American expat in Dominican Republic
55 posts
About me
Lives in Santiago de los Caballeros, Sa
Registration: 26 July 2018
Residencia renewal - actual process by planner
I am reposting this with permission, it was originally posted on FB and has great information! Temp to Permanent Residency - a tale of 220 days! For whomever it may help, here's the process with timeline that I followed to change from ...
@wishinguwell What lawyer have you found that charges $1,000 at the most? I have got quotes from two lawyers and it was almost $3,000 USD each for family reunification visa and residency filing Read More
Types of Visas available for DR by ondami
I have searched this forum and the internet far and wide to no avail; hence, the new post.I know that things change in DR processes and am not asking a process specific question; rather, I am asking a clarifying question.When my partner, who was ...
I am looking into this now for family reunification. I am married to a dominican and my daughter was born here she is dominican/American. I am American. I contacted an attorney they wanted around $3,000 which seems like a lot. Does anyone know ... Read More
Immigration law enforcement - Take care ! by Guineo Verde
Hi, It seems that since December 2017 more than 3,000 people of 12 different nationalities were not allowed to enter the country and were deported to theirs. I mean led by custom officers to the area where they had to wait for a return ...
@ducketts your fine!! TRUST ME! enjoy yourself do whatever we you want pay the fee at the end and your all good!! Read More
Immigration and Overstay Issues by planner
We are posting this more prominently so people do not miss it. We can confirm that tourists are being turned away at the entry points who have "overstayed the tourist visa multiple times". Please be aware that this might happen to YOU! At ...
He can stay for however long he likes Read More
Immigration and Overstay Issues by planner
We are posting this more prominently so people do not miss it. We can confirm that tourists are being turned away at the entry points who have "overstayed the tourist visa multiple times". Please be aware that this might happen to YOU! At ...
yes there are laws on paper but nobody cares thats not how it is in real life they are not eforced. Unless your a haitian lol or need a visa to get in Read More
Immigration and Overstay Issues by planner
We are posting this more prominently so people do not miss it. We can confirm that tourists are being turned away at the entry points who have "overstayed the tourist visa multiple times". Please be aware that this might happen to YOU! At ...
do yourself a favor and do not worry about it NOBODY cares. Are you American>? You can do whatever the hell you want. I go to DR all the time people overstay for years their covid tests at airport they just say go ahead lol its all a joke go ... Read More
How long does it take to evict non paying tenants. by lspriggs0325
Does anyone know who long it takes to evict a tenant who hasn't paid in 5-6 years? My mother owns two houses, not in great condition. The tenant rented one of the two homes and turned into a bakery of sorts. Then her son broke in the second ...
5 years! oh my god lol how have you not done anything about this years ago you own the homes and they turned them into businesses lol.....5 years!!!! You kind of let this happen. You need to just et with some of the people here and private message ... Read More
Did I marry a Chapia? by SonOfaSailor
I met a dominican girl about 10 years ago while on a long vacation here. I never bought her things, she actually bought me a gift. She was the only girl I was with from a small town. I work internationally and there was a language barrier. We both ...
It kind of makes me sick that if you got that house and were able to purchase it you would keep it from her she spent the same amount of time in the relationship and at least you would both walk away with something if you gave her half but to steal ... Read More
Did I marry a Chapia? by SonOfaSailor
I met a dominican girl about 10 years ago while on a long vacation here. I never bought her things, she actually bought me a gift. She was the only girl I was with from a small town. I work internationally and there was a language barrier. We both ...
and what is with: "(still to this day owned by them, and I still pay monthly so hopefully not communal property)" why hopefully not communal property? You were married when you had that house bro you had a life together so she is ... Read More
Did I marry a Chapia? by SonOfaSailor
I met a dominican girl about 10 years ago while on a long vacation here. I never bought her things, she actually bought me a gift. She was the only girl I was with from a small town. I work internationally and there was a language barrier. We both ...
Yes, but the Question was "Did I Marry a Chmpia?" so everybody needs to answer this! ME ......I say HELL NO! I am still trying to wrap my head around how you could even ask this question or think this question????? Because of what????? ... Read More
Did I marry a Chapia? by SonOfaSailor
I met a dominican girl about 10 years ago while on a long vacation here. I never bought her things, she actually bought me a gift. She was the only girl I was with from a small town. I work internationally and there was a language barrier. We both ...
Lol a champi would tear your ass up in the divorce lol Read More
Did I marry a Chapia? by SonOfaSailor
I met a dominican girl about 10 years ago while on a long vacation here. I never bought her things, she actually bought me a gift. She was the only girl I was with from a small town. I work internationally and there was a language barrier. We both ...
She is letting you off the hook man finalize the divorce she could of come at you for half your money but she isn’t she just took some dumb furniture. How can you even think she is a champi???? No wonder she left you Read More
Did I marry a Chapia? by SonOfaSailor
I met a dominican girl about 10 years ago while on a long vacation here. I never bought her things, she actually bought me a gift. She was the only girl I was with from a small town. I work internationally and there was a language barrier. We both ...
Bro she didn’t want to be with you and ended the relationship. Rather than take you for a lot of money she just took the furniture and that’s it she let you off easy what are you talking about champi????? Please man. Read More
Immigration and Overstay Issues by planner
We are posting this more prominently so people do not miss it. We can confirm that tourists are being turned away at the entry points who have "overstayed the tourist visa multiple times". Please be aware that this might happen to YOU! At ...
I live in Puerto Rico also and do this and yes it resets it Read More
Immigration and Overstay Issues by planner
We are posting this more prominently so people do not miss it. We can confirm that tourists are being turned away at the entry points who have "overstayed the tourist visa multiple times". Please be aware that this might happen to YOU! At ...
I remember when they said you had to have a covid test showing negative it was a joke I walked past everyone at the airport to the front of the line and gave my passport nobody said a word they dont care Read More