

Here We Go Again

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Enzyte Bob

Metro Manila is on a level three alert again. All  people who are not vaccinated must remain in their homes except for essential trips.

Visitors below 18 and above 65 are not allowed in Ayala Malls except for essentials, also restrictions for limited dining.

Other restrictions are in enforce. So those who want to drink beer and watch Midgets Box in Makati will have to wait.

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Enzyte Bob wrote:

Metro Manila is on a level three alert again. All  people who are not vaccinated must remain in their homes except for essential trips.

Visitors below 18 and above 65 are not allowed in Ayala Malls except for essentials, also restrictions for limited dining.

Other restrictions are in enforce. So those who want to drink beer and watch Midgets Box in Makati will have to wait.

Let the good times roll 2022 yee haa!!


Wow.. that didn't take long ...now did it?  Probably that lady who skipped her quarantine caused all this.... LOL

Gardo Fuentes

I might reconsider my May-Jun trip and move it to Jun-Jul.


My phone's calendar says its 2022. yet it's really 2020 version 2.

business as usual, but not in a good way. only in the way that this Government has successfully indoctrinated fear and uncertainty into its citizens no different than that of Marshall Law.

It is a good thing that i moved out of Manila when i did. I don't think i could take another month of this return to Lockdown nonsense. it is completely madness.


100% Agree...  Madness.

Enzyte Bob

kristopherryanwatson wrote:

It is a good thing that i moved out of Manila when i did. I don't think i could take another month of this return to Lockdown nonsense. it is completely madness.

Forget Manila, lock downs or more restrictions are on the way for you too. Completely Madness? Hardly likely. Unless you're a soothsayer, wait and see.

Omicron is the third generation, saying its like a mild cold is irresponsible for those who report it as such. Which way future mutations will go is only a guess. Like all the other guessing since the onset of Covid-19.


How the pandemic has been handled since the very beginning, from my own personal experience - yes, i would say it is completely maddening.

And to speak of my 4 months living many klms outside of NCR (Pampanga), it has been a very generous change in handling for the most part. And after what i have personally seen and experiences after living in Makati for the past 2 years since the lockdown unfolded, the difference is a welcome one.

the fact of the matter is that no one knows what the next few months will provide us. we must be hopeful, optimistic, and personally vigilant to do our part as best we can.

Michael P. Carter

I presume that you were never in the Military; while you are in basic training they line you up in long rows where you walk between 2 people giving you shots in each arm, complaints were non-existent. I also recall as a young child getting a shot for polio and I don't remember anyone saying not for me or my kid. It's like ohh, this might help me but I don't want it because I don't want anyone telling me what to do. Yet, you obey traffic regulations and expect a cop to come take care of you if you have been robbed or shot; obviously I am from America. What I am saying here is, if you don't want a shot or to use a mask then don't but stop complaining because almost everyone else does. Sorry but I am just tried of people that feel entitled to complain about every d.mn thing, grow up.


Oh yea Michael... dude I remember the liner shots in both arms at Parris Island 1970.. shit talk about hurting till they go numb.. :)



Just picked up your post, your view is a refreshing change from the whinging and complaining. Thanks.


Looks like the realists are finally getting tired of the conspiracy theorists. About time, I'm way past Covid compassion fatigue. Don't want shots?, good let Darwin and natural selection take over. Grab your popcorn and let Omicron run through the deniers like S#@T through a goose.


I agree I am fully vaccinated. I don’t think the Govt should force adults to get it, but at the same time it’s not my job to protect those who don’t by wearing a mask, staying indoors, social distancing for ever. If you don’t get vaccinated that’s your choice but then don’t complain if u get sick and dont use up all of the resources that other vaccinated people need for other procedures


I currently have it and it is like a minor cold/flu.  I am fully vaccinated. Everyone else I know  who got it and are fully vaccinated have the same minor symptoms

Enzyte Bob

Morgacj2004 wrote:

I currently have it and it is like a minor cold/flu.  I am fully vaccinated. Everyone else I know  who got it and are fully vaccinated have the same minor symptoms

(1) Received Sinovac, no after effects
(2) Received Covid-19 and was extremely sick
(3) Received Second Sinovac, no after effects
(4) Now, just got over a nasty cold? Temperature, coughing, nasal congestion and wheezing.

OK now, but waiting for the successor of Omicron.


Thinking That with everyone catching the "Omicron" like myself... have gained the Antibodies and have some level of protection for whatever is next... The fact is... countries need to open... not a single effort of Lockdowns, masks, etc. Have done a single thing to stop this last one... and it won't help for the next... this virus has been Mutating since day one like all viruses in the past do to survive, and the norm is more mild, but much more contagious.
I have spent the last 2 years reading every possible article, study, and all types of news both liberal and conservative, much of it fake news to form my own opinions.  I pray that the long term effects of these new technology vaccines prove to be mild.  On a side note... Looks like Thailand is loosening a bit more... Planning a trip now!!  Be safe everyone!


