

Allene Avey


Active member

American looking for information about Mexico

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Lives in Phoenix

Speaks English and a little Spanish

Registration: 15 November 2015

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Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
5 years ago

Single Retiree Receiving a Pension of $1,900 USD Per Month by Halfwaytree

If I choose to take early retirement now at age 58, my monthly pension would be 1,900 USD and will increase each year indexed to inflation. Realisticly, after paying for health insurance, rent for a studio or one bedroom apartment in a beach ...

Allene Avey

Mexico is a huge country. First, walking to the shore is just about the same cost as the water lapping your patio deck. If you dont mind living near mosquitos I think you can squeak by. But any expectation of an American quality life. ....I dont ... Read More

Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
7 years ago

Exploratory trip January 2018 - Mérida-Cancun-PDC-Akumal by Jan2017

We plan to travel down mid-January 2018 to compare these areas to decide where we will settle initially. For the exploratory trip we think hotels that are not on the beach would be cheaper and make more sense, but we aren’t sure of the best ...

Allene Avey

I'm leaving in a few hours to do the exact same thing. Let's keep in touch! Read More

Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
7 years ago

Will return to live rest of my days in Mexico. by daretiree

Lived I Bucerias, Nayarit, Mexico for 2 months, and loved every minute of my time there. Had to return to states for personal reasons. The cost of living in Bucerias is so cheap, I still cannot believe it. However, I have heard that Progreso, ...

Allene Avey

Hmmmm, two VERY DIFFERENT places. I like the Yucatan, but Progreso Beach has nothing in common with PV. It is very cheap to live there, a lot of English speakers there. I'll be interested to hear what your outcome is on your choices!! Read More

Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
7 years ago

Finding a place to live by doggroomer

Wondering how those of you who drove into Mexico (or not) how you went about finding a place to stay. Did you rent something out for a month that you secured before you got there? and that you found site unseen before actually getting to ...

Allene Avey

I think I want to live on the Caribbean coast. Anyone have any experiences on this side? I've been to Merida, and love it, but if I could get some of the benefits of a large city and be nearer to the water with a lot of the old infrastructure ... Read More

Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
8 years ago

is it true ? too much robberies ? by moreto62

posted by cathy Dupree 2 months ago I live in Ajijic which is beautiful but want to give another slant on living in Mexico. I am leaving after 5 years because my partner died and the mess that was left with no will was magnified by the corrupt ...

Allene Avey

Babs, I like Merida. I've visited there twice. Do you have any experiences in that city? Veracruz seems to be gorgeous ...I wanted to be near the ocean. How are the bugs, sewer systems, water supply and locals acceptance of Americans? I am a ... Read More

Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
8 years ago

Going to Merida Saturday, October 1st. by Debibax

My husband and I will be flying to Merida next Saturday to check it out in hopes of retiring and moving there by end of summer next year. We would love to meet up with other expatriates just to hear about your experiences and ideas. We will be ...

Allene Avey

I'm not there yet, but I'm interested in hearing how things pan out for you both! I am going in December. Do you have a real estate contact? In Merida there is no MLS....all the contacts have their own listings, so I was told to use them ... Read More

Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
8 years ago

Cancun vs Merida for Retirement by ROWDYCHAP

Hi everyone, My wife and i are retiring to either Cancun or Merida(from Canada) and need help deciding on the two. We have no kids, are in our 40's(good health) and are looking at buying a home under $200,000. Monthly budget of around $1500. Can not ...

Allene Avey

I feel that way too....I'm supposed to be in Merida. But I'll check out Campeche and other places this year too. Being raised in So. Ca. I miss the ocean, but Merida is 30 mins from Progreso Beach. Not bad for a weekend! I love the ... Read More

Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
8 years ago
Troy greer

Cell service by Troy greer

Just got back from Mexico few months ago and noticed a lot of locals buy those calling cards for long distance service. Seems like every time my wife uses one it eats up her minutes instantly! What are you expats doing to call back to Canada or ...

Allene Avey

Melanie in Mexico, I have read that TelCel SIM will work in my Samsung Galaxy S4. Is this wrong? I ask because you stated that we will have to buy a Mexican phone for these services.... Thank you, Ali Read More

Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
8 years ago
Troy greer

Cell service by Troy greer

Just got back from Mexico few months ago and noticed a lot of locals buy those calling cards for long distance service. Seems like every time my wife uses one it eats up her minutes instantly! What are you expats doing to call back to Canada or ...

Allene Avey

That is my plan for this winter, Skype or WhatsApp. This is the first time I've heard that minutes can be stolen, wow. Ever so often I will need to check in with my bank. What do you suggest then? Pubic WiFi might be an issue? IF I'm ... Read More

Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
8 years ago

Tourist visa, purchasing property by banat4

Hello, I was wondering if one can purchase property on a tourist visa before applying for a temp? If so, does this affect which visa one is eligible for? Thanks.

Allene Avey

What does one then do to live there forever? Read More

Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
8 years ago

US Medicare payments while living in Mexico by nikolas4squid

Hi, I noticed that some US expats mention going back to the US for certain medical procedures. This led me to wonder what people do about their Medicare payments in the US while living in Mexico. I assume paying for Part A is a done deal (or is ...

Allene Avey

I'm so sorry to hear about your cancer. I just wrote you about living in Chetumal. I lost my husband to lung cancer, so I've made a long long study of how to stay away from doctors and cancer the last few years. The one thing to DO KNOW ... Read More

Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
8 years ago
Troy greer

What's the cell phone plan of attack?? by Troy greer

Hola guys. I'll be moving down to Jalisco in September and plan on bringing my smartphone also cancelling my AT/T plan ( way to much $$). What are the steps I need to take in getting my phone going in Mexico day 1. Just want to use ...

Allene Avey

I have a branded Verizon Samsung GS4, and it's totally unlocked straight from Verizon. I just changed to Straighttalk, offered at Walmart, for my connection in the states. It was fairly easy, and it Straighttalk uses ALL Verizon towers, so ... Read More

Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
8 years ago

Cancun vs Merida for Retirement by ROWDYCHAP

Hi everyone, My wife and i are retiring to either Cancun or Merida(from Canada) and need help deciding on the two. We have no kids, are in our 40's(good health) and are looking at buying a home under $200,000. Monthly budget of around $1500. Can not ...

Allene Avey

Chetumal? It's one of the cities I hope to visit in January. Does it have neighborhoods with free-standing homes with yards? I want to be on the ocean.....do you have waves, sailing, etc. inside of this big bay? Do you have a Walmart, ... Read More

Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
8 years ago

Cancun vs Merida for Retirement by ROWDYCHAP

Hi everyone, My wife and i are retiring to either Cancun or Merida(from Canada) and need help deciding on the two. We have no kids, are in our 40's(good health) and are looking at buying a home under $200,000. Monthly budget of around $1500. Can not ...

Allene Avey

HI, I was in Merida for the same reason this past January and am going back this coming winter for six weeks for the same, scouting again....this time all over the Yucatan. I went alone, and the first day I went to the Merida English Library. ... Read More

Allene Avey
AlicatAZ replied to a thread
8 years ago

Best place to live in Mexico when its Winter in Canada? by Rolllingstone

My wife and I are looking at wintering in Mexico for 5 months or so during cold winter here in Canada. We love the ocean as we are both sailors, so renting on or near the ocean is very important. Also we are wanting a community that is away from the ...

Allene Avey

Do you know if this is true of Merida? I have not yet been there in the summer months. Read More