

Protein powder in Luanda.

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hi im Lee.
Ive been working out lately and thought the neccessarity of protein powder.

but I wasnt able to see any store sells protein powder.

is there anyone who know where the store is ?
thx for reading this

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I've only seen this at Casacon in Talatona.

But never specifically looked at other places, so might not have noticed


Some good advice, go look around the bigger pharmacies in Tella Tona and the City central, I saw quite allot of Pharmacies sell the known brands like Avox and Joe Weider, but they wont carry a full range like in proper countries, you will pay about $100 for a biggish plastic container full of muscle gain as an example. Its about 20kg if I am not mistaken. But check out the bigger pharmacies, you will be surprised what you can get.


I was able to buy it thanks to all you guys` reply.

Thanks for your help.


Shoprite in Talatona is probably your best bet

But most big pharmacies carry stock as well

Just check the sell-by dates