for a further 90 days to allow time for the marriage.
Following the marriage you take the marriage certificate, certified criminal record check, etc., to the Federal Police and apply for your Permanent Visa. you can find all the documents you need for the process at
William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team.
Don't forget that most of the documents you will need from home must be legalized by the Brazilian Consulate in your home country first. None of the documents should be older than 6 months when submitted for Consular legalization or they are not considered valid.
My name is Depak, I am a Indian citizen, and I have got Married with Brazilian citizen. I am gonna apply to Permanent Resident visa to be with my wife. I have read all the instructions from the Brazilian Embassy website and I do have all the document for it. but I am just confuse that website says once approval is got from brazil so you can proceed in Embassy of brazil in delhi. (once approval is got from brazil) what does it mean?
does it mean that We have to register our marriage in Brazil, and that registered document do I have to use to apply a permanent visa? or If is there something else so can you give me information about it I would be so thankful.
Thanking you
Hello Depak,
Yes, you have to register your marriage that took place in India at the Brazilian Embassy / Consulate in India. They will issue a second Marriage Certificate from the Consular Cartório (registry) which is valid in Brazil. But like everything to do with immigrations it is not the Embassy or Consulate that makes the decissions, they just relay them back to Brazil for approval.
So you need to take your ORIGINAL mMrriage Certificate to the Embassy or Consulate and fill out any forms they give you, pay a fee.
William James Woodward – Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team
thanks sir
but my wife already registered our marriage in brazil and she sent me a legalised copy of certificate.
so what is the next step? i am just confused about Brazil for approval. how does it work?
Since your marriage is registered in Brazil you already have this authorizations, now you only need to apply for your visa.
You have two choices, both have advantages and disadvantages.
The first option is to apply for a VITUR Tourist Visa and come to Brazil to apply for your VIPER Permanent Visa here. You must have all the necessary documents ready and those that need to be legalized by the Consulate in your home country must have been submitted and legalized as required. The advantage of coming here on a VITUR and applying here is that you are permitted to remain in Brazil and to obtain a work permit and get a job until the process is completed. The disadvantage is that here it takes a very long time to complete the process. Two years or more is not uncommon.
The second option is to apply for the VIPER in your home country. The process is exactly the same and the documents required are also the same. The advantage of applying at home is that generally speaking the VIPER is issued in a much shorter period of time, in many cases 3 to 6 months which is considerably different than here. The disadvantage is that by applying at home you will not be permitted to come to Brazil until the VIPER has been issued.
So the choice is up to you.
William James Woodward – Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team
Hi Depak
Approval in your case means that after the Brazilian Embassy in India collects all documents required for permanent visa ,they will send those documents to Brasilia here.The officials in Brasilia have their own protocol to process the documents.After the processing is done the request for your visa will be approved by the officials here.After it has been approved you can go to the Embassy there to get the visa stamped in your passport.Just keep in mind that in any case the wait can be alteast for 6 months or more.You have to be patient about it.
Boa Sorte
Thanks William James Woodward and dhirajprakash. I really appreciate, You solved my big confusion thank you so much.
Thanks a lot again for answering all my questions. You are very very helpful. Now that I took a decision I got a new doubt. I am thinking to apply for a VITUR tourist visa, but I do not have a bank statement for the last 6 months because I was living and studying in United States until the end of May. I opened my new bank account in New Delhi when I came back, but I do not have a big amount in my bank account nowadays also, neither my family. Is there any possibility that my wife's family could show their bank account/statement as responsible for my expenses? Or do I need to show specificaly my bank statement?
Another concern... do I have to buy both ways tickets (Brasil/India - India/Brasil) to show them?
If you had a bank account while in the USA you should show those bank statements too, what they are looking for is the fact that you have sufficient funds to support yourself while in Brazil and that the funds weren't just recently deposited in order simply to meet this requirement.
I believe that your wife's family can make a Declaration of Financial Responability, stating they will pay all your expenses while in Brazil as a tourist. Check with the consulate.
