Costa Rican citizen
Forum posts
About me
Costa Rican
Speaks English and French
Registration: 20 June 2018

Legal advice sought by Rickferrier
On there, I am Rick (Canada...CR) Looking for some CR advice on following incident. Thanks for your help! This past March, driving towards Jaco from Orotina, down a hill slowing down, signalling to turn left, looked in rear view mirror all ...

Hi Rick, In most cases and courts an attorney can appear on behalf of the client, including appear in court, or request a rescheduling of a hearing, and without the client having to be present. However, for this a valid special judicial power of ... Read More

Affordable attorney sought by holisticdoc
I am looking to hire a licensed Costa Rican attorney for a real estate closing and title registration. Please share your referrals of lawyers you have worked and who are trustworthy as well as competently experienced.

Hi there, I am an attorney myself and I do mainly real estate transactions...guess We could chat, right? Shoot me a private message. Cheers. Read More