

Healthcare in Madagascar

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how does the healthcare system work in Madagascar ? Is it efficient ?

What are the main differences between public and private sectors?

Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Madagascar?

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience !



We have never heard of health care insurance in the country that can be bought. But that doesn't mean it isn't here. Most local people in the two major cities we have lived in keep records of all their Drs visits and medications to take with them when they visit a Dr. so that he can review their medical history. The level of cleanliness can vary greatly within the country. Even some of the larger government hospitals are not considered up to standard for major surgeries by the locals. Many of our friends travel to the capital to obtain such care. But when it comes to needing some medication prescribed, we have found the Pharmacies to be very impressive. Not only are they clean and helpful there are a variety of medications. These may come with instructions in other languages however. And so I have had bad allergic reactions. The Dr.s will warn you about the cheaper medicines because some times they are mixed with things such as flour to make them bulkier. For this reason, we try to do our own research online before taking any medications. Some persons might even prefer having a relationship via email with their Dr.s back home to get a 2nd opinion. In another African country, this saved me from having my uterus removed once. I only needed a cone biopsy!