

visiting costa rica with intent to reside long term

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hello all,

we are a couple heading into retirement and looking to more to an affordable, yet enjoyable place to live out our sunset years.  costa rica and the area around lake arenal being one of the options that come highly recommended, we would like to visit, spend a couple of weeks going around and and seeing and getting a feel of life in the country for ourselves.  with this in mind, we would like to request information from forum members on the present state of things within the country with respect to tourism and safety from a pandemic perspective, moving around and access to medical care and hospitals, should that become a requirement.  any and all opinions/suggestions/tips/warnings would be welcomed and gratefully perused.

with regards,


See also

Living in Costa Rica: the expat guideIf someone enjoys play PoolHeadhuntingVisiting soon and need to planEmail penpal insights about Costa Rica

Open your mind and check out Nicaragua. I been in Costa Rica for 8 years  and have found much better living in Nicaragua. Whatever you do  dont buy in a hurry because if ya want to sell .  it could take years.


thanks for the response, david, much appreciated.  have heard the same about both, nicaragua and panama, also belize.  intend to look at all.  thanks for the tip about putting money down on property, very useful to know.


Sushil........You need insurance to step into the country other than what the airlines offer.The "Caja"or socialized medicine here is a bankrupt or collapsed system .Tourism is picking up along with investment as Costa Rica's uncanny ability to reinvent itself again and again as a new retirement frontier.This usually happens after a presidential election year in the U.S.The unemployment rate is at its highest ever in the  history of the Republic.You will be told that Costa Rica is safer than North America,especially from real estate agents.The new cost effective retirement in this country is,rent-rent-rent.Prices are global for property and just about for everything else but rent is still very affordable,away from the best beaches.It is a common fact that 90% of expats/foreigners leave Costa Rica after 5yrs,due to the difficulties not being able to adapt.A   great place to vacation but not so much to live here long term.



Although I appreciate your perspective, I believe you could bring more value to the group by being more specific with details about what is wrong, rather than just recommending other countries. I think you probably have some valuable insight to give, but, you sound like a complainer when you do not provide any more information.



Agreed 100% . Also certain neighborhoods dont want gringos. Im living in one now and after my first month here i put the house on the market.  8 years and i finally see the light. Nicaragua is next for me


Andy.before i moved to sarchi i was a very happy man. Living in the mountains spoiled me.here in this small town and in a comunity where i own  a condo there is a definte lack of respect or consideration for thier neighbors. Dogs and rosters at all hours. I have had friends and family stay and all agree. For sale. Nice renofated 3/2 with many upgrades.selling cheap. Good enough Andy?


edwinemora, thank you for the insightful comments and advice, very helpful to have this from a national's perspective.


david, watch out for possible political instability in nicaragua.  this is something that can overwhelm and engulf you just when you're beginning to think life is just fine.  at the very moment i was reading your post, the goings-on in nicaragua were playing on my tv.  and it's apparently been ongoing since 2018, so not one of those short-term flare-ups that happen and fizzle out almost everywhere.  what edwinemora said makes very good sense to me...rent, don't consider buying.  that way you can at least wind up and leave at short notice, should things sour.


hola buenos dias , perdonar que entre en la conversacion mi nombre es piedad soy española ymi pareja y yo queremos ir a principio de agosto , yo no se si estoy mirando mal o que pero el tema de coste de la vida no me cuadra muco ,, hay precios muchos mas caros que aqui en españa , esto es asi ???


Este pais es muy caro a vivir, pero si habitais lejos de San jose, este sera mas barato


Even though we speak Spanish here of course basically this forum is based on English.
Si quiere respuesta en Espanol tal vez busca otro foro. vale!

I live here in a decent apartment (small second story older style) for two of us with a covered deck and nice views. All told rent, electric, gas for cooking, internet and water and free cable tv for a total of $200.00 US. Hard to believe maybe but there is a back story to it where I have known the Tico owner for 25 years.

Anyway also drive a 91 pickup truck very reliable and $100.00 a year for registration and basic insurance.
Add to that health care.

We live for less than $1,000.00 a month. Yes we live more like Ticos than gringos but have everything we need.
Feria fruits and veggys and groceries about $350.00 more.

So it can be done but you need to give up some things.

