SRRV Payments
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So in summary I can do everything from the Philippines.
I have my original DD 214, does it have to be notarized?
Is the medical clearance done in the Philippines?
I have my medical records and proof of immunizations.
Thanks everyone for your assistance.
-@Robert Morris63
There are many expats who will advise that you initiate your SSA payments while in the USA. Of course it is possible to do that from here but if something goes wrong the US embassy is not helpful and several payments may be delayed or even not paid out because they do not designate you as retired. Maybe i have watched too many expat youtube videos lol. Others may chime in. I did my SSA while still in the USA.
Good point. Paul 'Old dog new tricks' did a vlog on this very issue. One guy he interviewed fell into this trap.
-@Lotus Eater
What trap are you referring to please.
I applied for my SS in October to commence Jan 2023 online while I was still in Las Vegas. I came here in November 2022. I got my first SS check in March for Jan and Feb direct into my US Bank.
So my experience was quite easy, with no issues whatsoever. I haven't walked into a SS office in 20+ years and hope I never do. 😅
I applied for my SS in October to commence Jan 2023 online while I was still in Las Vegas. I came here in November 2022. I got my first SS check in March for Jan and Feb direct into my US Bank.
So my experience was quite easy, with no issues whatsoever. I haven't walked into a SS office in 20+ years and hope I never do. 😅
-@Larry Fisher
Robert Morris63said. . . . What trap are you referring to please.
In the states "Life is like a box of Chocolates", In the Philippines life "Life is like a box of Ex-Lax". For some extra strength too.
I'm referring to red tape in the Philippines, trying to get some paperwork done timely. What takes a few minutes with an app or phone call in the states takes half a day or a full day or days to accomplish in the Philippines.
@Enzyte BobIn the states "Life is like a box of Chocolates", In the Philippines life "Life is like a box of Ex-Lax". For some extra strength too.
Like a box of ex-Lax. 😂😂😂 Good one!
@Robert Morris63
I retired in October 2016. It was 5 months before my planned retirement date of March 2017 due to an early retirement lump sum incentive. I called the SSA right away with a few questions and ended up setting everything up on that call. The lady I spoke with was very knowledgeable about the system. I asked her about retiring at 64 as opposed to waiting 5 months and retiring at 65. She said I would receive something like a $40 increase if I waited so I decided to wait and begin receiving my benefits at 65. She told me I would receive my first direct deposit on the 3rd Wednesday of April 2017 and every 3rd Wednesday from then on, and she was correct.
I don't know if there is a time limit for setting up your benefits beforehand, but it wouldn't hurt to give them a call. Maybe you could have everything worked out while still in the states so your benefits will automatically start according to your plans?
@bigstar1208 National Archives took 6 months to supply my DD214. The US State Dept office that does the apostiles would not accept it because it wasn't signed. I called the National Archives and they said they do not sign, all they do is stamp the archives seal on it and send it. They said whomever said it has to be signed is mistaken. I called the State Dept office 3 days in a row and waited on hold 3 - 5 hours each day, never was able to talk to anyone.
In the end I took my DD214 and SS Benefits letter with a letter for each attesting that they are true copies to the embassy and had the letters notarized. PRA took them without any issues.
@Moon Dog The affidavit is notarized at the PRA and gives you a year to get the document. Instead of that just get your affidavit for your DD214 and SS Benefits letter notarized at the embassy and give those to the PRA. Then you won't need anything notarized at the PRA.
@pilotdrh Thanks. I've emailed the Cebu US Embassy but they said they can't notarize the documents. I tried to explain that I just needed the affidavit notarized but they will not reply. I reported them to the state department for an earlier problem I had with them so I think they black listed me. Looks like I will have to travel to manila. Is an appointment required? Can it be completed in one day or one visit?
@Moon Dog Yes, you need an appt which you have to make online. Citizen services. Probably 3 to 4 weeks in advance. And it was a $50 per document notary fee, which can be paid by a credit card.
or the shortcut
Notarization of U.S. Government Forms: Notary appointments are available in Manila between 12:45 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and Cebu between 9:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Monday through Friday, except for U.S. and Philippine holidays. You can schedule an appointment via Manila’s online appointment system and Cebu’s online appointment system .
Select "Request notarial and other services not listed above." and "I have read the instructions on the Embassy or Consulate website for the passport services I require."
Looks like Cebu allows 4 a day and Manila 17 a day. So you could make the latest appt available in Manila and an earlier one in Cebu. If you get done in Cebu then go online and cancel the Manila appt. Remember you are requesting a US gov document notary requested by the PH gov.
