

SRRV Payments

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Moon Dog


Thank you, much appreciated. The SRRV looks simple enough, and it is, but it gets a little more complex as you go along. I learn something new every time I speak with my agent. The new SRRV management has made things a little more difficult with the oath taking only twice a week by appointment. Mary Rose is trying to get them to lighten up. She is a good agent and she agreed to pay the annual fee and keep my ID card for me, all I have to do is send her the $10. This is probably the one time my military service paid off. I wish the US would give us discounts like that.

I'll be leaving the Philippines on Dec. 5 to check out our newly purchased house in Rainelle, West Virginia. We looked at property all over the US and my wife liked WV based mainly on our camping trips. I wanted a few acres in the forest, she wanted a house in town. We compromised on a house on the edge of a small town. Rainelle is about 70 miles from Charleston and public transportation is not one of WV's strong points so I joined the Facebook group All Things West Virginia asking about travel from Charleston to Rainelle and I got 82 likes and 102 comments welcoming me home. Some even offered to give me a ride. I mentioned that I was from Grassy Creek in Nicholas county. Some guy said he also lived in Grassy Creek for a while. Ended up learning that he lived in the house where I was born. Small world.


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