Vaccines required in Ecuador
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Hello everybody,
When living or moving abroad, and in particular in Ecuador, vaccination against certain diseases is often required to enter the country or to avoid risks.
We would like to ask you a few questions to help future expats there.
What is your relationship to vaccines in general?
Did you get vaccinated before moving to Ecuador?
Were these vaccinations compulsory or recommended?
Did you refuse to get any vaccine that was recommended for Ecuador? If so, why?
If you are an expatriate in Ecuador, are you encouraged to get a COVID-19 vaccine? Do you have access to the vaccine and do you plan to get it?
Is this vaccine required for entering the country now?
Many thanks,
½ûÂþÌìÌà team

We are not required to get a Covid 18 vaccine in Ecuador and we plan to never take even if required to do so.
I came from Africa to Ecuador, in Ecuador it is required by law that those coming from malaria religion, yellow fewer religion must be vaccinated before entering the country. Covid vaccine is compulsory. And you must have your covid passport to show as a prove that you have been vaccinated. I will have to get more information and then get back to you. Or you can WhatSaap me on ***
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GLAYDUCKY777 a.k.a. Emmanuel wrote:in Ecuador ... (c)ovid vaccine is compulsory. And you must have your covid passport to show as a prove that you have been vaccinated. I will have to get more information and then get back to you.
As much as we appreciate Emmanuel's prayerful work and his posts on threads, I don't think we can rely on the above covid and vaccination statements.
Given the revolving door of Ecuador health ministers and the fact that the rules are subject to change at any time, I recommend against relying on any covid-related requirements posted on this thread or anywhere on the Internet.
If traveling, stay in touch with your carrier(s) about covid requirements. Or you may contact the relevant embassy/consulate.
cccmedia, experts team
We haven't officially moved yet but got a series of vaccines before we went on our exploratory trip. We went to a travel vaccine office and they went over all of the recommended vaccines depending on where we were going. As a note, we were coming from the US.
Here are the ones we got:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Yellow Fever
Suggested ones we opted not to do for the trip (but will get before we move):
I believe MMR wasn't one that was necessarily recommended for Ecuador, it was just recommended in general since we didn't know if we received the booster when we were young. The chickenpox vaccine was recommended in general too, but we've already had chickenpox so we didn't need to get this one.
None of the vaccines I've listed were "required" for Ecuador, just recommended. No one asked for vaccine documentation at customs.
We are proponents of vaccines and will get the Covid vaccine before our move. I agree with cccmedia that the Covid rules for Ecuador are constantly changing so just check on the latest info regarding entering the country.
I live in Cotooaxi Province and have a nearby friend who goes regularly to the USA and Mexico; she came back less than 2 weeks ago. No Covid vaccine is currently required to enter Ecuador. However, timely negative PCR tests are required for entry.  Also negative PCR results for some internal trips such as to Galapagos; I am going there in 5 weeks.  Rabies shots are not required here and if you live and travel mainly in cities then generally dogs are not ill and even street dogs are moderately friendly. But the countryside can be quite different. Here dogs are property guards and most properties are not fenced. Further dogs are rarely trained.Â
While I was scoping out my home to buy, a neighbour's dog bit me between the ankle and calf.   Neighbours immediately took me to the nearby centro de salud where they gave me antibiotics.  I returned to Canada and a few days later looked at me leg and noticed the telltale sign of septicima. So off to the hospital for additional antibiotics.  First thing to know if bitten, is that you need both kinds of antibiotics, for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Sometimes these are found in one shot but not always.  Secondly, there have been rabies campaigns here even for the nasty country dogs. A certificate is handed out but often hard to find. Rabies does exist but I have not seen the statistics on how many cases a year and I doubt many. I did get the rabies shots in Canada before I returned to Ecuador but fortunately with my dog aviodance techniques, no more bites.  Also a bit of informations, many vaccines are much lower priced here.
Yellow Fever vaccine I have also had but no where on entry or in Ecuador has it been requested. The main areas affected are deep into Amazonia not on the edge like Tena.  Much depends where you travel.
Lindaecuador wrote:fortunately with my dog aviodance techniques, no more bites.
Please tell us a few of your techniques! It might be helpful for others.
As a kid in Ecuador riding my bicycle, I grew quite skilled at kicking dogs with either foot as many would attack me as I rode past. Probably helped my ´Úú³Ù²ú´Ç±ô skills, too, to be able to kick hard with either foot...
Famous dog avoidance techniques...
1. Cross the street or otherwise give unknown dogs a wide berth.
2. Let sleeping dogs lie. Also look out for and maintain distance from a dog that is barking, snarling, growling, eating, chewing on a bone, nursing pups or playing with a toy.
3. If you have something a canine would eat, toss it behind you to distract the doggo.
4. Walk, don't run. You probably can't outrun a dog that is intent on chasing you .. and running will make a chase more likely.
