Canadian expat in Costa Rica
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Uvita
Registration: 15 December 2011

Moving to Costa Rica from Toronto by LimitlessX
Hey guys, Glad to be here. I'm new to this forum, and from Toronto, planning to move to CR to start a new lifestyle in this beautiful place. Just need some words of advice from you guys who have been there for a long time. Is it a good ...

Hello Sam, Some people claim they are leaving Costa Rica because of the economy. Showing that a Tico must work for one hour to buy one beer is evidence that there is something very wrong with the economy here. There are many items which are ... Read More

How has your life changed in Costa Rica by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Has your life changed since you moved to Costa Rica? If so, in what way? Tell us more about all the changes in your life regarding your family, job, or friends. What about your frame of mind? How would you define your mood? ...

I discovered that about half of the expats I've seen down here in Costa Rica have turned into alcoholics, perhaps from having too much time on their hands. This video provides so evidence on my claim. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtWjbAL-e1c Read More

Moving to Costa Rica from Toronto by LimitlessX
Hey guys, Glad to be here. I'm new to this forum, and from Toronto, planning to move to CR to start a new lifestyle in this beautiful place. Just need some words of advice from you guys who have been there for a long time. Is it a good ...

Hello Pebs, You read it wrong. A Tico working at the minimum wage here in Costa Rica only earns enough to buy one beer in a restaurant here in Costa Rica. I asked a couple of Tico's about this situation and their reply was "That's ... Read More

Moving to Costa Rica from Toronto by LimitlessX
Hey guys, Glad to be here. I'm new to this forum, and from Toronto, planning to move to CR to start a new lifestyle in this beautiful place. Just need some words of advice from you guys who have been there for a long time. Is it a good ...

Hello Jay, Perhaps the Canadians you know are much wealthier than those I know, and have no problem accepting inflated prices on automobiles, home prices, or an 80% import tax on appliances etc. The people I introduced to Costa Rica love the ... Read More

Moving to Costa Rica from Toronto by LimitlessX
Hey guys, Glad to be here. I'm new to this forum, and from Toronto, planning to move to CR to start a new lifestyle in this beautiful place. Just need some words of advice from you guys who have been there for a long time. Is it a good ...

I brought down about twelve Canadian retirees to visit us "that were looking for a place to retire", and not one of them made the decision to retire in Costa Rica, they found it too expensive for food and automobiles, and the cost of homes ... Read More

How has your life changed in Costa Rica by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Has your life changed since you moved to Costa Rica? If so, in what way? Tell us more about all the changes in your life regarding your family, job, or friends. What about your frame of mind? How would you define your mood? ...

Moving to Costa Rica from Toronto by LimitlessX
Hey guys, Glad to be here. I'm new to this forum, and from Toronto, planning to move to CR to start a new lifestyle in this beautiful place. Just need some words of advice from you guys who have been there for a long time. Is it a good ...

Be sure to get on a bus route to town, buying a car here is insane, it's a waste of money. We take a bus to town for about 80 cents, and a taxi back with the groceries for $3. Read More

I'm moving to Costa Rica on May 2 by dseabaugh1
Should I wait until I get to Costa Rica to set up a bank checking account and a mail office box ?

Good luck opening a bank account in Costa Rica "although I heard they finally might be allowing foreigners without status to do that". We had too much hassle with opening a bank account here so we just use our credit card and use online ... Read More

Locations to consider living in Costa Rica by briner
My wife and I are looking for feedback on locations that would provide the following: - very safe - reasonably priced - nearby to golf and beach (within several miles) Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. Ralph and Marian

You must rent for a month and investigate all the different climates that exist in Costa Rica. I would strongly suggest that you stay totally clear of the Limon area "especially if you are white". A Canadian teacher was just robbed and ... Read More

Moving to Costa Rica from Toronto by LimitlessX
Hey guys, Glad to be here. I'm new to this forum, and from Toronto, planning to move to CR to start a new lifestyle in this beautiful place. Just need some words of advice from you guys who have been there for a long time. Is it a good ...

This is funny... you obviously haven't done any home work. When you get to San Jose airport the Customs office might as to see your return flight ticket, which must be inside 90 days, it depends on what agent you get. You can't stay more ... Read More

The holiday season in Costa Rica by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Are you about to celebrate the holiday season in Costa Rica? In many countries and cultures, the festive season is the time for happiness and reunions/gatherings. Is it so in Costa Rica? How do Costa Ricans celebrate this very ...

Thanks for that post Kohlerias, I walked past the police station in Parrita last week and noticed that the police motorcycles were parked inside the building next to the officers desks, how sad is that when police can't even park their ... Read More

The holiday season in Costa Rica by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Are you about to celebrate the holiday season in Costa Rica? In many countries and cultures, the festive season is the time for happiness and reunions/gatherings. Is it so in Costa Rica? How do Costa Ricans celebrate this very ...

Life does not need to treat me any better as this has been a fantastic place to live, it's just an unfortunate situation that so many young people have nothing more to do with their lives than to get involved in petty theft. Anyone who plans to ... Read More

The holiday season in Costa Rica by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Are you about to celebrate the holiday season in Costa Rica? In many countries and cultures, the festive season is the time for happiness and reunions/gatherings. Is it so in Costa Rica? How do Costa Ricans celebrate this very ...

Petty crime is a major problem throughout the country no matter what region you are in. The young guy we caught two years ago on our property now works for us as a gardener, he was just desperately unemployed and actually hungry. My wife is ... Read More

The holiday season in Costa Rica by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Are you about to celebrate the holiday season in Costa Rica? In many countries and cultures, the festive season is the time for happiness and reunions/gatherings. Is it so in Costa Rica? How do Costa Ricans celebrate this very ...

Well.... we were planning on having a pleasant Christmas season (not Holiday Season) again this year, but unfortunately my neighbour had to fire on two wanna be thieves last night and one is in bad shape. It's truly sad that the petty theft ... Read More

Best place to live on the Pacific Coast by tomrich
We are moving in August 2017 to Costa Rica and would like to get some recommendations on an ideal coastal town at the Pacific Coast, not too touristy and expensive and not too many expats and no highrises. Looking forward hearing from you all!

Be sure to check out the distances to groceries and hospitals etc. Some of the locations in the mountains take up to an hour to get down from. Also make note that if you get too high you'll be living in the mountain fog until after lunch time ... Read More