Digital Nomad Visa Renewal
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08/03/23 Unrelated question: for both of these visas, if you apply from abroad, you have to buy a plane tick
The embassy’s website states that upon registration at the PF, you must present the original birth certificate and a sworn translation of it.
Is that actually necessary? Ours are already in 4 languages, including English (plus French, German and Italian)….
If so, is that quite easy to find (a sworn translator)?
Good morning. It's annoying that Brazil requires birth certificates in addition to passports.  I believe that the reason is the requirement for verified parents' names on Brazilian identity documents.Â
The requirement for Sworn Translations of all foreign language documents into Portuguese for official use is very old - 1916 - and not likely to change or be waived. Sworn Translations don't expire, so I always keep mine on file for possible future use.
08/03/23 I’m wondering if the DN visa is worth it? As an American, the 27.5% tax implication that would apply to me, plus paying a Brazilian accountant seems like a lot of money to stay for just 6 months more a year plus you don’t even get a path to citizenship. I’d love to stay and continue my Portuguese and surf more and eventually settle in Brazil, but it just seems like such an investment for little return. Is there something I’m missing? I hear of a lot of people talk about doing this visa and everyone goes radio silent the second taxes are brought up. I had one person reply “I need to look into thatâ€. Like wow you did this visa without knowing taxes. I’ve talked to numerous accountants saying anything over 183 days and you’re on the hook for your worldwide income which you’re basically submitting how much income you make to Brazil when you apply for this visa. Please someone enlighten me. Is there something I’m missing here?
-@Timothy Ryan
Good morning.  27.5% is the maximum incremental tax rate, so unless you're doing really well as a DN, you're not going to come close, especially having zero income from Brazilian sources. Moreover, if you're paying income tax in your home country, you get a credit for that on your Brazilian taxes. My Brazilian taxes end up being about half to two-thirds of my US taxes, and neither rate is close to 27.5% for me.
The legitimate reason that people clam up on taxes is that it's clear from what members do say here that different people are getting different and sometimes contradictory advice from their tax advisors.  Everyone's tax situation is different, and so is every accountant's interpretation of some regulations, so everyone should follow the advice of their own advisors, not second-hand advice from someone else's. Trying to generalize from specific situations could be very misleading.
The other reason to clam up, of course, is plain old fashioned tax evasion. Nobody with half a brain is going to confess to that on a public expat website (I hope!) Is there much risk? I dunno - I doubt that there's much enforcement activity of "birds of passage" at lower and middle income levels. Someone who'll only be here for two or three years will probably be able to skate. Anyone with the idea of eventually settling in Brazil, though, should seriously consider being right with the Receita Federal from the start.
@abthree yeah makes sense. Unfortunately I fall into the 27.5% bracket is the thing! Thanks for the reply.Â
@abthree also the 27.5% tax rate applies to a monthly income of $4,664.58 reias and above. You said that a digital nomad would be doing “very well†to make this amount. Tbh if you’re bringing in USD, I wouldn’t say you’re doing very well as a digital nomad. That’s literally $6 per hour if your working full time which is below minimum wage in the US. Unless I’m missing something?Â
08/03/23 @abthree also the 27.5% tax rate applies to a monthly income of $4,664.58 reias and above. You said that a digital nomad would be doing “very well†to make this amount. Tbh if you’re bringing in USD, I wouldn’t say you’re doing very well as a digital nomad. That’s literally $6 per hour if your working full time which is below minimum wage in the US. Unless I’m missing something?
-@Timothy Ryan
Whatever your nominal rate is, to know your effective rate, you need to take into consideration,
- That the first R$27,456 of your income isn't taxable;
- The impact of the credit for your US taxes (for citizens of countries that have tax treaties with Brazil, like Canada, the treaty should define your benefits)
- Your "Personal Deduction" -- "Desconto Simplificado" if your advisor is using that option, possibly more if it makes sense to itemize.
You can't automatically assume that you'd be paying the top rate.  Your best bet is to find an accountant you can trust, go through your numbers with that person, and follow that advice.
The other solution is the one you've already mentioned: spend 180 days in Brazil, and 180 days somewhere else.  Portugal also has a DN visa, so you could continue your Portuguese studies all year round. With luck, you'd end up with a Mid-Atlantic accent in your Portuguese that people in both countries find intriguing, and only pay taxes to Uncle Sam.
Hello! I want to renew my DN visa and need some guidance. Which documents do I need to prepare? Where should I upload them? How is the process? Thank you so much!
