

Stay in Brazil with 'valid passport' but no CRMN

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i create this post as i think i'm in a huge problem.

I'm a german student currently in Brazil, in Recife, and i have a vitem IV Visa that ends the 9th of August 2021.
So technically my passport is still valid and i can stay until august in Brazil.

The problem is that i came to Brazil knowing litteraly nothing about the rules of the country and i thought that a valid visa was all i need to be in a legal situation. Little did i know, every foreigner in Brazil planning to stay more than 90 days, need to register to the policia federal to get their CRMN (National Migration Registry Card ).

I arrive the 15th of February, so i have exceeded the 90 days period by 38 DAYS!!!

And it is says that for each day without a CRMN, i'll have to pay R$100!!

So for the moment i will have a R$3800 fine, when policia federal will check my passport at the airport when i go back to Germany.

Its a fine i can't at all afford.

The worst is that my plane ticket is the 8th of August which will bring my fine to R$5900!!!

I have tried to take an appointment to the policia federal via their website, and i have tried multiple PF office, from Recife to Florianopolis... and i have found 0 appointment before the 8th of August.
So i definitly can't have a CRMN.

What am i supposed to do?
Am i doomed? or PF will be comprehensive?
What happens if they really want me to pay, and i litteraly can't?

Also, i have soon a plane within Brazil, from Recife to Rio de janeiro, and i wanted to know if PF could arrest me at the airport if they see i don't have a CRMN?

Thanks a lot for reading me and i wish to read your advises!

See also

Living in Brazil: the expat guideHow to Get "Idoso" ID in BrazilUSA "Real ID" identification. How does this affect EXPATS?Wise Multi-Currency Debit CardHigher education certificate accredited by MEC for Naturalization.

First, you cannot bootstrap one vise for another, especially CRNM which is a permanent visa, actually temporary until age 60. Foreigners may apply for a 60 to 90 extension on their current visa with good cause.
As to the fine, you do not have to pay upon leaving BR, but the fine will continue to have interest, and if you plan to return it is best to pay before leaving.
Yes, they always check passports and visas when entering and leaving.
You will not be arrested.
If you plan on talking for at least another 15 hours of classes I would talk with your school and see if they can help.


Thanks really much for your answer

So that means i don't have to be afraid of being fined for not having a CRNM?

Can i take a domestic flight for Recife to Rio de janeiro, or when they will check my passport they will ask for my CRMN and refuse me to enter in the plane without having the CRMN + ask me to leave Brazil immedialty?



Don't panic.

As Texanbrazil says, you will not be arrested, yes, you are on the hook for the fine, and yes, that will be detected the next time that you hand your passport to a Federal Police officer.  But regularizing your situation will help a lot, since you have a valid visa and you haven't overstayed it.

Stop trying to deal with the Federal Police over the Internet.  Go to their office at the airport in Recife, explain that you're in Brazil on a student visa but didn't realize that you needed to register with the Federal Police - can you do it now?  Don't mention fines.  Do bring your passport, your proof of school enrollment,  and proof of address.

If they say that you have a fine, tell them that regrettably, you don't have the funds, is there any way that the fine can be waived?  And pray.

The lesson here is to always read visa documentation, for Brazil or any country.   The application form when you applied for the visa said that you had to register with the Federal Police within 90 days of arrival.   That's also printed in fine print right on your visa, unless they've changed the form recently.   You should have known, but you're not the first person or the last to come to the Federal Police with this mistake,  and you can resolve it with them.

Good luck!  :top:


Last question and sorry to bother!

I have to go tomorrow from Recife to Rio de janeiro, then one week later i come back in Recife, then one week later i go to Sao paulo, to take my final flight to go back in Germany.

In total, i'll go to the airport 3 times before my final flight.

For those domestics flights within Brazil, do you think the Policia Federal will each time tell me to pay the fine immediatly? Or will they let me take the flight and its only when i leave Brazil that they will tell me to pay the fine?

Each time i'll take a flight i'll say i have no money if they want me to pay the fine

Also, if they ask me about my CRNM, i'll just say i take the flight in purpose of attending an appointment at a PF office in order to regularize my situation. But i don't know if lying could be a good solution.

I have a flight tomorrow to Rio de janeiro, i pray a lot that Policia federal do not annoy me and order me to pay the fine if i want to get the plane

I'll update this topic, in the hope that it will help future people that will be in my situation!


It's definitely still printed in the Visa because I just got mine.
Hope you get everything sorted mate, I can't imagine having that fine to deal with.


Domestic flight,no need to go through PF


GermanBrz wrote:

Last question and sorry to bother!

I have to go tomorrow from Recife to Rio de janeiro, then one week later i come back in Recife, then one week later i go to Sao paulo, to take my final flight to go back in Germany.

In total, i'll go to the airport 3 times before my final flight.

For those domestics flights within Brazil, do you think the Policia Federal will each time tell me to pay the fine immediatly? Or will they let me take the flight and its only when i leave Brazil that they will tell me to pay the fine?

Each time i'll take a flight i'll say i have no money if they want me to pay the fine

Also, if they ask me about my CRNM, i'll just say i take the flight in purpose of attending an appointment at a PF office in order to regularize my situation. But i don't know if lying could be a good solution.

