

CPF for foreigners

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Does anybody know if getting a CPF on a tourist visa is possible?


See also

Marriage in BrazilTravel to BrazilRetirement in BrazilExpat death in BrazilHow to Get "Idoso" ID in Brazil


Yes.  I was able to apply and get a CPF on a tourist visa.  I got this from the San Francisco Consulate.

I would recommend finding the web site of the Brazil consulate near you and then find out how to apply.

It was really easy to apply.  The harder part was to get an appointment to the consulate.

Good luck.


I think it can be done at the receipa federal site. After a quick google search, I have found this :

Akshay Sharotri


Yes, I applied for the CPF through a lawyer in Brazil and was able to obtain the CPF much before I applied for any type of Visa category for Brazil or visited Brazil physically. As I remember a copy of passport or a photo was required. Within a month or two it was issued to me.


I did this exact thing in September. I was in Brazil on my tourist visa, went to the local post to pay the fee, stopped by my local Receita Federal to fill out a paper, and I had my CPF via email in about 3 business days. Quick and easy.


My experience was similar to @kellermanjm, however instead of them mailing me a CPF card, I received it online. Although I rarely have to show it (usually just punching in the number on a terminal) I decided to go to a loja de papel to print out and laminate my own CPF card. The store employee acted as though this was a normal routine.


Thank you all. After getting your CPF issued, were any of you able to open a bank account as well?


Yes and No. My Brazilian wife knows everyone, including the manager of a local Banco Do Brazil. My wife connected me to her account, and I was able to open my own account, HOWEVER, money that my younger brother was wiring me could not go thru and sat at the door, so to speak. You need to have resident status etc. in Brazil ( @abthree ) can tell you the details, so yes, I had a CPF, and I was able to open an account, but not really legitimately use it.

Roddie in Retirement🕵


Thank you all. After getting your CPF issued, were any of you able to open a bank account as well? - @angelicaody

@angelicaody - this question comes up quite frequently.  In summary, you cannot open a walk-in bank account (Caixa, Satander, Bradesco, etc...) with a visitor's visa.  You need a minimum permanent visa (CRNM, Retirement visa, etc...) in order to open a bank account.  There could be exceptions with fin-techs and online banks  but I only deal with walk-in banks...

Here is a thread that kinda shows the back and forth on the issue... /forum/viewtopic.php?id=1093487

Good luck.


By the way, it seems that a CPF issued to a foreigner (not a brazilian citizen) should be reissued/validated annually, from 2025 on.

I wonder if it is only for foreigners residing abroad or for those who reside in Brazil, too.



By the way, it seems that a CPF issued to a foreigner (not a brazilian citizen) should be reissued/validated annually, from 2025 on.

I wonder if it is only for foreigners residing abroad or for those who reside in Brazil, too.



Interesting. On one hand they say it’s only assigned once and doesn’t expire. They they say you have to renew it annually. I remember years ago you had to check your “cpf status†occasionally to see if it was REGULAR, then they did away with it. Now it seems they’ve resurrected a similar scheme for foreigners abroad, as outlined in the link you posted. I’m guessing if you don’t check in annually your cpf status will become “irregular†then you’ll have to pay a fine to get it to a status of “regular†again. As I said, just a wild guess. But I smell some kind of money grab here. Time will tell.


I found this, translated to


Annual CPF re-registration for foreigners residing abroad

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Published on 01/28/2025 12:27 PM

Annual CPF re-registration for foreigners residing abroad

From January 13, 2025, all foreigners residing abroad who have a CPF must carry out the annual re-registration directly with the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service, without having to appear at the Consulate General.

The procedure will be carried out through the Federal Revenue Service application, available for Android and iOS, whose re-registration functionality has been available since January 13, 2025.

Steps for re-registration:

1) Download or update the Federal Revenue application;

2) Access the application and enter your CPF number and date of birth;

3) Using the app, capture a photo of the CPF holder's face and passport;

4) Fill in the requested registration information.

ATTENTION: If, during the re-registration, there are discrepancies in the CPF data that prevent the completion of the procedure, the foreigner must fill out a new application in the e-consular system in the Annual CPF Re-registration tab and submit it for validation. Once validated, the foreigner must schedule an in-person appearance at the Consulate General and present the following mandatory documents:

- The error message generated by the application


- One of the following documents:


National Migration Registration Card (CRNM) or old Foreigner Identity Card (CIE/RNE);

Until June 30, 2025, identification document issued by Mercosur Member States and associated States. After this date, presentation of the passport will be mandatory (according to art. 32-A of Normative Instruction RFB No. 2,236, of November 22, 2024).

Re-register your CPF as soon as possible. Don't leave it until the last minute! 

And remember: the procedure must be repeated annually by all foreign CPF holders with an address abroad.


Finance, Taxes and Public Management


It appears to me they are keying on those with a foreign address on their CPF record. I’m thinking if a person were to update their address to a Brazilian address (friend or family member’s house) then this annual renewal would go away.


It appears to me they are keying on those with a foreign address on their CPF record. I’m thinking if a person were to update their address to a Brazilian address (friend or family member’s house) then this annual renewal would go away. - @bepmoht

Mar 8, 2025

@bepmoht, thank you for the great information.  I got my original CPF in the US, how do I update the CPF with a Brazil address now that I have one?

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