Hope You are feeling better soon!  For me it was 4 really bad days, followed by 2 to 3 days of not bad, but still sick, to fully recovered except for a mild loss of taste and smell... but seams to be getting better now after 3 weeks.


Morgacj2004 wrote:

I currently have it and it is like a minor cold/flu.  I am fully vaccinated. Everyone else I know  who got it and are fully vaccinated have the same minor symptoms

Info from governments around the world says the same thing. The vast majority of vaccinated Omicrom sufferers have minor or or no symptoms - basically, a bad cold at worse.
However, vulnerable people (unvaxxinated and/or people with other conditions) can get seriously ill and clog up the health system.

Michael P. Carter

I am strictly saying this from an American point of view and somewhat tongue in cheek. The problem with democracy is that it requires people to be intelligent and educated and the problem dealing with Covid is that it requires people to be intelligent and educated. I may be a little cynical here, but from that perspective we are "forked". Anyway peace and love to all.


Most in the Philippines will think if you are not vaccinated that you are afraid of needles 🤣
They are not critical thinkers here.

Michael P. Carter

So you are implying that there are countries that are full of critical thinkers?


Michael P. Carter wrote:

So you are implying that there are countries that are full of critical thinkers?

Your response has my reply embedded in its content. Thank you for the example of the importance of not making assumptions. Many western countries have a larger population of critical thinkers due to more advanced, robust education. I don’t see a lot of critical thinking here in the Philippines. That is my own interpretation and not necessarily factual.


I like to get my wifes father’s opinion on a lot of things. Hes a practical thinker and many of my ideas, while I thought were fairly reasearched, aren’t all that practical here. But they will let be stupid if I dont ask.


Michael P. Carter wrote:

I am strictly saying this from an American point of view and somewhat tongue in cheek. The problem with democracy is that it requires people to be intelligent and educated and the problem dealing with Covid is that it requires people to be intelligent and educated. I may be a little cynical here, but from that perspective we are "forked". Anyway peace and love to all

Well.  As I said to some rich and Middle class Manila Filipinos, when they denied lieing even  when obvious proven:
-High education dont cure stupidity...   :lol:
While some of the most clever Filipinos I know dont even have high school. 
E g one such managed to figuere out a some complicated recounting of interest to year interest by logic thinking only knowing 1/100 = 1 %   :top:  SAME test question a MASTER examed in Business ECONOMY FAILED!!!

onefogarty wrote:

Most in the Philippines will think if you are not vaccinated that you are afraid of needles 🤣
They are not critical thinkers here.

Michael P. Carter wrote:

So you are implying that there are countries that are full of critical thinkers?

I dont know if its like that still, but back when Swedish people had among the best results in tests in the world at least at Elemenary and Highschool students, then Swedish schools TOUGHT critical thinking.
Its shown too at Sweden is regularly among top 4 least corrupt countries in the world, I suppouse because Swedes check things and protest when see something wrong. 
E g an expected to become next Swedish prime minister in next election some later, stoped being even the candidate for that party when it got known she had used credit card ment for parlament costs to buy chockolate  ="The toiblerone case"   :lol:     Only litle money but it made it known she couldnt even handle her own private economy so better not handle Sweden.

onefogarty wrote:
Michael P. Carter wrote:

So you are implying that there are countries that are full of critical thinkers?

Your response has my reply embedded in its content. Thank you for the example of the importance of not making assumptions. Many western countries have a larger population of critical thinkers due to more advanced, robust education. I don’t see a lot of critical thinking here in the Philippines. That is my own interpretation and not necessarily factual.

Wwll. PARTLY education,
BUT education dont help when good logic thinking is missing, which is very common in the Philippines...     I blame the church for sabotaging logic thinking, because logic thinkers wouldnt be at least fanatic religious (but perhaps believing a bit because they WANT to believe there can be a God, who can take them out of missery.
I dont know percentage of believers in any God in the Philippines, but sure very high,
while in Sweden its only 6 % of which even less are fanatic believers.  Among Swedes I have got to know as grown up only three persons - not percent  :)  - are fanatic believers...
E g I were "born" believing in God (the christian) and as small kid I even went to "Sunday school" in church, but when I were 6-7 yo I figuered out by logic thinking  :)   it CANT be as the church teach about God...     (The logic about that I dont write now, thats an own story  which make even Jehova witnesses get out of arguments  :lol:

