Phil Jones
Welsh expat in Mauritius
31 posts
About me
Lives in Flic en Flac
Speaks English, French
Registration: 10 October 2011
Atheism by linapascal
Hi people, I'm looking for atheists and non-believers in Mauritius. Anyone out there? Thanks!
I got sent to Bible lessons by my mother in lieu of the piano lessons I'd asked for. She was like that, believing spirituality was better for the soul than musicality. An accomplished pianist herself I felt not a little peeved. But a few ... Read More
Chances of securing a job without knowing how to speak French by HarjinderMann
I was wondering if anyone could help me answer a few question? But firstly let me tell you about myself and situation. I am a British citizen and 28 years old. I have recently married and my wife is Mauritian. I work in a superstore and a manager ...
I lived and worked in France for a good number of years without speaking French. That was because my co-workers wanted to speak English. But I would never use that as an excuse for not learning. Ive been here four months and work in an English ... Read More
Guitar lessons by Christel S.
Who is the best person to give guitar lessons in Mauritius?
I wish there were a right answer for this. I studied classical guitar back in the UK and had three teachers. The third helped me make more progress in a couple of months than the others achieved in two years. Which is to say: The one that works for ... Read More
blissfull CHOCOLATE!!!! by Veruska
FOR a long time women have compared chocolate to sex. Now doctors have discovered a scientific link between the two. According to Italian researchers, women who eat chocolate regularly have a better sex life than those who deny themselves the ...
Is it OK to eat it just because I like it? Read More
Beach boys! by linapascal
Good afternoon! I would like to know if anyone have had any experience of interacting with beach boys in Mauritius. Have a young man ever approached you on the beach and started to flirt with you and give you compliments, and later on suggested ...
Interesting comments and observations here. One thing I will say for Mauritius since I came here is the number of women working at a professional level and comfortably holding their own in a previously male-dominated IT environment. The ratio is ... Read More
Tsunami Alert? by alisa_ram
According to the newspaper "Le Mauricien", we are on Tsunami alert at the moment. If anyone has more info,please post. Those living on the coasts,please be very careful.
Presumably you live closer to the middle of the island. I can only speak for places like Flic en Flac where your only protection would be an early warning. Read More
Tsunami Alert? by alisa_ram
According to the newspaper "Le Mauricien", we are on Tsunami alert at the moment. If anyone has more info,please post. Those living on the coasts,please be very careful.
An alert for the entire Indian ocean today. But the danger is passed. The first I heard was reading your post. Does Mauritius even have an early warning system? The newspapers might not be quick enough. Read More
Maybe not moving to Mauritius by time1
I've always lived in one country and got used to moving freely anyplace within it's borders. Now that I've retired (early) I'd like to live in other places different from what I'm used to. But after studying the immigration laws I begin to realize ...
Have to agree that it looks like an insurmountable obstacle with long delays and a lot of worry about having 'missed something'. It doesn't help that rules seem to change all the time. I traveled and worked, albeit several months at a time, in ... Read More
temperature and climate by time1
I'm a newby here so thought this would be the place to start out. I have a question about the climate. If your temps are 80ish in the summer and 70ish in the winter, do you need any AC or heating?
I should explain. Brought up in Wales, more famous for its rain then anything else. Then, prior to coming to Mauritius, 14 years in the French Alps where -15 is not unusual. Summers are nice though but rarely hot. I have real difficulty dealing ... Read More
temperature and climate by time1
I'm a newby here so thought this would be the place to start out. I have a question about the climate. If your temps are 80ish in the summer and 70ish in the winter, do you need any AC or heating?
Well if you need heating then you probably need to see a doctor as well. No AC? Sorry but without that then this 'lifetime under cloud' Celt is heading home. Read More
Work Permit by purplepixie
I can't seem to find a search button to search for topics..:/ So I am sorry if this has already been discussed... We are from South Africa and my husband is going to be working for a school in Mauritius. I have read that if we arrive in ...
I got my Occupational Permit just a few weeks back. Got a job offer, came in on a business visa, did a medical and from there it was about two weeks before the documents were in my hands. Point to note : You cannot work during the period up to ... Read More
rupees?, pleased post worth difference etc, havent checked myself x by wbart123
sorry new to this, not euro's, i have no idea how much a rupee is worth, i feel very uneducated, sorry
Good website for current exchange rates is Read More
Skin Care and Protection
Ive just arrived in Flic en Flac and tempted to sleep in the fridge. That's the price I pay for being a pale-skinned Celt. Apart from high SPF creams and limited exposure to the sun, are there any dietary supplements that can be taken? I ... Read More
Over usage of Round-Up herbicide = Surge of cancer rate in Mauritius? by Aldeb@ran
I am sure most Mauritians have heard of Round-Up. For those who haven't, Round-Up is a very well known herbicide which is widely used in the Sugar plantations. It is a very powerful weed killer but its lethal side effects are little known among ...
Round-up is produced by Monsanto and represents about 10% of its income. They have been brought to book on claims that is was safer than table salt and one company sponsored laboratory fined around 15 million dollars for falsifying test results. ... Read More
Somali Pirates by Debbie1
Hi there, I am currently living in SA , but my husband and I are discussing moving to Mauritius. I know this is an odd question,but are the Somali pirates active off the coast of Mauritius? Thanks Debbie
The most dangerous sharks have also taken up residence in the banks these days as well. Read More