
reports of theft and crime and law and order

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I thought I would start a post to report on the theft and crimes and the law and order that exist in Madagascar.  The news articles I am going to post are meant to be a positive news piece in the way that if you are forewarned then you will be forearmed means that if you know something before it happens you can be prepared for it, so it's a positive way to be prepared. You will learn what are the good neighborhoods to rent a house in or watch for pickpockets in the tourist areas.  Most serious crimes happen in the evening and night so days are very safe, especially against any violent crimes and major store robberies are in the evening.   In my 19 years of living here, I would say that Madagascar is safe but not perfect as you will see in the news articles I will post.  Most crimes as you will read are Malagasy against Malagasy but sometimes a foreigner ( vazaha, as you will be called) .  There are times when a vazaha could be caught in the middle when traveling by taxi brousse for example.  You will understand more as I post the articles and you can decide where you are in terms of your safety in the larger picture.  Tourists will see very small issues of crime, travelers who try to go native ( travel and live among the locals)  will see more issues and residents of course will see much more and even be a target of crime because there is more to gain from the robbery of the Vazaha from the point of view that many Vazaha has more money but we are not the only group that has money, other groups would include Indians ( Karanas) Chinese which are considered the businessmen as well as other wealthy Malagasy.   For what it is worth these posts are to be educational and you will see familiar stories to your hometown in your country and other stories may seem strange because of the nature of the country of Madagascar.

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Fighting crime: 20 robbers and burglars arrested by the police
Redaction Midi Madagascar  20 mars 2021  2 comments
In just two days, the number of criminals arrested by the police in the capital has reached 20. During police patrols in the hallways and streets they found these results. “Arrests of criminals in the backyards and in crowded places are on the rise. In just two days, 20 criminals were arrested, ”the national police official explained. Police in Tsimbazaza and Androndra have arrested six burglars. Twelve robbers were arrested, two in Andravoahangy, three in 67 ha, one in Anjanahary, another in Mascar, four in Isotry and the last three robbers at the station. taxi-be Anosy.

Two robbers armed with assault rifles were also apprehended when they tried to break into a shop in Anosibe. Here the National Police draws our attention to all of us to be careful not to act to attract the bad guys.v “Do not lead to temptation and envy. Do not flaunt money or valuables in the marketplace or on the street. Avoid counting money along the way. Don't play with mobile phones in the market, in crowded places or in taxis, ”the statement said.

In general, the fight against crime like this is one of the most anticipated events for the people of the capital. The swarms of thieves, who are no longer afraid to strike in broad daylight, have already shocked the people. Many people have been targeted, and many have been caught, but many are still living there. If the police continue to work like this, the people will be able to live in peace. Instead, it is up to the courts to give them severe punishment so that their wrongdoings do not return.


Act of banditry: A dangerous criminal neutralized by the gendarmes
Redaction Midi Madagasikara  March 22, 2021  0 comment
The gendarmes arrested a long-wanted bandit in the Betroka district. They received information about the presence of a dangerous criminal in Tanambao, in the said district. A capture operation was carried out by the five sleuths since this man presents a serious threat to the security of the premises. It was thanks to a determining element of investigation that the gendarmes managed to neutralize him before he and his accomplices took action. The net came on Saturday. The action brought the expected result, they got hold of the criminal named "Daboaky" in Ambinagninomby in the fokontany Iomby, rural Mahabo commune around 5 pm. He is a famous criminal in terms of ox theft and attacks on the RN 13 in the Betroka -Anaviavy / Ambalasoa and Ivahoana axis. During the investigation, the bandit denounced his accomplices, all seasoned bandits. The same day, the police brought him with them to serve as their guide. On the way around 8 p.m., the thief took advantage of the darkness to escape. Despite summons, he did not comply, forcing the gendarmes to put him out of harm's way. The search for other bandits continues. The phenomenon of insecurity is more and more topical in the country. In order to face this scourge, the police are doing everything possible. The actions taken by the gendarmerie are not in vain. This is the case during the recovery of stolen oxen in Marofarihy, Ankerana Nord rural commune, Tsiroanomandidy District. Last Thursday, the gendarmes of the said commune were notified of the thefts of dozens of cattle in Marovitsika. Accompanied by the fokonolona, ​​they pursued the dahalo holding the stolen oxen. Friday, around 2:30 p.m., after a clash with the bandits, five cattle were recovered. The dahalos escaped after several exchanges of fire. No injuries or deaths on the side of the police and that of the fokonolona. The search for the remaining stolen oxen and the perpetrators continues.


It would be important that you check over the taxi brousse before you ride with it as well as the driver to see if you can smell alcohol, not uncommon for drivers to drink and drive. Also, I have a Malagasy license and there is no expiration date, once you apply for a license it is good for life unless one day that will change as the article mentions in the case of medical checkups. 

