Relocating to Cape Verde
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hello, my name is Carla and I'm South African although parents are from Portugal. I am looking into relocating to CV and to teach English. Is there a demand for the English language in schools? also in terms of fitness and sports, what are the possibilities?  What are the standard costs of living in a nice quiet area close to transport but not in the centre of town? appreciate all your posts and feedback.
Hello ccff,
Welcome to ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ
A new thread has been created on the Cape Verde forum with your post so that your various questions benefit from more visibility.
I hope that you will find the answers you need to make your future, potential move a reality.Â
All the best,
Team ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ
Hello Carla,
I have answered your questions below:
Is there a demand for the English language in schools? Teaching English in CV is a possible way to earn money working in CV. However, you need to keep in mind that it is a very poor country and the people do not have a lot of money. So while there are many people that would like to learn to speak English, most of them cannot afford the classes. In addition, you would need to focus on the population centers where there are large numbers of people. So you would need to be located in Praia (the capital) or Mindelo to have a potential audience.
There are already a number of companies teaching English via private classes. In addition, the high schools teach some English, and the public university, UNICV, has an English degree program. So there is already lots of competition. However, an alternative is to become a teacher with one of the private companies. Or you could obtain your teaching licence and become an English professor at the one of the high schools or at the university. You will need to speak Portuguese fluently to obtain the teaching license and qualify as a professor.
In terms of fitness and sports, what are the possibilities? I am not sure what you mean by this question. Do you mean the possibilities in terms of employment in the area of fitess and sports? This is not a promising area if you are looking for a job, unless you are a personal trainer in which case you can work in a gym. Cape Verdeans are extremely fitness oriented and the gyms are always full, so there is a possibility to find work as a personal trainer. However, if you are simply asking about sports and fitness, well there are a lot of outlets for that as I said.
What are the standard costs of living in a nice quiet area close to transport but not in the centre of town? To live comfortably in a nice quiet area close to transport, you will need to be located in Praia or Mindelo which are the only two population centers that have public transport (buses). It will cost around €750 a month including rent, utilities, monthly bus pass, internet, food and entertainment to be very comfortable. You can live on €500 per month if you live in an older, less quiet neighborhood and eat at the cheapest places (breakfast €1, lunch €2.50 and dinner €3.50 per day) or cook for yourself. If you want a larger apartment with 3 bedrooms and if like to eat out a lot, it could cost more.
You can find a lot more detailed information in the .
ccff wrote:hello, my name is Carla and I'm South African although parents are from Portugal. I am looking into relocating to CV and to teach English. Is there a demand for the English language in schools? also in terms of fitness and sports, what are the possibilities?  What are the standard costs of living in a nice quiet area close to transport but not in the centre of town? appreciate all your posts and feedback.