I have a flight tomorrow to Rio de janeiro, i pray a lot that Policia federal do not annoy me and order me to pay the fine if i want to get the plane

I'll update this topic, in the hope that it will help future people that will be in my situation!

You Must forget this CRNM you keep mentioning. You do not qualify for such! So they will not ask.
I do not believe you will an issue with domestic flights. Just show your Passport at check-in. 
If asked state that you are doing final prep to leave Brazil.
The issue will come when you leave Brazil


GermanBrz wrote:

Last question and sorry to bother!

I have to go tomorrow from Recife to Rio de janeiro, then one week later i come back in Recife, then one week later i go to Sao paulo, to take my final flight to go back in Germany.

In total, i'll go to the airport 3 times before my final flight.

For those domestics flights within Brazil, do you think the Policia Federal will each time tell me to pay the fine immediatly? Or will they let me take the flight and its only when i leave Brazil that they will tell me to pay the fine?

Each time i'll take a flight i'll say i have no money if they want me to pay the fine

Also, if they ask me about my CRNM, i'll just say i take the flight in purpose of attending an appointment at a PF office in order to regularize my situation. But i don't know if lying could be a good solution.

I have a flight tomorrow to Rio de janeiro, i pray a lot that Policia federal do not annoy me and order me to pay the fine if i want to get the plane

I'll update this topic, in the hope that it will help future people that will be in my situation!


Texanbrazil is correct, no one, anywhere, will ever ask you, or anyone else, for their CRNM; I have never been asked for mine, anywhere, so forget about CRNM's for now.  I show my CRNM when I enter Brazil when going through the citizen/resident line at the airport and when I leave Brazil. I have never been asked for mine buying a car or an apartment, not for car insurance either, I fly regionally showing my U.S. passport for ID.  People have either gone through the RNM former RNE immigration/residency process or they have not, they either have RNM or not.

Overstay fines are levied when you attempt to leave the country, not when flying regionally because the days are still adding up. They will typically prefer you to pay later, whenever you attempt to re-enter Brazil as then you are billed interest on top of your overstay fees. As Texanbrazil stated if you are questioned at any regional airport, explain to them you are in the process of leaving the country and show them your travel tickets/itinerary.

The only other advice I have to give and agree with is to never confuse the issue by offering up information to anyone if they have not specifically asked you for it, just answer their specific questions and move on. Don't start telling everyone what your story is, just very briefly and honestly, answer any questions asked.


Greetings Right so all you need to do is schedule your appointment on the police federal website take in all required documents. Don't stress they know it's been hell with the pandemic. It will all workout


Else. You will have a fine that you pay when you come back. Be prepared for Mula / juros. Aka late fees. So when you come back they will take you somewhere you can pay it. So no stress


And sorry for multiple posts on this. But in recife specifically you will have a better time with the ladies at the airport. Just make sure to as previously mentioned. Don't discuss fines. Just schedule the appointment. :)


Paying fines is only for people who have overstayed their visa. You have not overstayed . Your visa expires in August. So why worry? If you couldn't schedule to get yourself registered. Go personally to the PF office at the airport and explain that you need to register. Do not mention any fines because they DO NOT APPLY TO YOU.




There are no fines for not having your CRNM within ninety days, especially now with the backlog of cases on account of the pandemic.

Send an email with your protocol # to migracao.pe@dpf.gov.br with all your pertinent information and an explanation as to why you need an appointment.  It may take more than one email, but you should keep trying.  Also, it doesn’t hurt to visit the PF, keep pestering them and asking them for help.  The worst thing they can do is tell you “sorry, can’t help youâ€â€¦ just keep going back.


You have NOTHING to worry about and frankly I am concerned about the advice you are getting - if your visa ends the 9th of August 2021 you can stay till then - you only would need to get an EXTENSION from the Federal Police if you wanted to stay longer (I have no idea if that would be possible but that is not your question). 

The 'help' you are getting here is confusing the visa you have with the normal tourist visa.  But for sure NO MATTER WHAT if you are anxious go to the Federal Police - in my many years of experience with them in Minas Gerais they have always been fantastic and helpful.

Smile and be charming!




There is a fine for not renewing a CRNM prior to expiration or for not obtaining a CRNM if required.  Period, end of sentence.

As it happens, that fine has been temporarily waived because of the pandemic, as long as the infraction occurred after March 16, 2020, and the foreigner renews on or before September 16, 2021, as the OP would have been informed when he went to the Federal Police.  Here's the actual decree:


Hey dude.
Texanbrasil is correct. When you leave you will sign documents stating that if you come back before 5 years you must pay the fine.

Don't worry. I have done this too.
After 5 years, this will fall away.

Stay safe and take care


Even if you overstayed, immigration regularization deadline has been moved to September 2021 for everyone who needs to apply or renew their documents. I’m in the same situation so I know. 

You can learn more here:


Also, if for whatever reason your stay in Brasil exceeds 180 days before your appointment date with the polícia federal, you will be required to show a copy of your criminal history during your stay in Brasil.


13ofClubs wrote:

Also, if for whatever reason your stay in Brasil exceeds 180 days before your appointment date with the polícia federal, you will be required to show a copy of your criminal history during your stay in Brasil.


Excellent point.

You can obtain your Federal background check online; most or all state background checks are available online, also.  They're printable, and free.

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