You also need to confirm about your police clearance. I had the NBI and FBI. I've heard you can possibly get an Interpol instead of the FBI.
I have my original DD214 in excellent condition signed by someone.
No need for a copy from the Archives correct?
Should it be apostilled here or notarized there in the Philippines at the US Embassy?
What's the difference.?
Thanks again for your assistance.
I have my original DD214 in excellent condition signed by someone.
No need for a copy from the Archives correct?
Should it be apostilled here or notarized there in the Philippines at the US Embassy?
What's the difference.?
Thanks again for your assistance.
You do not need an archives copy. Get it apostilled there. You can do it yourself. The requirement from the PRA is for an apostile and who knows if it will change about accepting the notarized affidavit.
Thank you Sir
Not to change the subject but what are you doing for medical coverage there?
@bigstar1208 Nothing yet. Wife and kids have Philhealth. I need to sign up. Luckily, I'm still in good health. I get VA disability for my bad...what?....hearing and I've worn glasses since I was a kid. But I don't take any medications. So not bad IMO for a guy about to turn 66. It's amazing how low the cost is for normal medical treatment here, way less than my insurance copay was in the US.
Wife thinks I should pay as we go,however I have HTN and recent afib diagnosis,otherwise healthy and active runner at 60.IÂ have looked at Pacific Cross via Michael Ostand.
@bigstar1208 Checkout The Philippine Info Channel on youtube, Steve talks about insurance coverage.
Wife thinks I should pay as we go,however I have HTN and recent afib diagnosis,otherwise healthy and active runner at 60.I have looked at Pacific Cross via Michael Ostand.
When you look at pacific cross, make sure you review their coverage limits in pesos and decide if they are worth the premiums paid. Most expats assume that they will be reasonably covered as in the US but you may find that not to be true here.
pilotdrh said. . . I need to sign up. Luckily, I'm still in good health. But I don't take any medications. So not bad IMO for a guy about to turn 66.
Listen here Buckaroo, your still a kid. You're only seven years older than my son. When you do turn the corner you will be taking a boatload of meds. I took my first med at 73 and then the roof caved in.
So in summary I can do everything from the Philippines.
I have my original DD 214, does it have to be notarized?
Is the medical clearance done in the Philippines?
I have my medical records and proof of immunizations.
Thanks everyone for your assistance.
-@Robert Morris63
There are many expats who will advise that you initiate your SSA payments while in the USA. Of course it is possible to do that from here but if something goes wrong the US embassy is not helpful and several payments may be delayed or even not paid out because they do not designate you as retired. Maybe i have watched too many expat youtube videos lol. Others may chime in. I did my SSA while still in the USA.
Good point. Paul 'Old dog new tricks' did a vlog on this very issue. One guy he interviewed fell into this trap.
-@Lotus Eater
What trap are you referring to please.
Apologies for late reply. Old Dog interviewed a guy a few weeks ago who left the U.S before setting up his state pension payment arrangements and its been a nightmare for him sorting it out in the Philippines. Old Dogs advice was to ensure the first SS payment has hit your account before leaving the States.
Notice from the PRA. Effective June 1 the SRRV ID card renewal will be for 2 years.
@pilotdrh Good news! Now I just have to find another PRA agent. Mary Rose hasn't answered an email for over a month. Maybe she is no longer in the business.
Her old man (biker days, what can I say) said she is on vacation in Europe. If you're still good on your visa (BB visa I imagine) then you can just wait if you want. If you have less than 3 months left then you may want to finish it yourself (it's not rocket science in reality) and get cracking on the embassy appts for any documents you don't have apostilled and need to get notarized. An appt is probably going to be at least 2 - 3 weeks in the future usually.
@pilotdrh The problem seems to be the bank. Mary Rose finally replied and said she could not proceed until the SRRV account is established. It has been months and multiple trips to PNB and still no SRRV account registered with the PRA. I'm on my 2nd 6 month extension and will need another one before July 23rd.
Wow. I did mine with BDO. The day I went to PRA and paid my application fee they gave me the letter to open an account. I walked to BDO, about 3 blocks away. Gave them my letter and they opened the account. I did the wire transfer when I got home. BDO called 2 or 3 days later and told me they had received the wire and it was done. I assume you haven't been able to do the wire transfer yet so maybe you should use a different bank.
Why PRA doesn't use the BDO on the first floor of the building PRA is in is part of the magical mystery tour.
Mary Rose warned me about using PNB. I don't have a lot of choices unless I travel for hours. PNB is the closest bank, only 1 hour drive. The PNB in Naval, Biliran is an unorganized nightmare. They submit papers but do not follow up and do not contact the customer if something goes wrong. I've filled out the documents twice and still nothing registered with the PRA.