5. If a dog is on a long leash, call out to the owner to tighten up on the leash before you approach to pass.
6. Do not stare at a dog .. as this will stir aggression in Fido.
7. Use your walking stick for protection.
One of the surprising things about Ecuador is all the dogs & cats that roam around without the owner's supervision (assuming they have owners). I told my wife that sort of thing would never fly in the US. She lets her cat roam around the neighborhood too. He sort of uses her house as home base.
We now shift from dog and cat news back to the original subject of this thread .. vaccinations in Ecuador.
The nation's Emergency Operations Committee has decided that proof of vaccination against covid is sufficient to allow travelers to enter Ecuador .. instead of passing a PCR test.
Details at
The latest update changed since the last of April 1, 2021. Vaccine Passports will be accepted, however are NOT Mandatory at this point. The Vaccine availability in Ecuador is very limited, the Ministry of Health, however is trying to distribute to Elders first. From my research at the rate they are operating it may be years before enough vaccines are even available, currently they’ve a trial for a new Chinese vaccine. According to their notice , only certain vaccines are applicable , which are on list..the Johnson and Johnson 1 shot , is at presently not on their list. Covid PCR tests are Mandatory upon entry and departure. The country has also as of today imposed Red Zone restrictions, affecting businesses and their hours of operation , driving restrictions, mask fines, no social gatherings and alcohol sales. Please do not post information that is inaccurate, such as requirement of Vaccine Passports, until information is confirmed by Government sources. It’s difficult enough to keep up with changes.
Lureta Whitewing wrote:From my research at the rate they are operating it may be years before enough vaccines are even available... Covid PCR tests are Mandatory upon entry and departure. The country has also as of today imposed Red Zone restrictions....
"[i]t may be years before enough vaccines are available" in Ecuador?
That appears to be wild, unfounded speculation -- not enough vaccines before 2023 ?!
The apparent fact that vaccine distribution has been slow does not mean that other countries won't make vaccines available .. and does not account for the likely stepping-up of vaccine production.
The statement about "Mandatory" covid tests (which I put in bold font above) contradicts information at the U.S. Embassy/Quito website. There it says that arriving passengers in Ecuador may show proof of a complete vaccination series instead of taking a covid test.
If you post again, Lureta Whitewing, please cite the sources of your "research."
There has been an uptick of unfounded anti-vaxxer speech on our forums this month. Thanks to the Home Office, some of such has been deleted or moderated.
The Centers For Disease Control or CDC is considered by most news outlets to be the foremost authority on following and battling the current pandemic. The current CDC guidance favors vaccinations through government-approved vaccines.
Forum posters who -- without evidence -- make anti-vaxxing statements .. may be advocating conspiracy theories.
If one posts about scientific matters that impact the health of our members, post your sources as well. I will be monitoring unsupported posts that go against vaccines and other approved methods to fight covid. I will request that our Home Office moderators scrutinize the advocacy of unsupported, dubious statements that could impact negatively on our members' health.
member, experts team
Why are people so proud to announce that they won't be getting the shot? They should be ashamed that they are not participating in the elimination of this deadly disease.
Dottore Luke wrote:We are not required to get a Covid 18 vaccine in Ecuador and we plan to never take even if required to do so.
You should stay home then.

Home is Ecuador. I choose to never take the Cobid Vac and plan to travel to U.S. to see family. Not sure of meaning of your reply.
Hello there. I am so proud to say both my husband and I have been vaccinated against Covid 19 and we hope the children will be too before we head to Ecuador this summer. We always get whatever routine vaccines are recommended as well. Regardung Covid 19, we know too many people in Ecuador and around the world who have died or gotten very sick, including my husband. We prefer to be able to live more freely and travel the world with protection against this very real and scary threat. Peace out, Naomi
Naomi4 wrote:Hello there. I am so proud to say both my husband and I have been vaccinated against Covid 19 and we hope the children will be too before we head to Ecuador this summer. We always get whatever routine vaccines are recommended as well. Regardung Covid 19, we know too many people in Ecuador and around the world who have died or gotten very sick, including my husband. We prefer to be able to live more freely and travel the world with protection against this very real and scary threat. Peace out, Naomi
I just got my first shot a couple days ago, & will be getting my 2nd at the end of April. Hopefully things can start to return to normal, & I won't need COVID tests to travel to Ecuador anymore.
Dagretto wrote:I just got my first shot a couple days ago, & will be getting my 2nd at the end of April. Hopefully things can start to return to normal, & I won't need COVID tests to travel to Ecuador anymore.
Damon, the USA Embassy in Quito website continues to advise that either complete vaccination against covid or a (negative) covid test is required for travel and entry into Ecuador.Â
Congratulations on getting your vaccinations under way.
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