Hey All,
Happy new year to start with! I need some help, myself and a friend went for our first surfing lesson on Saturday and loved it. As we live and work here we have decided that we would like to go back regularly. After having a chat with the guy who took us out that day he said they would be able to help us out with a cheaper rate if we booked a bulk load of lessons. Great!
I phoned the guy up today and it turns out that the prices on their website are not right, it was advertised at $150 BDS for the first lesson (which we paid) and then $75 BDS there after. He is now saying that the best price he could do is $100 BDS per lesson and he would not budge on the prices even if we bought a load! (even after he was ranting on about it in the car ride home). Very disappointing!
First of all does these prices seem right? (do i just have to suck it up and pay if i want to learn?) Can anyone recommend a school or someone that might be able to give us a better deal?
I really want to get back on a surf board soon so any help would be great!
Thanks in advance!