25 posts
About me
Registration: 16 September 2006
What will motivate you to be an expatriate in a developing countries? by miaaaaa
:rolleyes: really needs your help... i am doing a project on concerning this issue!
Lower prices- so you can have a better standard of living. More respect and a special status from the people. Less regulated and more freedoms in daily life. Friendlier people in general. Women prettier and more modest with realistic expectations. ... Read More
new poll - How long have you stayed? by dmscvan
I thought I'd start a new poll to find out how long people stay overseas with respect to how long they expect before they leave. Of course, this is presuming that you had particular expectations before you go (which many people probably don't). I ...
I planned to live in Thailand all my life, but got out after 3.5 years. I planned to stay in the Middle East for 3-4 years, but have been here for 9 years. The main reason is the inconsistency between plans and reality in that we either ... Read More
How to fight against racism? by Julien
Hi everybody, we've already got a very good topic about racism, it's very interesting to share our experiences with you guys. Let's try to talk about solutions. What can we do to fight against racism? Can a racist person change his/her mind? ...
Racism is seen by many Western people as their unique problem because of Western slavery and colonialism and later, because of Hollywood's description of the White racism to the rest of the world. However, all people are tribal by nature. The hatred ... Read More
Loneliness when you're abroad by Julien
Do you often feel lonely when you're abroad? I personaly suffered on week ends while I was in the UK. Even if I had several friends, I often missed my family and friends (from home). So I walked, visited museum, went to concerts, worked more... ...
One feels lonely in countries where people are not "friendly" by your standards. For example, people from Latin countries feel very lonely in privacy-minded Anglo Saxon countries where the norm is not to talk to people you don't know and where ... Read More