Forum posts
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Registration: 23 October 2007
Cost of living in Portugal by expat.com
Hi everybody, It would be very interesting and useful to exchange informations about the cost of living in Portugal. The idea is to help those who would like to live in Portugal. Don't forget to mention where you are living Let's compare the: > ...
Food is generally quite less expensive and of better quality than ... well... England for example. You can eat in a restaurant for almost nothing (and you have a big plate). But I agree with goispro, it's not that cheap to leave there if we consider ... Read More
the language by kenna59
hi all can you let me know how hard is it to speak the languge.
Very hard. If you ever have learned French, I can tell you that the grammar is quite similar to the French one (hard, with lots of tricky rules). But for myself, the worse part is to understand, they don't pronounce all the letters as in spanish ... Read More