



American looking for information about Belize

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Not sure

Speaks So far only English

Registration: 11 July 2017


Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

bring a car to belize by super833

has anyone brought a car or truck to belize from the us.


What's the blue book value of that 2009? That's what they base the value on. I'd triple check that duty rate. There is a government list of the duty charges for any vehicles brought into the country and I think 79% for yours is wrong. Read More

Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

How to bring your car to Belize by Bhavna

Hello everybody, If you exported your car to Belize, were there any formalities that needed to be completed beforehand? What were they? What is the best way to export your car? Is there a limit on the number of vehicles, or perhaps the age of ...


Hi Will, How do I find those threads about driving through Mexico? Also, do you know who I call in the government that can tell me how much the duty is for my vehicle and where I will go for license plates and registration as well as how long before ... Read More

Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

taxes, food, cars, roads, healthcare, internet, weather, etc. by Terrymcq

Hello all. I work online and am self-employed. All my income is from U.S. company and we receive 1099 at tax time. I have heard we can become a offshore corporation and move to Belize and the first US$100,000 is not taxed. My question is are any of ...


Doesn't seem right but I don't have the gold so I don't make the rules. Read More

Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

taxes, food, cars, roads, healthcare, internet, weather, etc. by Terrymcq

Hello all. I work online and am self-employed. All my income is from U.S. company and we receive 1099 at tax time. I have heard we can become a offshore corporation and move to Belize and the first US$100,000 is not taxed. My question is are any of ...


I heard you can keep bank account in states and live out of the ATMs. Belize Bank, Caye International Bank, and Atlantic Bank are 3 that come up in San Pedro web search. Read More

Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

taxes, food, cars, roads, healthcare, internet, weather, etc. by Terrymcq

Hello all. I work online and am self-employed. All my income is from U.S. company and we receive 1099 at tax time. I have heard we can become a offshore corporation and move to Belize and the first US$100,000 is not taxed. My question is are any of ...


On the downside, if I decide to ask for permanent resident status, the time as QRP doesn't count, have to start all over. Read More

Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

taxes, food, cars, roads, healthcare, internet, weather, etc. by Terrymcq

Hello all. I work online and am self-employed. All my income is from U.S. company and we receive 1099 at tax time. I have heard we can become a offshore corporation and move to Belize and the first US$100,000 is not taxed. My question is are any of ...


So I can still come in under QRP even though my wife and I are earning income from a U.S. company who we get 1099s from each year? We are both 57 and self-employed, we operate as a partnership and have U.S. tax number. Sounds like it would be great ... Read More

Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

taxes, food, cars, roads, healthcare, internet, weather, etc. by Terrymcq

Hello all. I work online and am self-employed. All my income is from U.S. company and we receive 1099 at tax time. I have heard we can become a offshore corporation and move to Belize and the first US$100,000 is not taxed. My question is are any of ...


I can't do QRP, have to work until I die but at least I can work from home and don't have to take a job from an Belizeans. Read More

Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

taxes, food, cars, roads, healthcare, internet, weather, etc. by Terrymcq

Hello all. I work online and am self-employed. All my income is from U.S. company and we receive 1099 at tax time. I have heard we can become a offshore corporation and move to Belize and the first US$100,000 is not taxed. My question is are any of ...


My 2002 Chevy pickup isn't 4-wheel drive but I've been satisfied with it. Actually only had it a few years, got a good price because of the hail damage. I left all the dimples in it, wasn't worth putting a bunch of money into cosmetics ... Read More

Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

taxes, food, cars, roads, healthcare, internet, weather, etc. by Terrymcq

Hello all. I work online and am self-employed. All my income is from U.S. company and we receive 1099 at tax time. I have heard we can become a offshore corporation and move to Belize and the first US$100,000 is not taxed. My question is are any of ...


Thanks Brigitte Read More

Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

taxes, food, cars, roads, healthcare, internet, weather, etc. by Terrymcq

Hello all. I work online and am self-employed. All my income is from U.S. company and we receive 1099 at tax time. I have heard we can become a offshore corporation and move to Belize and the first US$100,000 is not taxed. My question is are any of ...


Where do I find out what it might cost to bring in a 2002 Silverado extended cab with 6.5 foot bed and about 120,000 miles with hail damage? Read More

Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

taxes, food, cars, roads, healthcare, internet, weather, etc. by Terrymcq

Hello all. I work online and am self-employed. All my income is from U.S. company and we receive 1099 at tax time. I have heard we can become a offshore corporation and move to Belize and the first US$100,000 is not taxed. My question is are any of ...


Mine is 15 years old and doesn't rust much because, well, it's a Chevy. But I'd just be happy to have it there and only use it when necessary than to give it up back here. I wonder what full coverage insurance costs in Belize? Read More

Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

taxes, food, cars, roads, healthcare, internet, weather, etc. by Terrymcq

Hello all. I work online and am self-employed. All my income is from U.S. company and we receive 1099 at tax time. I have heard we can become a offshore corporation and move to Belize and the first US$100,000 is not taxed. My question is are any of ...


So you're saying live close to or in town? Read More

Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

taxes, food, cars, roads, healthcare, internet, weather, etc. by Terrymcq

Hello all. I work online and am self-employed. All my income is from U.S. company and we receive 1099 at tax time. I have heard we can become a offshore corporation and move to Belize and the first US$100,000 is not taxed. My question is are any of ...


Are you saying it costs $60 to go to the grocery store? How far a trip is it each way and are you paying according to time or distance? Read More

Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

taxes, food, cars, roads, healthcare, internet, weather, etc. by Terrymcq

Hello all. I work online and am self-employed. All my income is from U.S. company and we receive 1099 at tax time. I have heard we can become a offshore corporation and move to Belize and the first US$100,000 is not taxed. My question is are any of ...


I am the loose nut behind the key Read More

Terrymcq replied to a thread
7 years ago

taxes, food, cars, roads, healthcare, internet, weather, etc. by Terrymcq

Hello all. I work online and am self-employed. All my income is from U.S. company and we receive 1099 at tax time. I have heard we can become a offshore corporation and move to Belize and the first US$100,000 is not taxed. My question is are any of ...


Thank you again for your help, very important information. I live out in corn country and the nearest place to get a gallon of milk is 8 miles away while a full grocery is over 15 miles away. It would be great to not need a car, maybe get a golf ... Read More