

Accomodation letter

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My son who has a hearing impairment and wears hearing aids, is currently enrolled at reunion university.

He has his appart. On his name and my husband name.we have to get the accommodation letter so as to be able to see him. I need to travel often to give him assistance there and with the accommodation letter this has become hell.

We sent him to reunion due to proximity and to be able to assist him but this has become a real issue now.

Can the lease agreement serve as accomodation letter?

Can someone guide us or tell us where to go for answers please.

Thank you

See also

Living in Reunion Island: the expat guideRequirements needed to move over to Reunion islandImigrating to ReunionTravel to Reunion Island for 1 monthRenewal of my document

HI, if I uderstand well, you need the accommodation letter for visa purposes? if so, yes you can give the lease agreement in your son and husband's name and show proof of your kinship and have a letter from you son and/or husband saying that you will be staying with him. Best is always to add a letter to your request explaining the situation like you just did here. Good luck!


@ninikrakra Thank you for your answer. Well its not exactly for visa but for travelling and entering Reunion Island. We need to have an "Attestation d'Accueil" delivered from the "Police Municipale" of Reunion.  My son is already there but he can't do those procedures as he is a student, from what I have been told by the Police Municipale, which is completely different from France, where anyone can send an accommodation Letter.

I find it weird that I have rented a Flat in Reunion and can't use it as proof of accommodation.



@Lucifer4, Hi, Sorry, I don't really understand why you would need any document to enter Reunion island. If you have an European passport or a carte de résident in France or a visa for France, then it's exactly the same laws that apply here than in the rest of the country. I think they said your son can't write the letter for you because he's a student and doesn't earn money because it's stipulated that one needs to give " Tout document justifiant vos ressources (3 derniers bulletins de salaire, dernier avis d'imposition) et votre engagement à prendre en charge financièrement l'étranger s'il n'a plus suffisamment de ressources." So you can join your own financial statements and say that you are his parents and that these are his ressources. And you should clearly use your lease as additional proof and maybe also use the caution letter you may have written for him as his "garants". sorry, don't know much more!