Accidents on national roads: Four dead and several injured during the weekend
Redaction Midi Madagasikara  March 22, 2021  0 comment
Last weekend was marked by a series of accidents on national roads. In most cases, these tragedies were caused by the carelessness of the drivers. This is the case of a Sprinter bush taxi affiliated with the SONATRA cooperative serving the Vangaidrano-Mahajanga line which occurred on the RN7 in Behenjy on the night of Friday March 19 at around 11:30 p.m. Driving at high speed at the entrance of a bend at a place called Tsarafara (PK 44 + 500), the bush taxi overturned and found itself with all four wheels in the air on the right of the road. pavement. The balance sheet shows eight injured. Seriously injured, one of them was evacuated to Joseph Ravoahangy-Andrianavalona hospital after receiving emergency care at CSB II in Behenjy. A few hours before this accident and still on the RN7, a Sprinter bush taxi from the KOFIFI cooperative coming from Toliara to Fianarantsoa overturned in a ravine about 30 meters deep at a place called Vatoavo in the Ambalavao district. According to information from the gendarmerie, the accident occurred when this vehicle was broken down. To restart it, the driver tried to start it by putting the vehicle in counterattack and in reverse. As a result, the driver was killed instantly. Seriously injured, three people were urgently evacuated to Antambohobe hospital in Fianarantsoa, ​​where one of them, a 36-year-old woman, also died. Still on the RN7, but this time, the drama happened on Saturday March 20 around 6 p.m. in Ambalavao, Bongatsara rural commune, Antananarivo-Atsimondrano district. A Sprinter taxi-be carrying a football team on its way to the capital overturned on its right flank after missing a bend. Ten people including the 53-year-old driver were injured. They were evacuated to the basic health center in Bongatsara. Further west, on the RN1 at Imerintsiatosika, a motorcyclist was killed instantly after hitting a truck. Driving at high speed towards Tana, the scooter driven by this man passed a truck on a bend. The weight would have suddenly tightened its way and the shock would have occurred. This accident took place on March 20 at around 5:45 p.m. Ten people including the 53-year-old driver were injured. They were evacuated to the basic health center in Bongatsara. Further west, on the RN1 at Imerintsiatosika, a motorcyclist was killed instantly after hitting a truck. Driving at high speed towards Tana, the scooter driven by this man passed a truck on a bend. The weight would have suddenly tightened its way and the shock would have occurred. This accident took place on March 20 at around 5:45 p.m. Ten people including the 53-year-old driver were injured. They were evacuated to the basic health center in Bongatsara. Further west, on the RN1 at Imerintsiatosika, a motorcyclist was killed instantly after hitting a truck. Driving at high speed towards Tana, the scooter driven by this man passed a truck on a bend. The weight would have suddenly tightened its way and the shock would have occurred. This accident took place on March 20 at around 5:45 p.m. The weight would have suddenly tightened its way and the shock would have occurred. This accident took place on March 20 at around 5:45 p.m. The weight would have suddenly tightened its way and the shock would have occurred. This accident took place on March 20 at around 5:45 p.m.

Hypertension.   What happened to this driver of a Hyundai 4X4 car justifies the need for a medical examination in the attribution of the driving license. On Saturday March 20 at around 4.35 p.m., the Hyundai SUV driven by this man collided with three pedestrians after leaving the road on the RN4, in Talatamaty. According to the finding made by the gendarmerie, the driver lost control of his steering wheel because of a hypertensive crisis. Taken urgently to the hospital with the three injured, he died on the way. Aged 61, the victim is a wholesaler in Antohomadinika.