Yes the real estate seems high priced but compare it to US now and it aint so bad. Take out heating and Ac costs if you live away from the coasts and low insurance and real estate taxes.

So many complain about high costs. We dont find it expensive.


Reality is any goverment can go south on its people. Look at the present addm.in the US. I go where no man has gone before.i have freinds in nica. And are very secure and happy.no lock downs for them.


Just where the hell are lockdowns here in Costa Rica man? Getting sick of your constant Nica this Nica that.

Get over to nica with your friends  and on the Nica forum. This is about Costa Rica.

Sure ALL governments are screwed. But we have to live with one.

The Nica forum is dead since Ortega the dictator started killing people in 2018. I think that means many folks left as they did not like the roadblocks and lockdowns there where they were looking for opposition folks and then killing them.

Go where no man had gone before and leave your negativity elsewhere.


Liberal. I was with Ron Paul from down here while you were still up working on whatever it is you worked at.

Hit it to Nica. But you better practice your Spanish as you dont speak it well.
Va Pue


             You are 100% on with your response
I heard and received some data from a friend at the US embassy here in CR  that the shelf life for Americans staying here in CR is 1 to 5 years before it breaks them to run back to the states

You said it best great place to hang but very difficult and expensive to live here


JBuonopane.......Thanks.The excuse that is mostly used for leaving(I'm sure you heard it already a bunch) Costa Rica,is the "Grand kids".Which is contradicting because they were leaving them in the first place ! I have to hand it to all the foreign single women flooding into Costa Rica,for their intuition.They know,if they come here as a couple that union is soon to disintegrate.......


Edvinemora...wise observation. The same applies to liberated (single) men too.


Hi All,

Planning a relocation to CR next year. I am grateful for this site and reading all the info people take the time to submit.

Reading the replies to CollSush post reminded me of Social Media; contentious dialogue between users. This kind of negative banter is not appropriate for this community.

rodoPV, thanks for calling out davidraycr on his rants.


Tsaheylu22.....Have you even been to Costa Rica ? Your defensive comment implies that you have not,only that you are going to relocate here.


Come taste pura vida for yourself.


If you knew me you would know that im a healthnut and never drink alcohol.as far as my spelling.im a man that retired traveling the world at the age of 52 . Now get this.6 grade edication. Owned a buisness for 20 yrs. To the day and have n3ver looked back.untill i boyght this last house i was a very happy Man but the PEOPLE IN THIS COMUNITY SUCK. No respect for fellow neghbors ,dogs and roosters howling at all hours and im in a area where the average home is around $300k. So you and your support group stay close because the weak will fail and go home peeing your your panties.hows that for a rant you self rigtous cry baby. By the way.i have owned 3 homes in CR. You doing better? NO


I think the group and the blogs are to help others and too let others  know our individual experiences here in CR
Only way for one to decide to move here is by experiencing it for themselves

It’s definitely not a cheap country to live in and it’s not the easy place to hang your hat

Ticos are getting more discouraged with Americans and Canadians invading its country because we are driving up the cost of living here
It’s to the point where some tico businesses want to deal with gringos rather then it’s own

My views may be different from other members because I travel back to the states monthly so I’m not in CR 100% full time. I get the luxuries of tge States most months

The group is great and I always enjoy the post
Good Luck to everyone in their Journey


I been visiting Costa Rica since 2005.what a drastic change in ticos attitudes towards  gringos. I agree. Come see and experience  yourself. For me.im the only gringos in this community and I can't wait to sell and move


David, I guess you've provided enough warning. Then, each should decide for themselves. Some people are happier than in the US and Canada, some are coming back. In my case, if the cost doesn't exceed Canadian I'll be fine. We've got to change our mentality and lower expectations coming to the developing country and different culture.


