

marie jeanne


Active member

French expat in Mauritius


53 posts

About me


Lives in grand baie

Speaks francais

Registration: 09 December 2011


marie jeanne
bandama replied to a thread
12 years ago

Life in Abidjan? by thunderpaws

Hello! I applied for a teaching position with a private international school in Abidjan and I wanted to know how people like living there. I know there have been SERIOUS challenges recently, but outside of that what is it like to live there? ...

marie jeanne

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marie jeanne
bandama replied to a thread
12 years ago

Life in Abidjan? by thunderpaws

Hello! I applied for a teaching position with a private international school in Abidjan and I wanted to know how people like living there. I know there have been SERIOUS challenges recently, but outside of that what is it like to live there? ...

marie jeanne

dylan, fonce abidjan est une super ville, la population acceuillante, les abidjanais et les africains en generals , savent et aiment faire la fete,je sais de quoi je parle j y ai vécu 30 ans alors n hesites pas c est génial Read More