William James Woodward – Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team
Hi Depak
You will need to show financial capability.If you look at Embassy website they have mentioned that no declaration from Brazilian counterpart is accepted.It will be best for you to talk with some Indian employee working there in Embassy.Your marriage certificate may help you with immigration in India for you not to have any kind of hotel reservations necessary while travelling with VITUR.And yes immigration ask for return ticket while boarding flight.You will read some stories over the internet without return ticket on tourist visa but its best not to take any chances.
Boa Sorte
Thank You William and Dheeraj, You helped me and made my way easier.
To cut long story down..I camed to Brasil, with student visa, only 80 days, after I have prolonged for 1 year. I am legal in Brasil till 10.2014. In the midd time I have fall in love with Brasilian, and I will hopefully get married in February. I am from Serbia, and I need to wait documents...My question is can I work while I wait all documents?
IÂ have Chemical Engineering diploma, from Belgrade University.
Thank You very much!
No, only once you have applied for a permanent visa (VIPER) based on marriage will you be able to apply for a Carteira de Trabalho e Previdência Social CTPS (work permit).
Without a CTPS and CPF number you can't get formal work. You could work "under the table" but don't get caught doing so.because your visa doesn't permit you to work.
I do not know have You received my new msg, therefore I will write one more time.
For how long I need to wait all of that?
I am very sorry for all my questions, but I am really worried, about my stay here, and everything else. So, I am waiting for my embassy to open, than I need to send than some documents, that are saying my brother in Serbia, can pick up everything for me. I thing that could last for a week, after I need to sand all that to Serbia, and I believe so that I will have all documents ready, by February.
Do You think It is smart to go now, on January 6th to Cartorio and mark our names, just to cut waiting?
I have asked You, after my marriage for how long I need to wait, to get a paper saying that I am allowed to work in Brasil?
I have asked my boyfriend, and he thinks it can be done in one week, just to get paper that is saying that I have applied for visa permit?
I believe so, because I need to work, in order to have money here.
Also do You think that any Hotel would hire me, because my English is quite good?
Once you get all the documents together to mark the date for your marriage you will need to wait about 30 days until the actual date of the wedding. Once you have been married you can apply for the VIPER visa immediately, provided you have the necessary documents. As soon as you have applied at the Policia Federal for the visa you can then go to the Ministério de Trabalho e Empregos (MTE) Regional Superintendency in your city and apply for the CTPS. Depending on the city and office where you apply it can take up to 10 days for the CTPS to be ready. If you're lucky it will be done same day, but don't count on that. So, if you've already got all your documents together and the necessary translations and legalization of the documents that require it, you could have your work permit in about 2 months.
For more information on the documents required for marriage and the VIPER application see the following posting:
It doesn't matter how long the VIPER process takes to be completed, you have the right to work from the moment you have applied for it if your application is based on marriage or on having a Brazilian child. The visa process itself can take up to 2 years or more - it's really slow.
William James Woodward - Brazil & Canada Expert, Expat-blog Team
God bless You! I will let You know after everything is done, and buy You a beer:))
Thank You very much, all best for You and Your family!
Also, just a tip from experiance, make sure you get a list of what you need from the cartorio & policia federal. It can be different sometimes. Another tip would be get married in your home country first if possible. Much easier. Boa sorte!
Beer is good! Beer is very, very good!!!
i was married to brazilian in month of may,2014 in India & No we wants to settle in Brazil
Can you suggest the procedure how to apply for PR is it possible to live in Brazil as we are staying in Delhi (India ).
what all necessary document we need to carry for applying for PR ?
Hello 1raj111,
See the topic I have just posted regarding how to register a foreign marriage with a Brazilian citizen.
/forum/viewtopic.p … 93#1954039
Then you can choose to either apply for a VITUR Tourist Visa and apply for the VIPER Peramanent Visa here in Brazil, or you can apply for the VIPER in your home country. For the documents required for applying for the VIPER (either at the Consulate in your home country or through the Policia Federal once in Brazil) then see the information at the end of the following topic posting.
William James Woodward, EB Experts Team
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