           I think CR is more broken then developing and crazy part is the government likes it this way. Take Covid for example CR is one of the few countries that don’t require a Covid test to enter but cry’s about Covid daily with these stupid driving restrictions which I have no clue what it has to do with Covid. But the whack the tourist $10 a day for health insurance Ya that make sense come to CR with Covid infect everyone and you are covered to go to the hospitals
Pure Greed

I just flew back to New York last week and the plane was full with Ticos going to the States to get vaccinated because here in CR they are dragging it out I believe to profit from it.  This health pass is big money maker for the government as we all know insurance companies and most banks are government owned

The bank system is so broken I have never in my life witness lines of people standing outside banks. The banks here have the technology to allow its customers to bank online or thru a ATM but for some odd reason they make it difficult
Also trying to pay your utilities here is mind blowing
It reminds as a kid in Brooklyn my mom having to go to the supermarket to pay our electric and phone bill
Well it’s the same thing here. You can’t use a credit card or go online to pay using banking account. They will allow you to use a CR debit card

I am with David on these road checks, the police here are out in force with road through out the country checking driving restrictions with a heavy $200 fine in a country where the average tico makes $3 dollars an hour
Also i have been stopped 4 times an interrogated why I have so many CR stamps in my passport, why I don’t have a CR driver license if I own a car here
I’m grateful my Tica girlfriend has been with me all the times to speak for me
And people I’ve been stopped from Gunacaste to The limon sides of the country

I do love it here and decided to give it one more year to see if this is permanent home or just seasonal home

The traffic is difficult to get use to here especially these bike riders 100,000’s of thousands on the roads making already difficult roads even harder to drive
With card and motor cycles
It blow my mind how these knuckleheads feel safe riding a bike on these crazy roadway and they even venture onto the highways
I thought I was safe moving up to the mountains but now they are starting to appear even this far up

Hey Come and try it out and see if it’s for you I know you mention cost of living as many have said it’s no bargain here unless you do with out things you are accustomed too. it’s gets old fast eating rice and beans and living in tiny places with no AC and suicide Showers


I've lived in 5 countries. I probably know more than you ever will. CR with this administration is not interested in Pura Vida. That's almost gone.  Attitudes towards gringos has definitely deteriorated in the 8 years I've lived here,  full time, so I have had enough controlling me. Telling me when I can drive and changing  dates to purposely  confuse to profit. Don't forget! 1.7 billion borrowed from IMF. We the people will pay for this loan. Also.lets not forget the president  of CR was caught selling info on its people  and forieners living here to the Chinese. Probably didn't know that. Get educated  then come and have your year or 2 of the honeymoon  effects.  There's a shit load of libs.here. you'll fit right in


Agreed.come see for yourselves


Hola,I'm pretty amazed at the trouble the expats on this vlog have living here.I have many Tico friends,hardly any expat friends because the gringos endlessly complain.Sure some of the things you go through here will make you pull out your hair,but after you settle in the once a month trip to the bank, or paying your bills don't seem to stressful of a chore.Guanacaste where I live reminds me of California in the 50's,I like that.The alternative of going back to the states,smog,traffic,complicated lifestyle,mass shootings,cold weather,count me out! Ignore the endless complaining of those who will never be happy about anything,and see for yourself what Costa Rica has to offer.You just need to be patient. Pura Vida..


Surf it’s your OPINION
Gunacaste is the Jersey shore of CR
We are not complaining or unhappy we just tell as real as we see it
If you enjoy standing in 1 hour bank lines to bank or pay you utility bills. That’s great
Traffic in San Jose, Escazu and Santa Ana feels like Cali and NYC traffic
Unlike you I’m not here surfing and staying on the beach, I have business here and still in the States

The Vlog is for all to voice opinions, experiences and how we see CR thru our eyes

It’s great you are enjoying your life here as I am  just letting other potential expat know about the good and bad. I rather paint both pictures then just the good one

If you venture outside Gunacaste you will see what some of us speak about

Gringos are far from being unsociable it’s the tico who I feel are either scared, resentful or angry at us gringos for taking over it’s country and blow up the cost to live here
Remember Gringo cost and Tico cost. Most tico businesses want to serve more Gringos along with selling us land at American prices

Just my opinion


Well put.my feelings exactly. I belive jealousy plays a big part of resentment for ticos also. My  journey here is ending.


David, I am as far from libs/left as the planet Earth from the Sun. My house in Osa is almost finished. I am leaving Canada not because I am in love with CR but because this is not Canada I used to love but commi tyranny. Besides, CR doesn't require these false, idiotic PCR tests becase they want tourists. The whole world is now aware that PCR tests can't determine this "scaring" virus and produce false positives. WEF, UN, WHO pressure CR to implement covid related restrictions and they follow with this stupid way, as they are dependent on their money. Could've been worse. I will reside at the far end of CR, far from SJ, Escasu, etc., all these overpopulated places. I don't care about luxuries, my needs are modest. Don't make assumptions, please.


