

University of Iceland? Do people actually work there?


Because I think I've tried emailing about 20 different people with job titles including words like "aid" or "service" and have heard back from one, and that was in November.  Plus the girl I called over there sounded so startled when I asked her questions and she didn't know what to tell me.


I applied for the art history & theory program a ways back, and have managed to pry out of them that the latest they make decisions for undergrads is June 1st "but they try to get back sooner."  If any of you have dealt with HI in the past, would I be able to call them on June 1st and ask if I have been accepted or not?  And if not, will they at least mail a letter with priority shipping?  Because I need to apply for a residence permit!  And if I'm not going there then I have just over a month to get everything sorted for other schools.  Is there someone in particular I should contact, and do they assign staff to help foreign students in applying for the residence permit?  The girl on the phone told me so but sounded very skittish.

Many thanks!

See also

Living in Iceland: the expat guideWorking as a nurse in IcelandNursing jobsHealth care assistancePhysician Assistant
hamza ubi

just like your case i'm waiting


I've not delt with them myself personally, but my boyfriend goes there. From what I've seen the university is terrible at getting back to people, replying to emails and general bureaucracy.

My only advice would be to contact their international office, since they're better equipped at dealing with foreigners but even they can be pretty slow.

It really helps to have someone in Iceland to either go their in person or to call up for you. Usually they just need a continuous reminder that you're still there.

Good Luck!

hamza ubi

hey well i'm a student too and i applied to UI too so it's happning the same thing here i mean i'm waiting from couple months anyway i managed to ask theme abt the application processe they said they r working on it and they will send an answer by june
anyway hope i can get your msn or yahoo so we can chat
here is mine ( ubi.h@hotmail.fr )(ubi_h@yahoo.com)


I've been a student there since 2008. It's true. U of I is terrible at organization and communication. After a while, you just get used to it. Unfortunately there's no magical way to get around it. The only thing that helps is to have an Icelander (like someone with an actual Icelandic name and fluent in Icelandic) call someone at the university on your behalf. It's all about nepotism!


So obnoxious - they told me to ask again after the 1st because all decisions would be made by then, and when I did, they said to ask again on the 15th because all decisions would be made by then.  If it's of help to anyone, the person I spoke with gave me this email for someone dealing with international degree-seeking students: ina@hi.is

hamza ubi

thanks for posting that answer anyway i'll send theme an email tomorrow and i'll post their answer as soon as i get it


so they work just like colleges here in the US then??  ha

Seán Ó Caoimh

Oh, I thought it was just me.

One day, before I grow old and die bitter and alone, the University of Iceland will finally respond to my emails asking if the application procedure for mature students is different. Perhaps I'll have to walk there and they'll find me frozen to death outside, like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. Maybe that's what drove him mad; he was trying to apply to UI.