Although most tourists confine their visits to resorts like Varadero, Holquin, Cayo Coco etc. with perhaps a day in Havana, there are those who take the Viazul bus services to visit places like Trinidad, Vinales, Cienfuegas and even Baracoa.But most pregnant Cubans don't live in tourist resorts.They usually give birth in their local hospital and accept the services of the localgynaecologist. The essence of Cuban life is La Familia and a birth in La Familia is cause for excitement.In consequence it is highly likely that up to a dozen relatives or more - aunts, cousins, siblings etc. plus the father, will be at the hospital for the birth even if it occurs at 2.00 a.m. - I can talk from expereience - and am in consequence, Godfather to a lovely little girl. The big celebrations are the first and fifteenth birthdays when in addition to the relatives, many of the local community will be invited.