@abthree It may also be that his business qualifies for Simples Nacional, or another tax scheme, so assuming a rate of 27.5% will automatically apply is wrong.
@claudia9294 Hi, if you haven't started your renewal process, Federal Police is only the last step on your application.
For DN renewal, first, you will need to create an account on - CPF and phone or email is sufficient to do this.
Then you will need to log in to Migrante Web system with your account.
On MigranteWeb, you select Cadastrar Processo ->
1.1 Residencia
1.2 Renovacao de Autorizacao de Residencia
1.3 Resolucao 45/2021
And then you continue with your information, filling the forms, uploading documents and so on. The documents you need to upload will be listed on that website as you fill in your application, but you can check previous posts on this thread for a list.
Then you wait between 1-2 months, when your application is accepted and is printed on DOU, only then you make an appointment with Policia Federal.
@rocade Can you explain "when your application is accepted and is printed on DOU"? Is there a website where they publish residency renewal application approvals?
@sfcastro Sure. This is actually the case for most kinds of residency applications in Brazil. Once accepted (or rejected), it will then get published on DOU.
Here is the link: In case the link doesn't show up here, you can search for:
Diário Oficial da União (DOU) - Portal de Imigração
When you go to the Policia Federal for your residency card, you bring a printout of the page with your name on it, together with the other documents.
@Kurterino when I registered in June at PF Lapa SP my birth certificate and proof of address was not needed. The people on the ground floor that checked my documents gave me back the birth certificate and proof of address and told me to put away. After checking the documents and removing documents that are not needed, they gave me a ticket with a number.
During the visa application process. I submitted the original copy of my birth certificate to the Brazilian Consulate. My parents names were on the original form that I was given by the Brazilian consulate for PF registration
@rocade thank you so much! I can’t see the first link where I should register. Could you add it again or tell me what I should search for to find it? Thanks!
@claudia9294 You're welcome, the link was supposed to be just Gov Br. You can search for "Criar sua conta gov br"
Does anyone know the correct GRU code(s) for the payments that need to be made for the Digital Nomad Renewal to bring to the PF appointment?  I could not find these on the website. Thanks!
@californiainbrazil Congrats, how many days did it take your application to get to the PF stage, if you don't mind sharing?The code should be: código de receita 140120, valor R$204,77Took it from this list: (REGISTRO COM BASE EM PUBLICAÇÃO EM DIÃÂRIO OFICIAL DA UNIÃO - DOU)
@claudia9294 I can see it’s been pointed out that it’s the last step in the process. You should have all info needed to follow the correct steps in this thread, as well as the documents required. I’ve posted them previously.
How you book your appointment with PolÃcia Federal will depend on which PolÃcia Federal you need to go to for the appointment. Mine I needed to book via email because they don’t have an online booking system. Others will have an online booking system.
@rocade Thank you for the GRU code and other information you posted. I have not received my renewal application approval yet in MigranteWeb, but wanted to check on the GRU codes. I was unsure especially since I read somewhere "applicant must also pay a processing and evaluation of applications for a Residence Permit" but that must be for the other types of applications. Good to know only the CRNM issuance fee is required.
I'm applying for the DN visa renewal and uploading all documents to the MigranteWeb, but there is a section for the Representante Legal (CPF and email) that is mandatory. I can't finalize my application without completing that section and I tried with my CPF but doesn't work. How have you completed this section if you're doing it on your own? Thanks!
@claudia9294 Not sure why that happens. For me, yes, it did result in a warning in the final step - but it was a different warning than for the mandatory documents. I was able to skip it and continue without problems.
Maybe leave it totally empty? Like maybe if you fill in something in that section, the system might expect you upload a document for "Procuraçao".
Re: Birth certificate: does it have to be recently established (for example max 3 months, like the criminal background check)? The list on the site of my embassy doesn’t say anything about the age of the birth certificate, that should it mean it doesn’t matter, right? After all, the information on it doesn’t change.
Because the information on a birth certificate cannot change, it does not have to have been recently issued...
When can we start to apply for renewing DN VISA thought migrante web?
And when should we pay some fee to renewe it?
@hkoichibusiness When I asked at Policia Federal, they told me to apply 3 months before your CRNM expires. I thought this was an exaggeration being " too early", but considering the latest processing times, it definitely was not. I would suggest something between the last 90-60 days.
No fee during renewal application, you only pay a CRNM card fee after your renewal is accepted, before going to PF.
I appreciate for your answer so much!
The real experience is so helpful for me.
