American expat in Jordan
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Amman
Speaks English and Arabic
Registration: 18 June 2010

Traffic in Jordan by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Which city or area do you live in in Jordan, and how do you find the traffic? How long does it take to commute to work or run errands? Is there a rush hour in your city? What times of the day would you recommend people to ...

What is the traffic like? It's horrible, awful, irritating. It will make you swear, have a headache and make you want to leave. Parking? What parking? There is no parking and if you pull in, no one will wait and let you out. What time is ... Read More

Keeping in touch while living in Jordan by Priscilla
Hello everyone, What are the best ways you've found for keeping in touch with friends and family back home while living in Jordan? How frequently do you stay in touch with loved ones? Are there local equivalents to common instant messaging and ...

You asked: How do I keep in touch with family and friends while in Jordan? Here's the list. Skype Facebook Whatsapp FaceTime And I go back home for 4 months out of the year. For me it's the only way. I'm in touch with my family ... Read More

How has your life changed in Jordan by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Has your life changed since you moved to Jordan? If so, in what way? Tell us more about all the changes in your life regarding your family, job, or friends. What about your frame of mind? How would you define your mood? ...

How has my life changed?? You asked for a number. 1-10. I'd say at least 9. My life in my home country was rural. A mini farm, animals, lots of outdoors and family gatherings in our very large home. Many country roads, easy driving, fresh ... Read More

Cost of living in Jordan - 2017 by Priscilla
Hello, Before moving to Jordan, it is important to investigate the cost of living in the country. As we did in 2015, we give you the opportunity to share your experience and tell us more about products and services average recorded prices in ...

In my opinion, it is very expensive to live a good life in Jordan. It depends on your lifestyle and what you enjoy. Rent for a decent place and in a decent area is between 9000 and 12000 Dinars per year. Many landowners would like the year to be ... Read More

Are you happy in Jordan? by Priscilla
Hello everyone! According to the 2016 UN World Happiness Survey, Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland are the happiest countries on earth. How about you? Are you happy in Jordan? Do you feel happier today in your host country than before in your ...

You are 100 percent right on. We think alike! If you are female I have a group of friends you might like to meet. I can't stand the trash and garbage everywhere either. There needs to be a massive anti trash campaign and severe fines. It ... Read More

Are you happy in Jordan? by Priscilla
Hello everyone! According to the 2016 UN World Happiness Survey, Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland are the happiest countries on earth. How about you? Are you happy in Jordan? Do you feel happier today in your host country than before in your ...

Happy? No not really, I've been here too long and just want to go home. I've seen everything, met many and have done everything. I'm tired of it all..... Read More

Dealing with homesickness in Jordan by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Being an expat in Jordan can turn out to be a wonderful human, social or professional adventure... with potential moments of nostalgia and homesickness along the way. What are your personal tips to prevent homesickness? How ...

Homesickness is just a way of life when you are not in your home country. You just have to live with it. Surround yourself with friends and the things you love. Indulge yourself often and know that it's not forever. Toughen up, it's the ... Read More

american woman looking to meet american women friends in amman jordan by drgnfly24
hi! My husband and I will be moving to amman in a few years with our children, and I would like to start meeting some american women who are in the same boat lol. My husband is palestinian who calls Amman Jordan his home. His family is there and I ...

Hi, If you write a PM to me I will point you to where other American women meet. You will have several choices. VWBug Read More

Trying to break the boredom! by jlane22
I have been in Amman since last March and now I am climbing the walls of our apartment. I am missing my friends and find that my friends back home cannot relate to my new life here :( Kinda sucks. I was glad that I found this expat site for ...

Sorry, I'm in the States for the summer and many other expats are as well. I'll check in again after I return. Read More

Safety in Jordan by Christine
Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Jordan? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do you think there ...

Arabs are safe to walk everywhere and they do walk everywhere, right in the middle of the street even. But being an EXPAT site and talking about people being safe, expats have a very different experience than local Arabs. Expats and women in ... Read More

Safety in Jordan by Christine
Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Jordan? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do you think there ...

Ivan Makney..... You are delusional! Yes, absolutely there is crime in Jordan. People are human and evil is everywhere, even in Jordan. However, unlike Ivan's Pollyanna approach to safety in Jordan, I have a healthy outlook, we are safe but ... Read More

american woman looking to meet american women friends in amman jordan by drgnfly24
hi! My husband and I will be moving to amman in a few years with our children, and I would like to start meeting some american women who are in the same boat lol. My husband is palestinian who calls Amman Jordan his home. His family is there and I ...

Fatima, For info can you just PM me. I no longer give info on any gathering in a public forum. International Women are no longer a club and will have no more meetings. Just message me for answers to your questions. VWBug Read More

Trying to break the boredom! by jlane22
I have been in Amman since last March and now I am climbing the walls of our apartment. I am missing my friends and find that my friends back home cannot relate to my new life here :( Kinda sucks. I was glad that I found this expat site for ...

As I said long ago there are several groups that meet. Just private message me for info. These groups are English speaking only of course. VWBug Read More

Need advice by abbelewis
Hey guys, I just found this forum. I was wondering, do any of you know much about the Christian guys in Jordan? I have been talking to a Christian guy from Jordan for a few months on Facebook. We had a mutual friend and I guess he just thought I ...

Run, don't walk away from this! Believe me, I know.......Run! Read More

Annoying ! by Kate29
I Just wanted to express my feeling,Once i declined the request from "Expats" then could you just STOP sent ??????????? It's not because i'm open to accept request,but just doesn't feel want to accept because of too many ...

Yes, I agree. What scares me is I had one guy bugging me constantly on here. I blocked him. Next thing I know he popped up on my FB asking to "friend" me. I don't use my name on here ever, that really worries me. Read More