

Vaccines required in Dominican Republic

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Hello everybody,

When living or moving abroad, and in particular in Dominican Republic, vaccination against certain diseases is often required to enter the country or to avoid risks.

We would like to ask you a few questions to help future expats there.

What is your relationship to vaccines in general?

Did you get vaccinated before moving to the Dominican Republic?
Were these vaccinations compulsory or recommended?

Did you refuse to get any vaccine that was recommended for the Dominican Republic? If so, why?

If you are an expatriate in Dominican Republic, are you encouraged to get a COVID-19 vaccine? Do you have access to the vaccine and do you plan to get it?

Is this vaccine required for entering the country now?

Many thanks,

½ûÂþÌìÌà team


I will answer in order.

I believe in science so will get vaccines as needed.  None are currently required to enter the country.

There is still no clear vaccine policy here in terms of being required. I expect that at some point it will be required for most travel.

The govt is encouraging vaccine use but as of now it's not required for anyone.  They are expecting a 70% rate of innoculation.

As of now we don't know what our access will be.  Vaccines have just started arriving for medical personnel.   

The govt has clearly stated they have purchased and will provide free vaccines for the legal Dominican population.  They will not provide for anyone who is illegal.  The smallish group of expats with legal residency has not been addressed.

My guess is anyone will be able to purchase vaccines at some point.  We expect the volume of our vaccines to arrive June through September.


Government presents National Vaccination Plan against COVID-19

It is intended to vaccinate 7.8 million people over 18 years of age, so 15.6 million doses will be needed, for this reason more than 21 million doses of vaccines have been purchased.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.- The Dominican Government, chaired by Luis Abinader, presented this Monday the National Vaccination Plan against COVID-19 with which it is intended to immunize the entire Dominican population against the COVID-19 virus, which it has affected thousands of people across the country and the world.
President Luis Abinader congratulated the Health Cabinet, coordinated by Vice President Raquel Peña; the Ministry of Health and its incumbent, Dr. Plutarco Arias; to the National Health Service, State institutions and officials for the work done.

In his speech, the president highlighted that important actions have been carried out to obtain the vaccine against COVID-19, despite the struggle between the countries of the world to obtain the drug. He said that the first batch of vaccines will be from AstraZeneca and that the Government's intention is to do so as soon as possible.
The President expressed that, according to a study, in the country about 40 percent of the population has expressed rejection of applying the vaccine, for which he called the attention of Dominicans since these vaccines are safe and radically decrease the intensity of the disease, with proven and safe efficiency.

He stressed that the vaccines that will arrive in the country were purchased directly from pharmaceutical laboratories, to immunize 7.8 million people over 18 years of age, so 15.6 million doses will be needed, and more than 21 million doses have been purchased. of vaccines.

Phases of vaccination

The Vice President of the Republic explained that the National Vaccination Plan for Vaccinate RD is made up of three phases, which the country must exhaust step by step, prioritizing the vulnerability of citizens until reaching the groups with the lowest risk of complications by contagion.

Phase I consists of four stages, Phase IA, where it is intended to vaccinate first-line Health personnel of all ages, who work in COVID-19 centers. In Phase IB, the rest of the Health personnel of all ages will be immunized. In the IC Phase, adults over 60 years of age with comorbidities, prioritizing those who are in nursing homes. Phase ID will be vaccinated adults older than 60 years, and this includes the military population (FFAA), including the first line of the Army, Police, Navy and also teachers.

In Phase II of the Plan, the Dominican population between the ages of 50 and 59 who suffer from morbidities will be immunized and in Phase IIB, the rest of this population.

For the third phase of immunization, the Dominican population between 18 and 49 years of age will be included, Phase A for those who suffer from morbidities and in Phase B the rest of this population.

Vice-president Raquel Peña highlighted that the prioritization of population groups and the rest of the plan has been established within the framework of the law, and that its governance will be headed by a Neuralgic Center, headed by the President of the Republic, Luis Abinader and subsequently by a Board of Directors, made up of the Vice Presidency and the Ministry of Health, and under this a central coordination.

She indicated that intramural vaccination points will be established with health establishments that offer specialized care to patients in risk groups and elderly stays. The extramurals, made up of fixed vaccination posts located in strategic places in the different communities, as well as mobile posts to reach hard-to-reach communities.

The plan specifies that the logistics of distribution of the Vaccine is in the first order, the producing Laboratory, then the Central Collection Center, from where the doses will be distributed to the intramural and extramural vaccination posts, and then located in the Collection Centers. regional, so that they reach the population.

She stressed that those who apply to vaccines must fill out a Registration form, with which they will be given a consent form and a vaccination card.

