
Dita Mignonesia


@Dita Mignonesia


Indonesian citizen


119 posts



About me


Lives in Bandung, Indonesia

Speaks Language, English & French

Registration: 19 July 2010


Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago

Why is Indonesia so Appealing to You? by Ubudian

As frustrating as life can sometimes be here in Indonesia, thinking specifically of all the recent proposed as well as implemented changes in visas, taxation, business licensing, and real estate issues since Jokowi was elected President last year, ...

Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago

Why is Indonesia so Appealing to You? by Ubudian

As frustrating as life can sometimes be here in Indonesia, thinking specifically of all the recent proposed as well as implemented changes in visas, taxation, business licensing, and real estate issues since Jokowi was elected President last year, ...


Hm. Which language? what I said there is the fact. Something weird is going on here..so defensive omg :/ Read More

Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago

Why is Indonesia so Appealing to You? by Ubudian

As frustrating as life can sometimes be here in Indonesia, thinking specifically of all the recent proposed as well as implemented changes in visas, taxation, business licensing, and real estate issues since Jokowi was elected President last year, ...


Oh btw, read somewhere here, who wish me meet a prince bule ? Well, no prince bule will date me because I can speak English. :D Read More

Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago

Why is Indonesia so Appealing to You? by Ubudian

As frustrating as life can sometimes be here in Indonesia, thinking specifically of all the recent proposed as well as implemented changes in visas, taxation, business licensing, and real estate issues since Jokowi was elected President last year, ...


Btw, I know a bule called bule miskin by locals. But that is not the point, things is he often criticize Indo and its peps especially on the net saying that Indo is backward, the 3rd world country, corrupt gov etc etc etc -many bules said that ... Read More

Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago

Why is Indonesia so Appealing to You? by Ubudian

As frustrating as life can sometimes be here in Indonesia, thinking specifically of all the recent proposed as well as implemented changes in visas, taxation, business licensing, and real estate issues since Jokowi was elected President last year, ...


Um wonder if Roy, Luke and Mas Fred are one package? :) When there is Roy, there is Luke and there is Mas Fred. :D Read More

Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago

Why is Indonesia so Appealing to You? by Ubudian

As frustrating as life can sometimes be here in Indonesia, thinking specifically of all the recent proposed as well as implemented changes in visas, taxation, business licensing, and real estate issues since Jokowi was elected President last year, ...


Why not? so you can get best house, best foods, sanitation, no peps staring at too you maybe blah blah :D :D Read More

Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago

Why is Indonesia so Appealing to You? by Ubudian

As frustrating as life can sometimes be here in Indonesia, thinking specifically of all the recent proposed as well as implemented changes in visas, taxation, business licensing, and real estate issues since Jokowi was elected President last year, ...


hm have you tried to live in Kemang tho, Luke. :) Some bules just act like a king, thought real Princes are in UAE, Roy. :D Read More

Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago

Why is Indonesia so Appealing to You? by Ubudian

As frustrating as life can sometimes be here in Indonesia, thinking specifically of all the recent proposed as well as implemented changes in visas, taxation, business licensing, and real estate issues since Jokowi was elected President last year, ...


Thanks Saintjean ! ;) I might have to point out tho, Indonesians in general are very welcome and not afraid to stranger in nature. Some bule might missunderstood that as "admiration" and use the same reason to somehow undermine locals, ... Read More

Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago

Why is Indonesia so Appealing to You? by Ubudian

As frustrating as life can sometimes be here in Indonesia, thinking specifically of all the recent proposed as well as implemented changes in visas, taxation, business licensing, and real estate issues since Jokowi was elected President last year, ...


Glad you enjoy reading my comments, Novia. :) I am on this site since I dunno yet rarely visit the site and only till recently..,yup so far I learned Roy & Mas Fred and are the famous members and love Indonesia. Novia, I ofc appreciate all ... Read More

Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago

Why is Indonesia so Appealing to You? by Ubudian

As frustrating as life can sometimes be here in Indonesia, thinking specifically of all the recent proposed as well as implemented changes in visas, taxation, business licensing, and real estate issues since Jokowi was elected President last year, ...


Yay, thanks, Roy ! ^_^ just learned thats the famous Ubudian name is Roy, sorry I still learning about this site huhu :/ Read More

Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago

Why is Indonesia so Appealing to You? by Ubudian

As frustrating as life can sometimes be here in Indonesia, thinking specifically of all the recent proposed as well as implemented changes in visas, taxation, business licensing, and real estate issues since Jokowi was elected President last year, ...


hm great topic @ ubudian but I personnaly never met any rich bule, @indoz2. :) Unlike the locals, most of them are pelit. I think bules are pelit coz they dont have the money or they can pay but they always calculate everything like can not or just ... Read More

Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago
Dita Mignonesia

Karma by Dita Mignonesia

So I just able to login again after decades and I saw now I got one star karma- wonder what it means, is it good or bad? being not so active on the site, I dont really know how this site works.. and I think I 've missed a lot too.:/


Roy is Fred's 3rd cousin twice removed who used the name Ubudian which really means Ubud Ian so if you call him Ian he will understand. Ian by the way is the name of the sheep's father in his avatar. Or I could be wrong.thank you! :top: Read More

Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago
Dita Mignonesia

Karma by Dita Mignonesia

So I just able to login again after decades and I saw now I got one star karma- wonder what it means, is it good or bad? being not so active on the site, I dont really know how this site works.. and I think I 've missed a lot too.:/


Dita please don't leave this forum, you bring balance back to it. :top:I did not leave @lukereg , it was just my slow connection and cant load everything sometimes and also I was confused with how the quote button works on this site ha ha ... Read More

Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago
Dita Mignonesia

Karma by Dita Mignonesia

So I just able to login again after decades and I saw now I got one star karma- wonder what it means, is it good or bad? being not so active on the site, I dont really know how this site works.. and I think I 've missed a lot too.:/


Oh. 5000 posts!O.o Mas Fred you must be a super senior on this site then :thanks:No, I'm just some dude with time on my hands ... and a lot more posts now.I guess soo..even your baunching sheep always seems to have a lot of energy :D Read More

Dita Mignonesia replied to a thread
9 years ago
Dita Mignonesia

Karma by Dita Mignonesia

So I just able to login again after decades and I saw now I got one star karma- wonder what it means, is it good or bad? being not so active on the site, I dont really know how this site works.. and I think I 've missed a lot too.:/


what banjar meeting? Read More