If I have other questions in the future, please let me ask again.
A question to those who successfully renewed their permit:
Firstly, congrats and thanks for sharing the useful insights here. How many days did it take for you to get a decision on MigranteWeb after the process turned into "Encaminhado a Analise"?
My permit is almost going to expire, and I want to be able to plan accordingly in case something goes wrong at this stage. I thought I would already have an idea 6 weeks after my application, but still waiting. So it would make things very complicated to leave in such short notice, if it's rejected last minute or something...
Thank you everyone.
Have you had any updates yet? Mine took approximately 45 days to get an update in Mirgrante Web 2.0.
Good luck!
I’m wondering if the DN visa is worth it? As an American, the 27.5% tax implication that would apply to me, plus paying a Brazilian accountant seems like a lot of money to stay for just 6 months more a year plus you don’t even get a path to citizenship. I’d love to stay and continue my Portuguese and surf more and eventually settle in Brazil, but it just seems like such an investment for little return. Is there something I’m missing? I hear of a lot of people talk about doing this visa and everyone goes radio silent the second taxes are brought up. I had one person reply “I need to look into thatâ€. Like wow you did this visa without knowing taxes. I’ve talked to numerous accountants saying anything over 183 days and you’re on the hook for your worldwide income which you’re basically submitting how much income you make to Brazil when you apply for this visa. Please someone enlighten me. Is there something I’m missing here?
-@Timothy Ryan
It's difficult for people to comment on the tax situation when everyone is from a different country, and each country has its own tax rules - especially when there are tax treaties in place for some countries. You need to be in contact with an accountant in Brazil to discuss your own situation and what it would look like for you, as well as advice from your country.
I hope you are doing well.
Could you tell me how you knew the update of the progress of DNV?
They sent email to you or did you check Migrante Web periodically?
I also would like to know the proccess after Migrante Web.
You pay the fee and make an appointment to visit PF?
Thank you in advance!
duplicate post [remove this, thanks]
Hi Kate,
Since the official resolution just states 3-4 documents required for renewal, did you try that first? How did you know you had to submit so many extra documents?
I'm starting my renewal now (online, in Brazil) and I'm not sure if I should submit only the required ones or all the ones you listed. I only have two months til my visa is up.
Also, at the document upload stage of the renewal process, the first item is an "Application for Residence Permit" (formulário de Requerimento de Autorização de Residência, conforme Anexo I, assinado pelo interessado ou por seu representante legal).
You didn't list that as being necessary and neither did @abthree when he listed the initial requirements. That document doesn't look like it's for renewal but rather for an initial application for residency in the country, plus it asks a several questions for someone starting a business in Brazil.
Do I just upload all my documents to "Outros documentos"?
2.26 RESOLUÇÃO 45/2021 - Renovação de Residência
- Formulário de Requerimento de Autorização de Residência, conforme Anexo I, assinado pelo interessado ou por seu representante legal;
- Procuração, quando o solicitante se fizer representar por procurador.
- Outros documentos e/ou justificativas 01.
- Outros documentos e/ou justificativas 02.
Ah, I see that the third part of the renewal process (titled Imigrante, at the top of the page) is for uploading all the documents that Kate previously mentioned. This means that the few items as listed in the official resolution are incorrect. There are more required documents, as Kate points out in her list.
However, the second part of the renewal process (titled Requerente) does have "Formulário de Requerimento de Autorização de Residência" in the upload documents section. I am unsure if this document is required...
I hope you are doing well.
Could you tell me how you knew the update of the progress of DNV?
They sent email to you or did you check Migrante Web periodically?
I also would like to know the proccess after Migrante Web.
You pay the fee and make an appointment to visit PF?
Thank you in advance!
Hi again!
To give a timeline, I think these days it takes around at least 6-7 weeks to get an update. You should check Migrante Web periodically. If everything is OK, i think you will not receive an email.
You will receive an email only if something is wrong. Like when they ask for extra documents or something was missing in your original application (which was my case) however, when it's finally approved, I didn't get anything by email.
On MigranteWeb, where it says "Em Tramite" will turn into "Deferido". I could suggest that after 1 month, you can start clicking the magnifying glass icon below where it says "Ações do Processo". The next page will show you if you have any updates.
When it is finally Deferido, you will probably wait around 1 week to have it published on DOU. It will then say "Publicado" on that next page, meaning it is published on DOU.
That is when you can make an appointment to the PF, as the appointment form asks like that page number it was published. You can pay the GRU boleto around then, I would suggest going to a bank to make that payment (not from your bank online) so that you have a printed payment proof in your hands.