Strategic Communication Department
February 15, 2021


The question of access to vaccines for foreigners has been asked recently on the Ministry of Health forum:

I guess we should follow up on that question and seek more specific information in relation to if and which Phase we would be in?


My guess at this point is  we will  have access but need to pay for it.   Maybe I should start a pool, we all bet on when this info will be available......  :D

Citizens have the right to be vaccinated. Anyone living here with the permission of this country and government should pay.  Anyone living here illegally, that is a whole other story and is subject to much discussion on social media.


I am of the opinion, that in the coming months, we will not be able to travel internationally to most countries and on many airlines without proof of vaccination, and as such there will be a need to be able to get vaccinated here even of at a cost.


agreed. I intend to make it mandatory for my employees.


These are the foreigners who will be vaccinated against COVID-19 in the country

Yes, foreigners residing in Dominican territory will be vaccinated against COVID-19, assured the infectologist Jesús Feris Iglesias, a member of the Government Health Cabinet.

"There will be about six million more or less additional doses (...) those people who live in the country, who are shown to live in the country, are going to be vaccinated," he said in the central interview of El Despertador.

He cited as part of these foreigners diplomats, consuls "and all those other people who are living in the country, whether for economic exile, political exile or whatever."




More vaccines are coming in.  Almost a million doses arrived last night. 

There are at least 4 sources of vaccines coming in.  Most need two doses. It will be interesting to see how they manage this.


Actually 768,000 dosis arrived last night from China


Yeah...I'm hoping they use up the ones from China before it's my turn!


I am not getting in line for Chinese or russian vaccines.  No thanks.  I will wait and pay for the one I want.


Do they not consider you legal if you have a cedula and residency even if it is temporary at this point.  I own a house and car and we are going for retirement residency.  One poster mentioned registration. HOw do ou do that?  I had always hears that 85% need to be vacinated for any disease to contain it so that 70% is not encouraging


Yes that makes you legal and legal residents and those proving they live here apparently will be vaccinated.

You are talking about herd immunity.   70% is what they think is the % who want to be vaccinated.  Clearly more education is needed here.  And they bought equivalent of 10 million people to be vaccinated!  So there is more than enough!


Hi....I did not need vaccines to enter the DR......pretty sure no vaccines are needed currently to enter. I do believe though that a negative test is required.


Not correct. There is currently no need for a negative test.  It would be respectful to have one!

Inbound flight travellers may be randomly tested on arrival.


Vaccinations for people older than 65 started today in Santo Domingo.


Yes those are over  60 with other complicating factors first I thought.  These are the vaccines from China.


planner wrote:

Yes those are over  60 with other complicating factors first I thought.  These are the vaccines from China.

The Chinese vaccines are also available starting today in other locations including Puerto Plata.

On careful consideration, I may pass on that particular vaccine option.


These are the places you can get vaccinated once the roll out is in full swing




Hi All,

A lot of time has passed since the last post regarding expats and vaccines... my wife and I are here for another month and have heard they are available at the Punta Cana airport.  We’re late 50’s and don’t mind paying for it.  If it’s an option we plan on going Monday morning and see how it goes.

Any info would be appreciated.
Cheers - Odie


In a Facebook group for expats, someone said he went to the PC airport for a vaccine but was turned away because he didn’t have residency. There was no option for him to pay for the vaccine.


You need to have a cedula - be citizen or resident is the strict understanding.

But the reality is that DR does not have vaccines now for new vaccinations only for second doses and some front line workers/teachers, and the date of the next shipment is still unknown.

Added to that any new deliveries will be for persons over 60, front line workers or over 50 with comorbidities and doctor's note confirming such.

The next anticipated delivery was for one million Sinovac vaccines that will be for 500k persons. It was due this week but they have not had any notification of availability. It will take several days once they get notice to get export clearance and arrange a charter and then arrange distribution internally. Based upon the last large delivery we are probably looking at after Easter earliest for new vaccinations.


I meet all the requirements to have the vaccine here but I have no interest in doing so. Until It is approved and I am assured about long term affects that these vaccines have. It surprises me how many are jumping on the band wagon thinking this will save them.



There isn't a choice here and frankly I doubt if there will be many options for several months.

So, you may question those of us who have had our first jab knowing the probability was that it was Sinovac, but it is a traditional tried and tested vaccine format using inactive virus and has been shown to offer 100% protection against serious illness(peer reviewed) , has few side effects and after two doses gives an efficiacy of probably 80 to 90% based on the largest scale phase 3 trial non peer reviewed results. It also is suspected and a small sample has shown it could be resilient to mutations because it uses the whole inactive virus to combat covid rather than just focusing on the spike. Now that is as good if not better than the AZ vaccine that you will probably get here by waiting.