Good luck to you


Hi, I am going to give you my perspective which is much different than some of the people here who don't believe the pandemic is real. I'm not here to argue about that, I'm just telling you I believe in science and my family members died from Covid so it is real. Period. And the new variant D as far as I know is not here yet but it is even more dangerous as you can see from India and UK. Anyway, I'll answer your questions:

You: we are a couple heading into retirement and looking to more to an affordable, yet enjoyable place to live out our sunset years.  costa rica and the area around lake arenal being one of the options that come highly recommended, we would like to visit, spend a couple of weeks going around and and seeing and getting a feel of life in the country for ourselves. 

Me: Arenal is beautiful but it can be too cold and cloudy and rainy for some. If you don't mind cool, cloudy, rainy weather than it is fine up there.
Another factor is that it is about 3 hours or so from San Jose or a major hospital.

So it's good to check out Arenal area and see what you think of it. Just keep in mind
the weather and the distance from San Jose/airport etc.

you: with this in mind, we would like to request information from forum members on the present state of things within the country with respect to tourism and safety from a pandemic perspective, moving around and access to medical care and hospitals, should that become a requirement.  any and all opinions/suggestions/tips/warnings would be welcomed and gratefully perused.

Re the pandemic and tourism:
The Minister of Health here believes in science and follows the science. He did a very good job during the pandemic because only 1.3% of people who got Covid died from it here (1.8% in the USA) and he kept cases down by creating driving restrictions and closing down bars, restaurants etc, prohibiting large gatherings etc. Just like in the states some people objected to this but he did it and it seems to have worked quite well.

Right now it is 06-16-21 as I write this and we are under driving restrictions. For some days we could only drive every other day (odds and evens per license plate) and now we can NOT drive only 2 days a week, and then next week or so it goes back to being every other day.  Honestly I'm not sure what is closed now but I assume bars and restaurants are not allowed for indoor drinking or dining. That's usually the case with a clampdown here.

Regardless of whether anyone likes it, it is working. That's a fact. Each time he clamps down on driving and what can be open (bars, etc) cases go down. They went up only because of Semana Santa which is a huge week of celebrating here in April, and because so many people attended parties without masks etc, the cases went way up so now we are under clamp down again as outlined above. And now things are getting better again. So far.

As for driving restrictions it has helped immensely. But yes they will take your license plate and give you a huge fine if you get caught driving on the wrong days. Not sure about tourists (?)...  I do think the fines and penalties are overly severe and expensive. But it does keep people from driving and not everyone can talk their way out of a fine with this. I know of people who lost their ability to drive because of it.

Also they have bought the Pfizer vaccine and now are also getting Astra Seneca and a Chinese one. I got both vaccines here due to my age and belonging to the CAJA/Ebais health system because I am a legal resident. Soon they are going to start offering the vaccine to people in their 40's maybe younger.  (not sure what the age range is)

Now they are getting a lot MORE vaccines than ever before, in part due to Pres. Biden giving some to other countries, and soon hopefully 70% of Costa Rica will be vaccinated before the Variant D infects people. They say that people who have had 2 Pfizer vaccines have an 85% chance of not getting infected by the D variant. Not sure what it means in terms of if one risks severe symptoms or death from the D if one does get it after vaccination. You can research that online. If you get the D variant before being fully vaccinated it can kill you.

I know people here who got Covid back in February and it took them 11 months to feel better and even now they still have some bad symptoms.

Right now tourists are welcome (by the government and tourism destinations at least) and I have known of a couple visitors who came down with Covid from the plane during the past couple of months. You can read it on forums like the Costa Rica forum on FB for example.

Most of the bigger stores (supermarkets, hardware, variety) still require masks to enter and they have gel at the entrance. This also helps keep the virus from spreading and has been in effect since almost the beginning of the pandemic.

Now the following is my OPINION, which I'm sure is contrary to some of those who posted above:

I would wait to come to Costa Rica until more people are vaccinated which may take another few months. Could be 6 more months...? I really don't know. I just know they are trying their best to get people vaccinated but many refuse. Just like the USA. Trump had an effect on the whole world, trying to "downplay" the virus (by his own admission, I heard him say it). Yet he would have died had he not gotten a special anti-viral cocktail which only the rich and powerful could get. And now the USA has reached 600k people dead. Facts.

