

Business name

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When starting a business in Portugal, e.g., an Audiology Clinic and,

in accordance with Article 33 - Principle of novelty

3 - Denominations made up exclusively of everyday words that identify or relate to an activity (the reference to Audiology), technique or product, as well as toponyms and any indication of geographical origin (the reference to Algarve) are not allowed.

As I understand the law, You cannot have a business name that relates to the object or goals of your business, or the geographic area where you do your business.

Please help me understand the reason behind such a law. Is it permissible to advertise or market the business? Is it permissible to build a website? How can I gain Google placement for search terms if I can't identify my business with relevant search terms?


Regime do Registo Nacional de Pessoas Colectivas
Artigo 33.º - Princípio da novidade

3 - Não são admitidas denominações constituídas exclusivamente por vocábulos de uso corrente que permitam identificar ou se relacionem com actividade, técnica ou produto, bem como topónimos e qualquer indicação de proveniência geográfica.


I.e., "exclusively"



You can have the word Algarve in the company name:


You can have the activity (Audiologia, Audiometria, Oftalmologia, ....) in the company name:

You can have the word Algarve in the company website:



Real Estate Agency:

Formula 1 Racing circuit:

German Architect

Tips for Expats:



JohnnyPT You need need to write an Expat Book  :top:


Search for Existing Company Names:

If the similarity score between your chosen name and those that already exist is less than 85% the business name may be viable for approval.

It is not allowed names like: Algarve Audiology, Audiologia do Algarve, Audiology Clinic

You must have another name(s) that distinguishes you and that does not have, exclusively, activity + region names

You can use names in English.
The advantage is that it is easily recognised by the expat market. The disadvantage is that it is difficult for the portuguese target market to easily understand and pronounce.


How to choose the legal form of establishment of your company: private companies vs. collective companies:


Thank you! I appreciate the information.


Johnnypt-Would you be able to clarify this, because it did not seem like it fit with what you said.

I believe you said that the business name could NOT be exclusively: 1-the location, and 2-the type of business.

One of the sample links you gave was "Algarve Real Estate."

That is literally exactly what I thought you said they could NOT name the business.

What am I missing?

(and thanks for posting further info. Helpful :)


@Likej, Your question is relevant and thank you for posting it. The company's legal name and the website name are different issues. The rules for establishing the company's legal name are defined here:

The internet domain's name can be whatever you want, as long as it is available.  In this example you have mentioned, they have chosen to use a more commercial name, both in English and in Portuguese for the names of the 2 websites they own:

but the company is the same,
company's legal name = ARE- mediação imobiliária, lda

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