

Find a job in Macedonia

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You are an expat living in Macedonia? Please share your experience!

What is the best way to find a job in Macedonia?

The Internet? Please tell us which are the most useful / effective websites for job seekers in Macedonia.

Recruitment agencies? Have you got their contact?

Newspapers? Which ones?


Thanks in advance for your participation


I would say forget it. Unless your coming here to invest or you are working for an international agency or corporation with a placement here.


Why ? Isn't there employment in Macedonia ?


It´s a large unemployement , what to do


I made the comment for a couple of reasons.  Yes unemployment is high I have seen figures that seem to indicate a unemployment between 28-35%), but this is just one aspect.
Employers in Macedonia sometimes do not pay on time or at all. I know many Macedonians that havent been paid sometimes for 3 months at a time.  I have never done business anywhere else where employers somehow seem to get away with this. 

However my comment was primarily aimed at people from countries in the EU.  Salaries here are not anything most EU people would want to try and live on.

I believe the average salary is 450 Euro per month. This includes taxes etc. When you also consider people sometimes dont get paid at all. You wouldnt come here to work unless it was for a non Macedonian company for which you already work and had the opportunity for a placement here.


Macedonia has an official unemployment /!\ I AM A STUPID SPAMMER /!\5% and rising. This number is probably falsely low.
Those who do work make 250 €/month on average.
As in any developing country, hiring is not based on qualification but personal connections. In my field, healthcare, it is common practice to take applicants in "on probation" and have them work full time for free and uninsured for a period of time that can stretch from 6 months to endless. This may be the case in other professions aswell.
So, looking for employment locally doesn´t make sense for a foreigner.
Good news is, there´s plenty of activity as far as government or non government organizational aid projects, cultural foundation activities
or whatever you´re qualified for. Contact your embassy in Skopje for information BEFORE you come to Macedonia.


Thanks for the tips midnightingale!;)


As Mr. midnightingale has kindly said, the situation is not very good but there are vacancies in NGOs, international agencies and energy corporations. The unemployment rate is high, but that's why we need new jobs, new investments and new contacts.
Although the country is passing through a difficult period I believe it has one of the most stable financial results in the past 4-5 years in all of Europe. Moreover there's will for making improvements and I know many examples of hiring foreigners (experts in specific areas) who are living and working in Macedonia who are hired in order to share their professional experience with their Macedonian colleagues.
I believe that everyday living is harder for local people than for foreigners. From what I can see the number of foreign citizens is increasing every day. That speaks volumes of the conditions in the country.
I believe that if you like to visit the country you should do so and see for yourself what's going on and what remains to be done.
If anyone has any questions about finding their way in Macedonia don't hesitate to PM me :D

Have a good one!


Thank you for helping petarjankula! :)



hi, i am interested to find a job in macedonia because in this year  i finish uniersity and i want to have a job to work for myself so please if you can you might help me goodbye.


Hi mevlude,

Welcome to expat-blog!

Can you please write some words about yourself and more details about the kind of job you are looking for? :)




There are a number of people that I agree with on this board regarding employment here in Macedonia.  I am a U.S citizen living here because my husband is Macedonian and they are 100% right, the unemployment rate is high and finding a job is definitely not easy...it's about who you know...you don't have to be qualified in a position, but if you know someone...you'll have a position possibly.  I found a position working for another foreign company (British) after six months and it was definitely a who you know situation...don't get me wrong I have qualifications...education (MBA) and  years of experience for my current field....but it was like I was over qualified when searching for similar positions and finding a position in the embassy was not happening.  They weren't pointing me in the right direction as far as information either.  It kind of feels like if you are a U.S. citizen here not for government or military purposes but you've decided to live here you are on your own and have to figure it out yourself.  Also, don't expect to make U.S. money here (unless you are owning a business)...because the cost of living is significantly lower.  So...if you made 10,000 - 20,000 U.S. dollars here your are more than set :)...unlike a huge struggle in the states if you made that amount.

If you can find a niche and make it work here that would be better...but you also have to be very careful with that because I was told when starting this position that we needed to be secretive for the first 3 months due to people possibly wanting to sabotage you.  There are also truths to people not being paid for months.  I wasn't paid a part of my paycheck for two months but luckily we weren't hurting.  A friend of mine, who is American, came here to work as a teacher and they didn't pay her for three months and fed up she left because they weren't trying to pay her. There are also truths to the whole working for free deal...had a Macedonian friend that did that here and I thought she was joking....no pay while training and she was expected to stay there at least 90 days working for free.  The country has a lot of potential if they can get focused and worry less about building statues and more about creating jobs.  It's not a bad place to live at all if you can find or create employment.  I wish you luck.


Since I moved to Macedonia, I have been hired to do contract work in Iraq, Qatar, and Afghanistan, but never Macedonia. I have never had even a response from any job inquiry I made in Macedonia. I have not had a positive experience in job seeking there. I don't want to be negative, but that's the reality.


Hello Dear Mrs. Coops.

How does the job market going so far? I am looking for a job as well, but unfortunately as you said without connections is basically close to impossible to land one.
Does your company in Skopje has any vacancies at the moment for a foreigner?
I would appreciate the help.

Thx a lot


SERIOUSLY ??with salary 300 euro ??/month??


Hi tmorari and indepented,
Dobrien is correct. I live in Bitola and I work for foreign companies non of hich is Macedonian. I use this place cause geographically is convenient. Also, Life is cheap and quiet but extremely  sad and poor. You want to work in a place that lives under the remains of a past socialist country ( former Yugoslavia). Forget it. Look for another country. Any other is better.


I know
I live at Vancouver
a lot of people from Croatia-Serbia-Macedonia(fyrom)  -Albania -Kosovo --works and live here
they either never think to go back to their countries ---only for small vacation
I am from Greece -a lot of greek factories moves to Macedonia --reason of under table salaries--goverment is sold --and no one check them ---its like a black market