Malcolm Arthur
American looking for information about Vietnam
99 posts
About me
Lives in Panama City
Speaks English, some tiéng Việt
Registration: 01 March 2012
Which scooter do you like most? by yamcha
I bought myself a 2013 blue Honda Lead recently mostly for its practicality, it has a wide seating area and a lot of space under it but other than that it isn't a very good ride. I really wanted a Yamaha Grande (love the way it looks) but ...
I rode MCs exclusively for almost 30 years in the US and have no trouble riding my little electric now. When I go back to the US I jump on my Virago 920 and burn up some highway, though. Read More
Which scooter do you like most? by yamcha
I bought myself a 2013 blue Honda Lead recently mostly for its practicality, it has a wide seating area and a lot of space under it but other than that it isn't a very good ride. I really wanted a Yamaha Grande (love the way it looks) but ...
You don't need a tag if it has pedals. The models without pedals perform the same as the pedaled ones but you have to have tags for them. Read More
Which scooter do you like most? by yamcha
I bought myself a 2013 blue Honda Lead recently mostly for its practicality, it has a wide seating area and a lot of space under it but other than that it isn't a very good ride. I really wanted a Yamaha Grande (love the way it looks) but ...
I finally broke down and bought an electric bike which I ride around Cam Đức. I carry a spare battery and top speed is only about 35 clicks but I am not in a hurry. Read More
Which scooter do you like most? by yamcha
I bought myself a 2013 blue Honda Lead recently mostly for its practicality, it has a wide seating area and a lot of space under it but other than that it isn't a very good ride. I really wanted a Yamaha Grande (love the way it looks) but ...
Hondas are the Gold Standard in VN for reliability and durability. I know of several 60s and 70s models that are still transporting their owners. Korean and Taiwanese scoots are good. Chinese are like Chinese everything else. Read More
Transferring USD to Dong in Vietnam by Ksinger101
My question is simple yet difficult for me. I have read on here different requirements to open a domestic bank account in Vietnam. My situation is pretty simple. What is the best way to transfer USD to VD? I have currently been declared ...
If you have a credit card and have computer access to your bank account you can use a money transfer service via computer to get money delivered to you personally. It is not the cheapest way but it is fast, like tomorrow. Read More
Vietnam. Police state.? by Daneb51
I am retired and considering a move to Vietnam. I am a child of the 60’s. How vigorous are the police? Thanks
When I was first back in Việt Nam 14 years ago and was the only foreigner in town the police used to follow me around when I went walking and were strict about me registering whenever I went somewhere else. Now I go where I want and do ... Read More
Why is it that most vietnamese i meet are untrustworthy? by bongolongo
I have been living in Vietnam now for 6 months and farm goats in Cu chi and will be opening a goat restaurant. But everyone i meet from landlords, to suppliers , to employees, to even family members are trying to rip me off. I know it is hard to ...
n all my time in Việt Nam I have never been cheated or robbed by a Vietnamese. Of course, I avoid the large city centers and do not frequent places with many foreigners. Read More
Nationality Mix of Residents in Nha Trang by GuestPoster14998
Hi, I am currently living in Chiang Mai, Thailand and considering move to Vietnam. I am from the US. I have read information that Nha Trang is heavily populated with a large group of one nationality. I like to be among a mixture of Nationalities as ...
The Russians mostly look like poorly dressed Americans, at least on the beachfront. Read More
My first two weeks in Vietnam - Sharing thoughts and questions by 1willy1
Hey guys so I finally made it, been 2-3 years of desiring to come here and now im typing from ho chi min city !!!! Pretty amazing experience, coming out of the airport was like walking into a whole new world lol So , I sort of hated it at first ...
My first visit. Read More
Hi, defines itself as "the online community for expats, by expats" We received too many complains these last weeks about locals systematically hijacking treads, posting ads (which should be posted in the dedicated sections), ...
60k VND is less than 3 USD. Not too bad. Read More
New members of the Vietnam forum, introduce yourselves here - 2018 by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Vietnam forum? Dont know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...
Cafés and food stalls are better places to meet people who will talk with you. If you speak some Vietnamese, of course you will have an easier time. The smaller towns are also better venues where foreigners are rarer and are subjects of ... Read More
Why don't Vietnamese understand Vietnamese spoken by a foreigner? by I do believe
Having lived in Vietnam for 6 years and studied Vietnamese at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities it never ceases to amaze me that if I speak and pronounce a Vietnamese phrase perfectly to most Vietnamese, they don't understand me. ...
I have found that I can no longer understand Vietnamese very well when it comes through a microphone. I do okay on telephones but I miss a lot that comes from the stage on a mic. Read More
Why don't Vietnamese understand Vietnamese spoken by a foreigner? by I do believe
Having lived in Vietnam for 6 years and studied Vietnamese at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities it never ceases to amaze me that if I speak and pronounce a Vietnamese phrase perfectly to most Vietnamese, they don't understand me. ...
I love Duolingo. Many kids in Cam Lâm used to pester me to help them with their school English. Then I discovered Duolingo and told them all to try it. They did and I don't get the requests for help any more. The younger ones want to show ... Read More
Why don't Vietnamese understand Vietnamese spoken by a foreigner? by I do believe
Having lived in Vietnam for 6 years and studied Vietnamese at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities it never ceases to amaze me that if I speak and pronounce a Vietnamese phrase perfectly to most Vietnamese, they don't understand me. ...
Actually the Indians have probably learned Vietnamese. They, or at least theose from the cities, have probably learned several languages as children because of their environment. If you do that it is not difficult to pick up other languages as ... Read More
Why don't Vietnamese understand Vietnamese spoken by a foreigner? by I do believe
Having lived in Vietnam for 6 years and studied Vietnamese at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities it never ceases to amaze me that if I speak and pronounce a Vietnamese phrase perfectly to most Vietnamese, they don't understand me. ...
Pidgin is a language of convenience for people who don't share a native language. It is generally constructed with the rules of one language and vocabulary of the other. A creole is generally a pidgin that has become a first language. Read More