If I were the President here or Health Minister I would have kept tourists from coming for at least a few more months. But economically it was hard for many to get by without tourism so he was pressured into opening tourism back up, for the sake of the economy. I hope it is not a mistake that leads to many more deaths from Covid.


The information you give is wonderful and very helpful.

Unfortunately, your disdain for Trump is so obvious, and it doesn’t help the primary idea of your post. 

He got the cocktail not because he’s rich and famous simply because it works (you love science) and he was the President of the US.  Wouldn’t it make sense to do all that is possible to help him survive?  I know the cocktail he got and is very very effective.Some hospitals are giving it here and did in last year and had very good science backing it up and high rate of survival.    Science from the US and other countries back it up.  The FDA and CDC poopooed it because it didn’t serve their purpose and their Liberal narrative.

I am a Physician now for over 26 years and the FDA and CDC have always played to Liberal mindset whether it hurts people or not.  I have seen the fall out of the FDAs political games.  They and Big Pharma have been bedmates for a very long time.

Keep in mind that several countries have pulled the AstraZeneca vaccine so hopefully the Minister of Health of CR doesn’t take chances with the populations he serves. 

Again, your information is very valuable.


Hello everyone,

Please note that some posts had to be removed from this thread.

Kindly stay away from endorsing your own political affiliations on the forum, and please let's overall maintain respect and be civil here.

Thank you for your understanding.

Team ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ


Samramon, your "facts" come from the government paid mass media. Just this fact alone is enough to question them. Covid (a bio weapon) is real, flu is real too, as other diseases, but pandemic is not. I'd suggest using the critical mind, obtaining info from the alternative sources and, the most important, shut off your TV, at least for some time. My friend has just died after Astra Zeneca. Another one has got horrible side effect after getting Phizer. In the "vaxed" Israel, children suffer from myocarditis en mass after being vaxed.  I'd take covid at any time over the experimental, DNA altering jab. This is my body.


The Driving restrictions are not helping but instead hurting a country  that is struggling with high unemployment, low wages and high taxes and this government is only thinking about fuel consumption

Tico’s will go out no matter what restrictions are in place they use bus, taxi, Uber or catch a ride even walk so the driving restrictions are not keeping. anyone home by no means
It’s only hurting the CR economy more I find insane when  they do random weekly shut down of businesses and still enforcing a curfew at 9pm
Sure tourist want to come on vacation to be back in a hotel room by 9pm or see restaurants and bars closed why they are here. A True Genius running this joint
But they don’t see half the government employees robbing

Read the tico times and follow the big road construction corruption scandal going on right no ... $700 million dollars in question
That buys a lot of vaccines
I traveled back to the States last week and the Airport and Plane was full with Tico’s going to the US to get vaccinated because they can’t get it here
America to the rescue again!!!!

Less corruption and greed will help the control of Covid here and get CR back to normal. Not by taking driving privileges away and fining a person $250 dollars who most likely makes less then that for a week salary

These are My thoughts


fyi... I don’t feel comfortable with getting vaccinated and choose not to get it, my Tica girlfriend wanted to get so she came with me this trip to NYC to get vaccinated
The facility asked no questions and gave her a choice of all 3 vaccines
What I received on my return to CR was a $300 bill to renew my health pass
I assume my 3 month premiums that I pay to live here, own business and pump money into the economy went towards the $700 million heist

You have to ask why CR is the only country not requiring a Covid test but goes with this ridiculous $7 to $12 a day for a health pass.  Chaaaaaaa-Chinggggggggg
The Caribbean nor other Latin countries are doing this
Could it be Greed yet again????


Oh forgot
San Ramon research and see that theft and break ins or petty theft as they call it here is at a all time high

Don’t walk down the streets freely dangling your cell phone in your hand because real good chance it’s getting snatched nor go for a stroll or a jog at night because be prepared to get held up

The Natives are struggling here, no jobs, no money and no food. What can you expect them to do but start turning on each other and when they see a gringo out at night that’s the golden ticket in the wonks bar
The government is taking away their cars, motorcycles and bicycles in these excessive check points and traffic stops because of these nutty restrictions

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