Some years later I figuered out theories, which have been (partly) proven later.
/God wasnt father to Jesus. It was almost sure a fenician soldier named Pantera, who was stationed close to "Virgin Mary" when she got pregnant.   My theory is she made up that lie, which has fooled so many people  :)   , to avoid geting stones to death because of geting pregnant by someone else than Josef...
/Jesu "death" and come back alive.  There are two logical possibilities, I believe most at the later.
    x There were rebels against Rome, who can have moved away the body to get a weapon against Rome.  Probably NOT - if same rebel group - because Barabas, who the public saved instead of Jesus when they got the chance to chose, was NOT a simple criminal as church try to make him, he was inprisoned because of being leader of one of the more violent protests against Rome than what Jesus did.
    x Possible Jesus WASNT dead.  My theory from kids age was Jesus could do as Yogis =lower the pulse and breath much, which could have fooled the guards he was dead. Or perhaps they were just tired of standing in the heat and guard him  :)  and asumed he would die soon anyway so they took him down to not need to guard him anymore.     The bible dont tell anything about Jesus between around 14 - 30yo.  Scientist have found there were a group living close to were Jesus lived, who exersised such actions similar to Yogis, so its possible Jesus spend the untold years with them...

An other LIE the bible and church spread is to lower the value of women. E g deciple Petrus was much against wiomen. As well as obvious he who 300 years after death  of Jesus decided what to put in the bible - and BANNED everyone and demanded all scripts saying other to be burned.   But a few such scriots has survived telling the facts contradicting the lies.
/Jesus was MARRIED.  Desciple Thomas script said so and wasnt allowed to be in  the bible...
Are rather recent found script say so too.
/Maria Magdala WASNT what the bible try to make her.  She was one of Jesu DESCIPLES and became PRIESTESS in one of the Christian groups, which was banned by the liars later...

Btw - Recent is found an OTHER place named Betlehem much closer to where Josef and Maria lived.  It make much more sence they went there than to the one very far away.

Perhaps someone wonder why I have thought of such AFTER I stoped being believer   :)   It depend of I like HISTORY and theese people  were a part of that.


onefogarty wrote:

Most in the Philippines will think if you are not vaccinated that you are afraid of needles 🤣
They are not critical thinkers here.

Most people in America will think that if you are not vaccinated, you are an anti-vaxer . . . or a Republican.

It's not true that here in the Philippines,  people will think that the reason one is unvaccinated is because they're afraid of needles. Most will assume that the reason why one is unvaccinated is he / she has a medical condition, and that he / she has heard that his / her condition could worsen or he / she could die if they get the vaccine, and that they got this idea from someone they know, or a friend of a friend of a friend, or that attorney general who refused to get vaccinated, or Facebook.

This was the reason why my assistant, who has hypertension and high blood sugar, didn't want to get vaccinated at first. But her relative, who is a doctor, was able to convince her otherwise.

My other employee, who has hypertension, doesn't want to get vaccinated because he is afraid of side effects. He fears he could die from the vaccine. He said he heard that someone in his barangay  who has the same condition as he does, died after getting the vaccine. No one was able to convince him to get vaccinated. Not even his wife and kids, all of whom, except for his 5-year-old daughter, are vaccinated.

My assistant, who has worse medical conditions than him, and experienced only soreness at the injection site as a side effect, tried convincing him to get vaccinated. It didn't work. I thought that the government's requirement that unvaccinated employees be tested regularly, which the employee would have to pay out of his / her own pocket, would dissuade him. Nope.

Maybe I can try some reverse psychology.


FilAmericanMom wrote:

It's not true that here in the Philippines,  people will think that the reason one is unvaccinated is because they're afraid of needles. Most will assume that the reason why one is unvaccinated is he / she has a medical condition, and that he / she has heard that his / her condition could worsen or he / she could die if they get the vaccine, and that they got this idea from someone they know, or a friend of a friend of a friend, or that attorney general who refused to get vaccinated, or Facebook..

Yes there are a lot of rumours spread in the Philippines by tsismis (=gossip).
Some are true,
more are false
and some are even ridicilous but many believe them anyway!


FilAmericanMom wrote:
onefogarty wrote:

Most in the Philippines will think if you are not vaccinated that you are afraid of needles 🤣
They are not critical thinkers here.

Most people in America will think that if you are not vaccinated, you are an anti-vaxer . . . or a Republican.

It's not true that here in the Philippines,  people will think that the reason one is unvaccinated is because they're afraid of needles. Most will assume that the reason why one is unvaccinated is he / she has a medical condition, and that he / she has heard that his / her condition could worsen or he / she could die if they get the vaccine, and that they got this idea from someone they know, or a friend of a friend of a friend, or that attorney general who refused to get vaccinated, or Facebook.

This was the reason why my assistant, who has hypertension and high blood sugar, didn't want to get vaccinated at first. But her relative, who is a doctor, was able to convince her otherwise.