You may be surprised at what motivated many other expats over 65 like me having had the jab, but come early next month we should have good resistance to covid19 in a country where transmission rates are apparently increasing with risks of mutations. And perhaps in the next few days this vaccine will get WHO emergency use approval. Being Chinese is immaterial to me because without doubt other vaccines are in part using Chinese components.

You wont know the long term effects of any of there new vaccines for at least 12 months so it could be a long wait....and still no choice in DR if the government only controls vaccines.

Decent protection now is better than nothing imo. And I loathe vaccinations.


WillieWeb wrote:


Everybody who is elegible for a vaccine now or soon should watch this video to help make their mind up.


When the WHO approve it I will get in line

Until then I am waiting.


I think this is worth sharing:

Reactions to Pfizer, Moderna, AZ and now Janssen vaccines.

What is summarized in this report comes from the EU database for adverse drug reactions...Eudravigilance.   click on link and then:

NEW! To consult the reports for COVID-19 vaccines, follow this link, then click on the letter 'C' and scroll down until “COVID-19â€.

It is all there and up to 29th March too.

These all are experimental drugs (vaccines) approved for emergency use and this does confirm adverse reactions on quite a large scale from thse vaccines.

I am sure if they add other vaccines there will be adverse reactions reported too. The Sinovac vaccine we have here is not fully effective until about two weeks after the second dose by nature of the vaccine. There were some reported reactions a few days after vaccination here to medical staff. You build your resistance with a deactivated virus and there is a distinct possibility that a booster will be required after several months to give a longer term immunity.

We all must remember these are all experimental drugs and we don't know the long term effect and resistance nor the transmittability after vaccination. And they don't affect all of us equally. Check the EU agency report on effect by gender - women and under 60s seem to suffer more adverse effects.


Thanks for sharing. You won’t find this info on main stream media. If that many people died from drinking coke or Pepsi, wouldn’t they take it off the market.


Thanks for providing the information.  I am a little suspect of 1) the source and 2) the many statistical points that are missing from the info provided.

The website states it was launched by the “European Medicines Agency†in 2012.  Why would a 9-year old European website have the Canadian .ca suffix ?  Am I missing something ?

The facts and figures do not really explain where these numbers came from.  Were the deaths directly related to an adverse reaction to the vaccines, or partially as is the case when a very elderly patient succumbs to pneumonia and is deemed to be “covid related†?  The article goes on to break down each instance in an odd way, but the instances such as “ 37,365 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 22 deaths†or “ 229 Social circumstances incl. 6 deaths†among others just don’t ring true.  These vague connections combined with the bold print and enlarged fonts to catch your eye, along with the conspiracy-based publications advertised on the site make me a little more skeptical than I originally was.

I’m certainly not saying these vaccines (and why did they use the word in quotation marks?) are perfect, but I am going to use my own intelligence and judgement to take that information for what it may well be worth.  Will I take the vaccine when I’m able ?  Yes I will.

Cheers - Odie


Interesting data.

I've still not gotten the vaccine.  My home state has just opened up my demographic, so it should be available within the next few weeks.

But, still in no rush to do it.


This report is wholly misleading.   Back this up with reliable proof, not "suspected" interactions.

Now cross reference this data by age and the normal rates of these events as well as data on pre existing conditions in all these "suspected" interactions!


It is not just the Europena Union that has a mechanism for reporting adverse effects and incidents of covid19 vaccines, the UK does too. It is a very helpful database for future studies on how these vaccines affect all manner of people to take thse vaccines to formal approval.

They have a yellow card system for reporting side effects and adverse incidents:

And they are issuing a weekly report online:

I am sure other countries like Canada will have such transparent reporting.

For sure such vaccines do have side effects and effect certain people more dramatically especially if you have a week immune system. The MRA and vector vaccines are trying to induce (strong) anti body responses whereas the inactive virus vaccines stimulate our immune system. Sort of explains why those of us who have had the Sinovac vaccine having no significant side effects - it is a developing process, like most vaccines in use, of developing immunity.


Odie&CiCi wrote:

Thanks for providing the information.  I am a little suspect of 1) the source and 2) the many statistical points that are missing from the info provided.

The website states it was launched by the “European Medicines Agency†in 2012.  Why would a 9-year old European website have the Canadian .ca suffix ?  Am I missing something ?


The website was reporting on date as my post explained from the EU agency.

You need to vists that site inder covid vaccines and you will find all the data reported by the Canadian website. The source is the EU government.


Hi I was 3times in RD as far
Never was taken any vaccine
I move for longer or permanent
From2022 or 2023
So I'm not really expact 100%
I not belive in vaccines
As long they not obligatory I not will use


You may find int the future it is mandatory in order to fly!   Already cruise ships are making them mandatory.


I'm not chicken or cow
I doubt someone will survive forced me to vaccine will be free vaccine country like Russia or Belarus

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