English citizen
4 posts
About me
Lives in Worthing, England
Speaks English
Registration: 24 July 2020
Growing Fruit or Vegetables in Cape Verde by julianangel
Ola, while I am aware of Cape Verde's mostly arid climate I was wondering if it is possible to grow some fruit or vegetables in your own garden without wasting too much water - and which? Any experience? I just know how to grow produce on ...
Hi! We have successfully created a garden without excessive use of water. We use the water from washing up the dishes and only top it up with fresh water occasionally. So long as there isn’t too much soap in the water it works fine. Also, we ... Read More
AirBorders in Covid and visa for Malian passport by MariaGeras
Hello, everybody CV expats! I'm planning to come to Cape Verde soon (in September / October 2020), but not sure about airport's situation now - does air borders open or closed? And second question, if anybody knows: does I need visa for ...
Hi, I've only just seen your question. The borders in Cape Verde were only opened at the beginning of October 2020. Initially there have only been flights to Praia and São Vicente, and so far as I know, only from Lisbon. The following website is ... Read More
Vacation trip to explore retirement potential by Gatopardo
Hi, guys. I'm looking to move to Cabo Verde in a few years and I'm planning a 1-2 week visit soon to check things out. I know that Sal is very beautiful and there are several other attractive locations, but I'd like to get to know the ...
Hi Gatopardo, I'm glad that you found my answer useful. I don't live in Cape Verde, but I have a house on the island of Maio and I visit frequently. I have been going several times a year since 2006 and over the past few years I have visited most of ... Read More
Vacation trip to explore retirement potential by Gatopardo
Hi, guys. I'm looking to move to Cabo Verde in a few years and I'm planning a 1-2 week visit soon to check things out. I know that Sal is very beautiful and there are several other attractive locations, but I'd like to get to know the ...
Hi Gatopardo I think it is a good idea to visit for as long as you can, in order to decide which of the islands you would prefer to live on. Praia is the largest city, but Mindelo (on the island of São Vicente) is generally considered to be the ... Read More