66 posts
About me
Lives in Brussels
Speaks French, English, Italian, Spanish, Catalan
Registration: 07 April 2006
International Engineering Consortium offers jobs in riyadh by superman001
An International Engineering Consortium is looking for following staff for their project in Riyadh. Experienced or Fresh canditates with the required qualification can apply on projects08@yahoo.com with brief CV and contact number: Design Engineers ...
Only male engineers?!! Sometimes I wish I were a girl just for the pleasure of applying :D Read More
Your worst mistakes speaking a foreign language by Pat
I guess I has happened to you all. You are talking in a foreign language, convinced that what you are saying is particularly clever. Yet everybody starts laughing. You repeat, repeat and again, making it worse and worse... Then you realise you have ...
You're right. Pronounciation mistakes are more frequent and sometimes worse! In Italian there are many pairs of word differing only by a simple/double consonnant, which you have to pronunce the right way. For instance anni (years) / ani (anuses). ... Read More
Your worst mistakes speaking a foreign language by Pat
I guess I has happened to you all. You are talking in a foreign language, convinced that what you are saying is particularly clever. Yet everybody starts laughing. You repeat, repeat and again, making it worse and worse... Then you realise you have ...
I was writing down a recipe in Spanish for a friend's mother. I used the Catalan word for leek (porro) in place of the Spanish one (puerro). Fortunately I saw my mistake when I read it again otherwise it would have meant "I advise you to try a ... Read More
your favourite expat blog logo by Julien
I am currently working on a new version of the website ... I received several proposals for the logo ... which one do you prefer and why? new logos thanks in advance for your help :)
I like #5 for the suitcase seems to be moving. Seria perfecte si enganxessis un burro català a la maleta ;) Read More
What's the best new food where you are? by oreneta
OK, for those of us heading to wherever you are now, what's the best thing to eat there, what will you miss when you're gone, what should we try when we visit... In Catalonia/Barcelona....pa amb tomaquet, which is bread smeared with tomatoes and ...
Oreneta I fully agree with you as for shellfish (calamarcets a la planxa, mmmmmmm :P) And botifarra is the best kind of sausages I have ever eaten (I must confess I'm not completely neutral, I was spoonfed it in the French side of Catalonia ... Read More
Hard to log in by Jo Ann
Hi Julien... I don't why, I've had a hard time logging in today. I was asked my username number of times (logic) and my password wasn't accepted. Then, I pressed OK several times and got in without even having written my username/password again :/
Depuis peu de temps avant que Jo-Ann ne crée ce thread. Je regarderai de plus près quand j'aurai le temps (actuellement je n'a internet qu'au boulot) et je te donnerai des infos précises (avec contenu des cookies par ex.) Read More
Hard to log in by Jo Ann
Hi Julien... I don't why, I've had a hard time logging in today. I was asked my username number of times (logic) and my password wasn't accepted. Then, I pressed OK several times and got in without even having written my username/password again :/
Je t'explique en français. J'ai donc toujours le problème. En fait, c'est un problème plus général. Lorsqu'une page (a priori n'importe laquelle) a été affichée, elle n'est plus rechargée (plus mise à jour) tant que je n'ai pas vidé le cache de mon ... Read More
Your worst mistakes speaking a foreign language
I guess I has happened to you all. You are talking in a foreign language, convinced that what you are saying is particularly clever. Yet everybody starts laughing. You repeat, repeat and again, making it worse and worse... Then you realise you have ... Read More
Living & Cooking in Munich by Flobretzel
Hello I live for one year in Munich, Germany and I have decided to learn German by cooking. What a story! If you are interested in my culinary adventures, come and read my blog Bretzel et Cafe Creme. ...
Un blog à goûter, euh, je veux dire à lire absolument!!! Et en tant que grand défenseur de la touche personnelle que chacun doit apporter aux recettes, je ne peux qu'adorer le principe de ton "grain de sel". Un fidèle lecteur... Read More
Hard to log in by Jo Ann
Hi Julien... I don't why, I've had a hard time logging in today. I was asked my username number of times (logic) and my password wasn't accepted. Then, I pressed OK several times and got in without even having written my username/password again :/
Still have the problem when connecting from work. Yet I'm using the same browser (mozilla) Read More
Looking for a place to stay in Paris by aip586
Can anyone help us with the search for a shared flat? Three years ago we moved from Germany to Newfoundland, Canada. Now our youngest daughter wants to go to Paris, France, to study French at the Alliance Francaise. Her flight is booked for October ...
Good news. And thanks for letting us know, that's kind of you. All the best Read More
Hard to log in by Jo Ann
Hi Julien... I don't why, I've had a hard time logging in today. I was asked my username number of times (logic) and my password wasn't accepted. Then, I pressed OK several times and got in without even having written my username/password again :/
Seems OK (but I'm not on my usual computer). Looked like the login was actually successful but not taken into account in the index page. Same problem at logout. Read More
Looking for a place to stay in Paris by aip586
Can anyone help us with the search for a shared flat? Three years ago we moved from Germany to Newfoundland, Canada. Now our youngest daughter wants to go to Paris, France, to study French at the Alliance Francaise. Her flight is booked for October ...
Try and see if she can apply for the Cité Universitaire. It's a great place, with students from all over the world. Moreover it is quite close to Bld Raspail Read More
Finding an Apartment in Barcelona seems impossible, can anyone help? by ttjturkington
I am moving to Barcelona in a week or so from Canada and, for the past two weeks I have been searching the web for housing in and around the beach area or Poblenou where our business is located. There are countless places priced by the day for ...
I found mine on loquo I don't have much timpe right now but if you want me to do some research later on or ask my landlord if he has or knows of a flat in Poblenou, do not hesitate to contact me Read More
bonjourbonjour by aknoxone
:D Je viens de devenir membre de ce forum, la première chose à faire est donc de me présenter. Voilà j'habite près de Nantes et je suis en terminale. J'ai le projet de vivre à Londres plus tard ou du moin dans un pays anglophone. Mais voilà pour des ...
Bienvenue à toi et bonne chance dans ton projet Read More