Banks are so different here. Can you imagine doing this (trying) here. I went across the street to a bank I did not bank at and did not have an account at. I said I want to withdraw $150,000, all 100 hundred dollar bills. I stuck my banks debit card in the machine and showed my out of state drivers license. Got the cash and walked out. Total less than 5 minutes in the bank. Yup, no waiting in line, no signing 3 times, no multiple tellers involved. And it was just a bank branch at the little strip mall in Coral Springs, FL.
Banks are so different here. Can you imagine doing this (trying) here. I went across the street to a bank I did not bank at and did not have an account at. I said I want to withdraw $150,000, all 100 hundred dollar bills. I stuck my banks debit card in the machine and showed my out of state drivers license. Got the cash and walked out. Total less than 5 minutes in the bank. Yup, no waiting in line, no signing 3 times, no multiple tellers involved. And it was just a bank branch at the little strip mall in Coral Springs, FL.
This beggars belief. I had to read it twice as I could not believe that any bank would have such weak security checks let alone that amount in an ATM. From one extreme level of incompetence in a third world country that perhaps has an excuse, to the other, one of the most advanced economies in the world, that doesn't
@Lotus Eater This was inside with a cashier, not an ATM.
pilotdrh said. . . . This was inside with a cashier, not an ATM.
I'm not questing your truthfulness, you said "I went across the street to a bank I did not bank at and did not have an account."
(1) What is the significance of I went across the street?
(2) You showed your out of state drivers license?
(3) No other id except a debit card?
(4) Did the bank originate IRS Form 8300 for withdrawals over $10,000 USD?
(5) Do most little strip mall branch banks have (1500) $100 bills laying around waiting for someone like you?
(6) Why did you need so much cash?
(7) I can't imagine doing that anywhere.
(8) Were you wearing an N95 mask?
(9) Did you tell them no red dye exploding money?
I don't think it's normal to walk around with 150K USD.
This was in Florida before I moved to the PI. I had moved to Florida from Georgia about 9 months before I retired and moved to the PI. Very few people in GA or FL were weati g maskis in 2021. And across the street was from the apartment I was living in. The cash was for the remainder of the house we were having built. I don't have any idea on how much cash they keep on hand. I'd picked up money from them before and it was the same procedure, show the DL, stick in the devit, enter the pin.
This was in Florida before I moved to the PI. I had moved to Florida from Georgia about 9 months before I retired and moved to the PI. Very few people in GA or FL were weati g maskis in 2021. And across the street was from the apartment I was living in. The cash was for the remainder of the house we were having built. I don't have any idea on how much cash they keep on hand. I'd picked up money from them before and it was the same procedure, show the DL, stick in the devit, enter the pin.
How about IRS Form 8300 for withdrawals over $10,000?
@Enzyte Bob Nope.
Each person engaged in a trade or business who, in the course of that trade or business, receives more than $10,000 in cash in one transaction or in two or more related transactions, must file this form.
I just hope that we don’t have any IRS employees ( or US Treasury guy's) reading this. 😬
I may be a tad bit closer to the SRRV. After many complaints from me four staff members from the PNB in Naval, including the bank manager, actually came to my house with the papers to be signed. It is a 1 hour drive to the bank on the island's perimeter road and though it is breath taking scenery that I never get tired of I would rather not take the trip needlessly so it was nice of them to save me the trip. I mentioned before I signed the same papers twice in 6 weeks and this was the 3rd signing in 2 months. Hopefully the 3rd time is the charm. They think they have it figured out this time. We will see.
I drove to Tacloban City yesterday, 3 hours each way, and visited the NBI for my clearance. I did the fingerprints, photos and filled out a couple forms which took about 45 minutes.
A word to those who need the NBI clearance. A lady in front of us was turned away because she had a sleeveless blouse. Male or female you must cover your shoulders. I called the day before and was told to bring two 2"x"2 color passport style photos and two color printouts of my passport. I had already created an account with the NBI which is required but I didn't save a screen shot of my account number. I was able to log in on my phone and everything went smoothly after that. I was told that I could pick up my clearance on July 5th. I will probably send my brother in law and authorization letter so he can pick it up for me. I used MS Word to format my 2"x2" photos and printed them myself as well as the passport prints.
I believe the SRRV can be issued soon and I will have one year to complete the other tasks such as having my DD214 and Social Security letter notarized. Am I correct? Maybe I will pay the $1,400 application fee first?
I will have to fly to Manila to complete the notarization which I look forward to like a root canal but hopefully it will be the last time I go there.
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