And of course feel free to ask when there is anything else
Ah, I see that the third part of the renewal process (titled Imigrante, at the top of the page) is for uploading all the documents that Kate previously mentioned. This means that the few items as listed in the official resolution are incorrect. There are more required documents, as Kate points out in her list.
However, the second part of the renewal process (titled Requerente) does have "Formulário de Requerimento de Autorização de Residência" in the upload documents section. I am unsure if this document is required...
Exactly, there are two separate pages where you need to upload documents. That document you mentioned is required, as that is your official application form, which you need to fill in, print, sign, scan, upload. (At least that is what I did)
This form is called Anexo I, and can be found below the Resolucao 45/2021 law about the Digital Nomad Visa. (Pdf link title: RESOLUÇÃO CNIG MJSP Nº 45, DE 9 DE SETEMBRO DE 2021)
To help any others, here is the document list from Migrante Web for renovation:
First page:
1) Formulário de Requerimento de Autorização de Residência, conforme Anexo I, assinado pelo interessado ou por seu representante legal;
2) Procuração, quando o solicitante se fizer representar por procurador. (Only if someone else is applying for you)
Following page:
3) Declaração, sob as penas da lei, de ausência de antecedentes criminais em qualquer paÃs, nos cinco anos anteriores à data da solicitação de autorização de residência.
4) Cópia da Carteira de Registro Nacional Migratório (CRNM)
5) Certidões de antecedentes criminais ou documento equivalente, emitido pela autoridade judicial competente de onde tenha residido durante a autorização de residência de temporária.
6) Declaração do requerente que ateste a capacidade de executar suas atividades profissionais de forma remota, por meio de tecnologias da informação e de comunicação
7) Contrato de trabalho ou de prestação de serviços ou outros documentos que comprovem o vÃnculo com empregador estrangeiro
8) Comprovação de meios de subsistência, provenientes de fonte pagadora estrangeira, em montante mensal igual ou superior a US$ 1.500,00 (mil e quinhentos dólares) ou disponibilidade de fundos bancários no valor mÃnimo de US$ 18.000,00
Thanks for clariying every time!
Muito Obrigado!
@rocade Thanks for all the info!
I noticed it doesn't state anywhere (that I saw) on the official resolution if the documents uploaded need to be officially translated and certified. But I noticed that is how Kate did it.
I'm tempted to send all my documents as they are (all are in Portuguese except my simplified bank statement). A local translation company here in the Northeast wants R$400 to translate the very short bank statement and certify the work contract. Seems pricey. They can't legally certify the bank statement cause it's not from a Brazilian bank. In the US while initially applying for the DN visa, nothing except the birth certificate needed certification (apostille).
I'm currently at 7-8 weeks before my visa runs out.
@acpr To be honest, I didn't have any declarations, documents in Portuguese etc notarized. However my foreign documents were sworn translated in Brazil.
The consulates differ: They don't always require translations, apostilles as they know the local documents, standards, language in that country. A regular officer in Brazil is not obligated to accept a document in another language - I feel like some of them might even be annoyed by the fact, but i don't know.
True, the digital nomad law doesn't specifically ask for this, but the immigration section has a whole page on it: (Policia Federal: Legalização, Apostilamento e Tradução)
If it were me, I would have the bank document translated. If time wasn't a problem, you could always contact another translator online, from a bigger city where it's cheaper. Email them the document and they scan & send it to you or post back maybe.
Is there any way to add a document once the renewal application is submitted in MigranteWeb? My application has been in pending status but after reading this thread, it looks like they want the Formulário de Requerimento de Autorização de Residência, conforme Anexo I, assinado pelo interessado ou por seu representante legal printed out and signed. I made the wrong assumption that all the information in the electronic form on MigranteWeb covered this.
Or do I just wait for them to review my application and then request it as a missing item?Â
Thank you!
@sfcastro You cannot edit. However,
During my application, I saw that something didn't register correctly and I emailed them with an attachment right after, explaining I had a technical problem (Page: Fale Conosco - Portal de Imigração)
"Fale conosco: - Enviar dúvidas junto com o número do processo, nome do imigrante e RNM (se for o caso)."
They responded me with a generic message that they will ask for extras if they deem necessary. At the end, they did request some documents, but not the one I worried about. But I uploaded it anyway with the extras they requested.
I don't think it would hurt emailing the document with your application number though. Worst case, you will just get a similar generic response.
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