Kidnapping in Anjozorobe: A mother kidnapped by 5 bandits and executed by her captors
Redaction Midi Madagasikara  March 25, 2021  0 comment
Having become commonplace in rural areas, the kidnapping perpetrated by the “dahalo” is far from being brought under control by the police. And this, despite the efforts undertaken recently through the deployment of elements in areas deemed dangerous in terms of insecurity. This is the case of the rural municipality of Ambohibary Vohilena, in the district of Anjozorobe. It is sad to hear that the kidnappers are getting more and more ferocious. They no longer hesitate to execute their hostage like what just happened in the aforementioned commune last Tuesday. At around 4 p.m. that day, three members of a family, a father, a mother and a child residing in the village of Ankerana, 'fokontany' Andranomiantra were kidnapped by five bandits armed with hunting rifles. According to information, residents, who remained at home because of the rain, only realized this act when the attackers left with their hostages. They took the direction of the West. It was at this time that the pursuit was initiated and the outpost of the Ambohibary Vohilena gendarmerie was alerted. Following the trail of the fugitives, the pursuers found the lifeless body of the abandoned mother on land near the village of Amparihimaina, 'fokontany' Andranomiantra. The finding of the body revealed that the victim had been shot in his neck, a 7.62mm caliber holster was discovered at the scene. She was reportedly executed by the kidnappers. The time of death is estimated between 6 and 7 p.m. From the location of the macabre discovery, the prosecutors struggled to continue their research. From there the road splits in two. Towards the north, it leads to the rural commune of Marotsipoy; the other leads east and leads to the rural commune of Betafo, all in the district of Anjozorobe. Until this information goes to press, the father and child cannot be found and no ransom demand has been demanded. Facts which lead one to wonder about the real motive of this kidnapping. Is it purely an act of banditry or a settling of scores? Let the survey answer that question. Anyway, all the units of the police forces installed in the neighborhoods of the district collaborate to try to clarify this matter. the other leads east and leads to the rural commune of Betafo, all in the district of Anjozorobe


Insecurity in Mahajanga: A woman's home attacked by five armed criminals
Redaction Midi Madagasikara  April 7, 2021  0 comment
Armed men broke into the home of a woman in Amparemahitsy, in the rural commune of Belobaka, district of Mahanjanga II, on Sunday evening at around 7.45 p.m. Under threats from the robbers, the victim was unable to do anything and had to give them cash. The criminals were armed with an automatic pistol and bladed weapons. The latter demanded money and then fled with an amount of 1,500,000 Ariary. The victim alerted the gendarmerie after the attack took place and the commander of the Mahajanga territorial brigade, accompanied by four gendarmes, rushed to the scene to ascertain the facts. Once there, the gendarmes searched the area to catch the thief, to no avail. No one was injured but the investigation is continuing. Armed robberies have been on the rise in recent times, and women who live alone and traders are the most targeted. Indeed, armed men entered the shop of a septuagenarian in Antanamazava, fokontany Ampampamena in the district of Ambanja. Armed with bladed weapons, the thieves subjected the trader to physical violence, and the latter sustained minor head injuries. They then left with several items including basic necessities and a sum of 1,200,000 Ariary. The "fokonolona" however lent a hand to the victim and pursued the criminals. A 21-year-old man was arrested in possession of 36 packets of cigarettes, 6 styling oils and a pair of shoes, which were part of the stolen goods. Ambanja brigade gendarmes actively searched for the other thieves and followed in their footsteps. A hunt that resulted in the capture of four individuals. An investigation is underway.


Manakara: Two wives and a father -in -law killed

10-04-2021 by Midi Madagascar
The man committed three felony counts. It was not an assault or a robbery or even a brutal act but the execution of all his wives as well as his father-in-law.


This seems to be his accomplishment. He first went to prison in 2004 when he strangled his first wife to death. Ten years later, when he was released from prison in 2014, a day later, he also murdered his father-in-law, that is, his father-in-law. The same way he took his life it came by suffocation. On March 15, he served his sentence again and was released from prison accordingly. Just a day after he was released, his first act was to find his second wife and kill her.

This strange incident took place in the rural commune of Mahabako, according to a police report. At the time of his arrest, the man was still in possession of some sort of gas mask with him. The opinion of many was dictated by the magic he possessed of this rebellious man. Scientifically, however, it is possible that he may be mentally ill. Whatever the reason, however, it is inevitable that he will be a threat to society as he has committed three different crimes. He has been arrested and sent back to prison…


Amboangibe Sambava: 2 people shot dead following a clash

Elements of the national gendarmerie shot dead 2 people in Amboangibe Sambava in front of the local brigade barracks on Saturday April 24. According to the gendarmerie report, self-defense would justify this act.
The arrest of an individual suspected of being among the perpetrators of the homicide of a doctor in high demand in the region was said to have sparked a crowd. A crowd which quickly degenerated because the crowd demanded that this suspect be handed over to him in order to lynch him. Elements of the local gendarmerie called their behavior rebellious and were forced to fire in the face of the determination of the demonstrators, after attempts at deterrence failed. A gendarme even received a stone in the forehead during the clashes. The victims would have participated in this crowd movement.
The 3 suspects have since been transferred by the gendarmerie to an undisclosed location.
A series of investigations were opened into the circumstances of the death of the two civilians during these clashes. The Secretariat in charge of the gendarmerie has also called on the population to calm and not to favor acts of popular vindictiveness, insofar as we are in a state of law.


Salut! Avez-vous des conseils et des recommandations pour éviter les effractions à domicile ?



English please as this is an Anglophone forum. Thank you.


Hi! Do you have any tips and recommendations to prevent home break-ins?