
Angela Dias

Angela Dias

New member

Scottish expat in Malaysia

Forum posts


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Speaks English

Registration: 04 February 2018


Angela Dias replied to a thread
6 years ago

Finding your bearings in Malaysia by Priscilla

Hello, While technology has definitely helped us navigate ourselves more easily in most countries, it's not the case everywhere. How do you get to your destinations and navigate yourself in Malaysia? Do you use gps systems such as google/apple ...

Angela Dias

My solution is GRAB! As someone who doesn't drive (and has no sense of direction!), I'm very impressed on the whole with GRAB. I don't think it would work for long distances unless the car was full, but for local journeys, it's ... Read More

Angela Dias replied to a thread
6 years ago

Tourist Visa Question by hersh

I am considering moving to Malaysia from the USA and was wondering if you have any experience with the 3 month tourist visa and leaving the country for a couple of days before the visa expires and then coming back for another 3 months and doing this ...

Angela Dias

Strong words . . . But it seems to me that it's actually easier for those from Western nations to legally use the system to suit themselves, as they're often the ones who can afford MM2H etc, and are more likely to have had the luxury of a ... Read More

Angela Dias replied to a thread
6 years ago

Tourist Visa Question by hersh

I am considering moving to Malaysia from the USA and was wondering if you have any experience with the 3 month tourist visa and leaving the country for a couple of days before the visa expires and then coming back for another 3 months and doing this ...

Angela Dias

I know several people who've been doing the 90 day visa run for years, some over 20 years, but 3 of those have been formally told by immigration that they can no longer do it, and have been given a 30 day visa, and told that that will be the ... Read More

Angela Dias replied to a thread
6 years ago
East Ledang

Getting Health Insurance by East Ledang

My wife and I need health insurance. Our current plan expires in a few weeks when I become 70 and nobody wants to insure us (69 and 73) or it's prohibitively expensive. Does anyone have any ideas about how to get comprehensive insurance for ...

Angela Dias

All the policies I looked at only cover you for trips of up to 90 days if the trip starts from country of origin. So travel insurance would work if you go back at least once in every 90 days. I asked about extending when you're already in the ... Read More

Angela Dias replied to a thread
6 years ago

The nightlife scene in Malaysia by Priscilla

Hello, Having access to a good nightlife scene can be a determining factor for many expats upon choosing their next destination. Tell us more about the nightlife in Malaysia. In Malaysia, what is the nighlife culture like: is it common for ...

Angela Dias

For me, being able to sit out in a bar or at a food stall talking with friends late into the beautiful tropical night is one of the joys of life in Malaysia. I don't know about night clubs as I find them boring anywhere in the world, so I assume ... Read More

Angela Dias replied to a thread
6 years ago

How to discover the cultural scene in Malaysia by Priscilla

Hello, Moving to a new place and learning about the culture goes beyond adapting to customs and traditions. The art scene (music, art, literature, and cinematography) is also a big part of discovering a new country. What are the best ways to ...

Angela Dias

Probably not yet experienced enough to comment on what art best represents Malaysia, but there are some very interesting exhibitions around. I check the Star's review pages for interesting events and there's always something. Some are ... Read More