French expat in Vietnam
8 posts
About me
Registration: 30 January 2019
New banking rules for foreigners by Guest2023
Anyone seen the new banking rules that may come in. This was a reply from a guy who deals in these matters: "Banking laws have changed that any savings accounts will only be accessible to those with a minimum 12 month visa ...
From my perspective, the more you are in good standing regarding to the tax authorities, the more you will be able to keep having all the benefits locals are having such as high paying interest saving-plans, taking out money of the country with a ... Read More
Sending money out of vietnam by Linmarpat
English teacher wanting to know how you get money out of Vietnam. I was told it isn't a problem, but once I got here I was told I can't send money out to pay my bills back home. Not even through Western Union. Can anyone with unfailing ...
A lot of options : Western Union, Paypal, Indepedant brokers, even Bitcoin. There are pros and cons for each methods even if the first ones are pretty expensive (from 6 to 10% sometimes ...). An article give more detail about each alternative : ... Read More