My other employee, who has hypertension, doesn't want to get vaccinated because he is afraid of side effects. He fears he could die from the vaccine. He said he heard that someone in his barangay  who has the same condition as he does, died after getting the vaccine. No one was able to convince him to get vaccinated. Not even his wife and kids, all of whom, except for his 5-year-old daughter, are vaccinated.

My assistant, who has worse medical conditions than him, and experienced only soreness at the injection site as a side effect, tried convincing him to get vaccinated. It didn't work. I thought that the government's requirement that unvaccinated employees be tested regularly, which the employee would have to pay out of his / her own pocket, would dissuade him. Nope.

Maybe I can try some reverse psychology.

Well, when I told a Filipina that I wasn’t vaccinated she asked me why I was afraid of needles 😜

Enzyte Bob

onefogarty wrote:

Well, when I told a Filipina that I wasn’t vaccinated she asked me why I was afraid of needles 😜

She probably believes  Pugot Mamu or Aswang will inject her.


How are things in Pampanga?

Maid Agency

Is It a law or a mandate to get vax or else you are a dead living...
It was previously confirmed that there should not be discrimination betwen those who are vax or not now the dog has eaten back his vomit.


My GF was kind of scared to get the vaccine at first because several people in her barangay had died around the time they got it (when Delta was dominant), including a 50 yr old foreigner who was rushed to Cebu but didn't make it. I tried to explain that these were likely a coincidence, ie. they were infected around the time they got the jab, or even perhaps from the crowded line at the clinic.. but she remained wary, especially with all the rumors on Facebook. So I left it up to her, and she eventually came around after talking to friends, seeing how transmissible Omicron is, and with new regulations that pretty much require one to be vaxxed or face restrictions. She's had both jabs now, no issues, I'm a happy camper.


I hear arguments about science and fake science, but I see hundreds of millions of vaccinated people who haven't dropped dead, become infertile, or suffered any of the horrendous plagues there are daft stories about.
I look at it this way, vaccines might very well be far from perfect but they are very clearly safe and an hour of my time in a queue on five occasions (6 on Monday when my youngest gets his second) was well worth it to protect my family.


I respect your choice for you and your family.


onefogarty wrote:
FilAmericanMom wrote:
onefogarty wrote:

Most in the Philippines will think if you are not vaccinated that you are afraid of needles 🤣
They are not critical thinkers here.

Most people in America will think that if you are not vaccinated, you are an anti-vaxer . . . or a Republican.

It's not true that here in the Philippines,  people will think that the reason one is unvaccinated is because they're afraid of needles. Most will assume that the reason why one is unvaccinated is he / she has a medical condition, and that he / she has heard that his / her condition could worsen or he / she could die if they get the vaccine, and that they got this idea from someone they know, or a friend of a friend of a friend, or that attorney general who refused to get vaccinated, or Facebook.

Well, when I told a Filipina that I wasn’t vaccinated she asked me why I was afraid of needles 😜

Just because one Filipino woman assumed that the reason why you're not vaccinated is because you are afraid of needles doesn't mean that Filipinos are not critical thinkers. As I mentioned above, here in the Philippines, it is assumed that those who refuse to be vaccinated are misinformed and are scared of dying from the vaccine. Maybe the Filipino woman who assumed you were scared of needles took a look at you, and perhaps to her you looked like a wuss and wanted to know the reason behind the phobia.


FilAmericanMom wrote:
onefogarty wrote:
FilAmericanMom wrote:

Most people in America will think that if you are not vaccinated, you are an anti-vaxer . . . or a Republican.

It's not true that here in the Philippines,  people will think that the reason one is unvaccinated is because they're afraid of needles. Most will assume that the reason why one is unvaccinated is he / she has a medical condition, and that he / she has heard that his / her condition could worsen or he / she could die if they get the vaccine, and that they got this idea from someone they know, or a friend of a friend of a friend, or that attorney general who refused to get vaccinated, or Facebook.

Well, when I told a Filipina that I wasn’t vaccinated she asked me why I was afraid of needles 😜

Just because one Filipino woman assumed that the reason why you're not vaccinated is because you are afraid of needles doesn't mean that Filipinos are not critical thinkers. As I mentioned above, here in the Philippines, it is assumed that those who refuse to be vaccinated are misinformed and are scared of dying from the vaccine. Maybe the Filipino woman who assumed you were scared of needles took a look at you, and perhaps to her you looked like a wuss and wanted to know the reason behind the phobia.

You’re silly 😜


If you are vaccinated you might still get sick but probably won't die. At some point we (the whole world) needs to get back to life.

No sympathy for the unvaxxed


If you want to make tracks get the vacs ,this is going to be the normal from now on Came into cebu last Monday easy as hell if you do all the stuff they ask for

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