Hi! I'm in the same position so I will follow this with interest. I'm thinking Almeria? My specific issues around a move are finding good vets who speak English as I am a non driver! Don't want to live in a busy town but not all villages have a vet, so.........also, I will require a PPP licence as I have a Staffordshire bull terrier! You say you have dogs? I have no idea how big they are but....I believe any dog over 25kg also needs and is supposed to have this licence and there's a lot of hoops to jump through to get it, CRB check, physical and psychological tests and an animal health certificate from your Spanish vet. All in Spanish! You also need public liability insurance of between 120,000 to 300,000 euros a year for each dog, if large or PPP (potentially dangerous dogs!) and must walk them muzzled and on a short non extendable leash in public-always. The police may also visit your home to ensure you have dangerous dog signs and a 2m high fence around your property. Then you have to buy the licence from your local town hall and register your dogs within 1-3 months of arrival in Spain. You must also have the right certification and rabies jabs prior to leaving Britain too, to be able to get into and through France or Spain at their border entry points. It's essential to have your dogs vaccinated against Leish too, as sandfly bites can infect and kill your dogs all too easily. Like you, I can't easily get over to Spain to view so the online sales thing and power of attorney is of interest to me. As I would want to move permanently and fund it all through the sale of my UK home, I would have to live in Spain on a non lucrative visa, which means no work allowed at all, so.......proving you have sufficient income in savings matters more than ever now, due to Brexit? I think it's gone up from around 6000 euros per year to 25.000 euros....hmmm! Will have to buy a VERY cheap house in Spain! Plus, you need fully comprehensive private health insurance with no excess/no co-payments for the first year if not working and not contributing to the Spanish national insurance system, before you can join their scheme for around 60 euros a month, although they recommend you keep some private on top for dental etc, which is usually private in Spain? This must be paid in full too, no instalments possible. Your NIE can be obtained from a few regional centres in the UK (you have to visit by appointment) and your application for whichever residency visa you require too. You need this NIE to be able to open a bank account and buy a house, get electricity bills in your name, buy certain items etc. I won't be able to draw my very basic state pension for another 14 years as well. Any good estate agent in Spain will advise you on all of the above and don't forget to add 10-15% to your buying budget to cover property transfer fees, land registry fees, notary fees, solicitor fees, surveyor and agent fees etc! And check any duplex, villa or apartments you consider allow dogs on the complex and which and where on beaches you can take your dogs to! Thanks to all in advance for all help and advice given! I need loads of it! Cath xx