

Summer work 2015


Hi all thinking about moving to Malta for summer 2015.
I will be looking for bar work.
Is there many jobs for this in the summer?
Also what are flats rent prices like?
Also if anyone could also tell me who will take on for bar work in the summer to?
Also one last question when is the best time to move to Malta in the summer for work?

Thanks a lot any answers will be appreciated.


See also

Living in Malta: the expat guideAny Spanish speaking families in Malta?Moving to Malta 🇲🇹 for Nursing as a UK 🇬🇧 Nurseneed information regarding third country pharmacist registrationMeet for lunch?

Even working in a hotel anything at all!


Good morning and welcome. Now a suggestion.
Why don't you look around this blog, under the relevant sections, read the great advice and knowledge that is already there, then come back with specific questions? Do some research for yourself? It's usually the best way initially because only you knows exactly what it is you're looking for.
All that you ask has already been answered many, many times.
Do you have any experience of Malta at all?
Because you seem not to, going by the questions you ask.
If not then why Malta?
Happy reading and good luck.


they type of work you are asking about is seasonal...

so check out the seasons in malta....

and get here earlier than that to find work and a flat too as theyre generally cheaper out of season...

but be prepared for long hours low wages and potentially not "on the books"..... and be prepared to not find a jib immediately too

thousands of people go to malta to do exactly the same and its an employers paradise then.... and they will pay whatever they want to.