

Taxi and Train schedule

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Hi all,

I will arrive in Vientiane and plan to  catch the train to Luang Prabang. I will land friday 9/2 at 12pm and hipe to catch the train that afternoon. What are taxi fares like in Laos. What can i expect to pay per Km or from the airport to the train station? also, where can i get a train schedule? thanks!!!

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I assume th"12pm" is a miss print and you mean noon. That being correct it is not possible to get the train and get a ticket for LPB. The ticketing system is better now but it is still a shambles. My advise is to take transport to the tourist area (about $10 I think), and stay at hotel/G/H over night. The problem is you are arriving on a Friday which makes getting a train ticket more difficult as that is when the locals use it on the weekend. If you have any more questions just ask..

@snikrep65 Thanks. what part is the tourist area? Also, any off beaten path i should visit. will be in laos 3 to 4 weeks with no real itinerary. just playing by ears. plan is to start in LB and make my way to the four thousand islands. Are the islands good at this time? heard there were some bad floods in laos thr padt few weeks. is it ok now? thanks. also, any safety concerns i should be aware of? im female traveling alone.


The tourist area is in the center of the city close to the river. VT is a small city with a pop of 700k, which is really small. I would get touristy type advise from other farang (foreigner) guests in any G/H/hotel you stay in or, visit "southeast Asia backpacker community" . As to off the beaten track interest you would like to visit, check out "now in Lao" who is a vlogger who travels around Lao and shows many interesting places to visit. If you have an interest in organic/permaculture" farming you could visit "Tamasard farm" which is 150k along route 13 from VT to Paksa.. It is run by myself and extended Lao family.  The real focus of our work is looking at how all aspects of nature are connected and work together in harmony. There are no safety issues outside of what you would normally have where ever you live.


@snikrep65 thank you. appreciate it. one last item i have been reading about dengue fever. any particular area i should avoid? Not looking to risk getting sick.


Hello myajenni,

The last part of your sentence is off-topic.

Let's stick to the initial topic.

I invite you to create a new thread on the Laos forum to ask your questions about dengue fever.



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