

French call center in bratislava? travailler en Français a bratislava?


i had the opportunity to work in bratislava in a french call center, but the salary was too much low so i refused..
i want to know if there are any other french call centers there wich give a decent salary so i can apply?
i also want some contact from there to tell me about the life there.

j'ai eu l'opportunité de bosser a bratislava pour un call center français, j'ai du refuser vu le salaire ridicule qu'ils proposaient...
Je voulais savoir si y'a d'autre callcenter français surplace? comment dois je faire pour postuler.?


See also

Become a digital nomad in SlovakiaWorking as a Dentist at BratislavaContractor in BratislavaDoing business in english BratislavaIT Jobs (cloud & Virtualization) for english speaking professionals?

Salut eXported,

Peux-tu me donner plus d'infos concernant le call center qui te proposait un taf mais un salaire pas intéressant? Car je suis arrivée en mai à Bratislava, et je cherche un travail qui me fasse rapporte un minimum d'argent... Et étant encore en phase d'apprentissage de la langue, un call center français pourrait complètement me convenir pour le début!

Merci d'avance si tu peux m'aider!



Don't know if this would be of any interest.

Not call centre as such but would imagine it's worth looking at.


Good luck


HI there/Bonjour,

As I mentionned in my previous post on the same forum, I can help you if you want to work in Bratislava so send me a private message with your contact details and we'll talk about it.

Si vous cherchez du travail a Bratislava, je peux vous aider comme je l'expliquais dans un post précédent sur le même forum. Envoyez moi un message privé avec vos coordonnées et nous discuterons du marché local et d'offres possible.


Samuel Leduc

Prashant Delhi

Hi, hope you all will be doing well. My name is Prashant from India. My friend, who is working in Dell, Bratislava, suggested me this forum for contact. Actually I am looking for job in Slovakia in French language source, if in It field, as I have already worked in Customer relation.

I would like to know, if any one could provide me information for that.

Greetings from India!

Thanks & regards

Prashant Singh



I'm currently searching a job in Hungary or Slovakia and I saw many offers from big companies to be customer representative for the French market. I'm now involved in different recruitment process but I still don't know if it's a good idea considering the fact I have a master degree in management. Moreover, it won't really improve my capacity to speack english.
Is someone know is there is real opportunity to evolve after in those companies?

thanks in advance and good luck :)



I suggest you to post an advert in the Jobs in Bratislava section, this might be helpful.




[Moderated: pls post your resume in the Call centers jobs Bratislava section]


Hi there,
I realise that this message is about 4 years old so I dont expect to have any answer but who knows?
My name is Simon, im 28 years old, of French nationality and I currently live in Rome/Italy. I am looking for a job in Bratislava as I would love to live in this city.
I speak fluent French, English and Italian and am a beginner in Russian.

Please get back to me for further informations.

Thanks in advance.



@ Simon > What kind of job are you looking for please?

Maybe you should try to post your job request in the Jobs in Bratislava section, it might help you.


Priscilla :)